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Introduction to Computer Systems Homework 6

cs154: Introduction to Computer Systems

Homework 6

Submit your work by committing files in the hw6 sub-directory of your CNETID-cs154-spr-20 svn
repository. The filename should be either hw6.txt or hw6.pdf in plain ASCII text, or PDF, respectively.
PDFs of scanned hand-written pages must not exceed 6 megabytes. Not following directions will result in
losing points.
(1) (20 points)
This question concerns internal and external fragmentation in a simple computer with 10MB of
memory, using Dynamic Relocation (Base and Bound). Memory is used only with the granularity of megabytes, so for this question we can consider the physical addresses to be 0, 1, . . ., 9.
Processes P1, P2, and P3 require only 1MB, 2MB, and 3MB, respectively. However, for a new
to-be-run process, a contiguous span of 3MB will be allocated in the lowest possible addresses.
1MB of memory at address 5 is already in use (address ranges 0–4 and 6–9 are free). There is no
process migration. Consider the question parts below as a sequence (i.e. part B assumes that the
OS has dealt with the allocation requested for part A). Concisely explain your answers; a simple
diagram may help. Write “n/a” if there is no meaningful answer.
A. The user wants to run P1. Is there memory for it, and if so, in what address range will P1 be
B. The user next wants to run P2. Can P2 be loaded, and if so, in what address range?
C. The user next wants to run P3. Can P3 be loaded, and if so, in what address range?
D. After the OS tries to run P1, P2, and P3, what is the internal fragmentation for each of the
processes (P1, P2, and P3), and what is the total internal fragmentation?
E. After the OS tries to run P1, P2, and P3, what is the external fragmentation?
(2) (20 points)
Let’s travel back to the past where the computer only provides 8-bit addressing and 2 segments.
The segments are code and stack only. The code segment’s number is “0” and the stack’s segment
number is “1”.
Let’s suppose a process P1 is running and the segmentation table of P1 is as follows. (Do not worry
about bounds in this question).
Segment Base R W
Stack (1) 0x13 1 1
Code (0) 0x9A 1 0
A. Please convert the following memory accesses. We have provided you a table that helps you
convert logical addresses into physical addresses (“;” is just a column divider). Access can be read
(r) or write (w). In the last column, please put “S” for success and “E” for error.
For the “offset bits” column, please put the actual bits (not hexadecimal numbers). For example,
if you believe the offset width is 6 bits and the content is 0x17, then you need to write six bits
Access & Physical Success
logical Segment Offset Base Offset address or
address bit(s) bit(s) (in hex) (in hex) (in hex) Error
r 0xF4 = ___ | ________ ; ________ + ________ = ________ (____)
w 0x38 = ___ | ________ ; ________ + ________ = ________ (____)
r 0x12 = ___ | ________ ; ________ + ________ = ________ (____)
B. Given the architecture above, what is the largest possible size of a segment? You can answer
in any of the following forms: 2k bytes or X bytes/KB/MB/GB (where X is a decimal number).

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