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"Introduction to Computer Science I" Specification for Assignment 09

COMP 1405 A/B/C  − "Introduction to Computer Science I"
Specification for Assignment 09
Internet slang has entered (relatively) widespread usage, evolving from its roots as an obfuscation
technique into a form of communication used principally to express dissatisfaction with the
performance of a teammate or to caption photographs of domesticated animals. For this assignment,
you will design and implement a program that translates from English to 1337 (i.e., leetspeak). You
will need to use functions to accomplish this, and if you are not familiar with the 1337 "language", you
In order to complete this task, you will need to:
• research (and select) some internet slang acronyms (e.g., BTW, LOL, OMG, FYI, AFAIK, etc.)
• research (and select) some homoglyphs (e.g., the use of "|-|" for 'H', "|3" for 'B', etc.)
Your submission for this assignment:
• must be a source code file with filename ''
• must include a main function that prompts the user for a string and removes all punctuation
• must include a function to replace lowercase letters with uppercase using ord() and chr()
• must include a function to replace at least four different words or phrases with acronyms
• must include a function to replace at least four different letters with homoglyphs2
• must have the main function call those described above, printing the return value of each
• must not use any built-in3 find, replace, encode, or translate functions to perform replacement
• may use indexing (i.e., [ ] ), slicing (i.e., : ), and the "in" operator, and the len() function
1 This function should have one string argument, one string return, and replace things like "BY THE WAY" with "BTW".
2 This function should have one string argument, one string return, and replace things like 'K' with '|<' or 'A' with '@'.
3 You are, however, encouraged to write your own versions of these functions as needed.

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