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Introduction to Computer Systems Homework 3

cs154: Introduction to Computer Systems

Homework 3

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(Example) (0 points)
From HW TA: This question is serving as an example. This question does not require you to answer
anything. How to interpret each line of assembly code is written next to it.
Manually decompile the following assembly code into two short C functions funcQ() and funcP(),
the prototypes of which are included as comments. You can ignore the .globl directives. Your code
should not use local variables (new variables declared inside the functions); the original C code (before
compilation) did not have any.
You decompile the assembly by using your brain, powered by your understanding of assembly (from lectures and Chapter 3). If asked a similar question during Exam 1 you will not be able to use a computer.
There is no single correct representation of a C function in assembly.
1 .globl _funcQ
2 _funcQ: # long funcQ(long x, long y), x is in %rdi as 1st argument, y is in %rsi as 2nd
3 imulq $3, %rsi # Multiply %rsi by 3, so %rsi becomes 3*y
4 imulq $2, %rdi # Multiply %rdi by 2, so %rdi becomes 2*x
5 addq %rdi, %rax # Add %rdi, which is 2*x, to %rax
6 addq %rsi, %rax # Add %rsi, which is 3*y, to %rax
7 ret # Return, value in %rax is returned
8 # so here funcQ essentially is "return 2*x+3*y"
9 .globl _funcP
10 _funcP: # long funcP(long r, long s, long t), r is in %rdi, s is in %rsi, t is in %rdx
11 testq %rsi, %rsi # Testq %rsi, %rsi does not change %rsi at all, it just
12 # places %rsi for the next jle judgement
13 jle foo # Jump to foo, if %rsi is <= 0, or s <= 0
14 # The code below is executed when s <= 0 is not fulfilled
15 movq %rdx, %rax # put %rdx in %rax, so %rax stores t now
16 movq %rdi, %rdx # put %rdi in %rdx, so %rdx stores r now
17 movq %rax, %rdi # put %rax in %rdi, so %rdi stores t now
18 callq _funcQ # call funcQ, and pass in %rdi (t) and %rsi (s)
19 # so essentially here we call funcQ(t,s)
20 # and once funcQ returns, the return value is stored in %rax
21 addq %rdx, %rax # add %rdx (r) to %rax (funcQ(t,s))
22 jmp bar # Jump to bar
24 foo: # The code below is executed when "jle foo" is fulfilled
25 # if (s <= 0)
26 movq %rdi, %rax # put %rdi in %rax, so %rax stores r now
27 movq %rsi, %rdi # put %rsi in %rdi, so %rdi stores s now
28 movq %rax, %rsi # put %rax in %rsi, so %rsi stores r now
29 callq _funcQ # call funcQ, and pass in %rdi(s) and %rsi(r)
30 # so essentially here we call funcQ(s,r)
31 # and once funcQ returns, the return value is stored in %rax
32 addq %rdx, %rax # add %rdx (t) to %rax (funcQ(s,r))
33 bar:
34 ret # return %rax
The original code was:
long funcQ(long x, long y) {
return 2*x + 3*y;
long funcP(long r, long s, long t) {
if (s <= 0) {
return t + funcQ(s, r);
} else {
return funcQ(t, s) + r;
(1) (10 points + 2 bonus points)
Consider the following assembly code:
1 .globl _loop
2 _loop:
3 xorq %rax, %rax
4 movq $5, %rdx
5 foo:
6 movq %rax, %rcx
7 movq %rdx, %rax
8 andq %rdi, %rax
9 orq %rcx, %rax
10 shlq %rsi, %rdx
11 testq %rdx, %rdx
12 jne foo
13 ret
The assembly code was generated by compiling C code with the following overall form:
long loop(long x, long n) {
long result = ___1___;
long mask;
for (mask = ___2___; mask ___3___; mask = ___4___) {
result ___5___;
return result;
Your task is to fill in the missing parts of the C code to get a program equivalent to the generated assembly
code. Recall that the result of the function is returned in register %rax. You will find it helpful to examine
the assembly code before, during, and after the loop to form a consistent mapping between the registers and
the program variables. The clarity of your answers below may be improved by mentioning assembly line
A. Which registers hold program values x, n, result, and mask?
B. What are the initial values of result and mask?
C. What is the test condition for mask?
D. How does mask get updated?
E. How does result get updated?
(Bonus) F. Fill in all the missing parts of the C code, by providing the entire contents of the 1 , 2 , etc
(2) (5 points + 5 bonus points)
Consider the following C source code, in which the constants R, S, and T have already been declared through
#defines (e.g. “#define R 2”):
int A[R][S][T];
long lkup(long i, long j, long k, int *dest) {
*dest = A[i][j][k];
return sizeof(A);
A. Generalize Equation (3.1) of the textbook (page 236 in Ed. 2, page 258 in Ed. 3) to give an expression for the address &(A[i][j][k]) of element A[i][j][k] in terms of xA = &(A[0][0][0]), L =
sizeof(int), indices i, j, k, and array sizes R, S, T. Your answer may not require all these variables
(xA, i, R, etc.), but it must include L.
(Bonus) B. When compiling the above C code to assembly, the result includes:
1 .globl lkup
2 lkup:
3 movq %rsi, %rax
4 leaq (%rax,%rax,5), %r8
5 imulq $60, %rdi, %rax
6 addq %r8, %rax
7 addq %rdx, %rax
8 movl A(,%rax,4), %edx
9 movq %rcx, %rax
10 movl %edx, (%rax)
11 movq $1440, %rax
12 ret
13 .comm A,1440,64
From the assembly code, determine the values of R, S, and T. To receive full credit you must explain your
answer with reference to the assembly line numbers. Be concise; you should not need more than roughly
100 words.
The three-operand form of imul (line 5) multiplies the value of the two source operands $60 and %rdi
and stores it in the destination operand %rax. It can be used if the first operand is a constant.
The “A” in “movl A(,%rax,4), %edx” on line 8 should be read as an immediate that has a symbolic
rather than an absolute value. Just like the targets of jump instructions have symbolic names that are turned
into numeric values later (e.g. “jle foo”), the address of array A can appear in the assembly. The last
“.comm” line is an assembler directive (rather than an assembly instruction) which indicates the size (1440)
and alignment restrictions (64) of A.

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