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Introduction to Database Systems Project Milestone-1

CptS 451 Project Description 

CptS -451 Introduction to Database Systems

Project Milestone-1

In this milestone you will parse the Yelp JSON data and develop a simple database application. The goal
of this exercise is to get you started in database programming early on. In Milestone3 you will develop a
larger application with all required features.
Milestone Description:
1) Download the Yelp dataset from Look at each JSON
file and understand what information the JSON objects provide. Pay attention to the data items in
JSON objects that you will need for your application.
Download the sample JSON Parser program (C# or Python) from Blackboard (Project\Sample JSON
Parsing Code). These programs provides example code for:
o reading JSON objects form a file and extracting certain key and value pairs from JSON objects,
o writing extracted data into a text file.
Please note that the sample code includes examples of extracting simple key values only. In a JSON
object the key value can be an array or another JSON object (for example: hours), therefore you need
to recursively parse those objects until you extract all data stored in JSON objects. You will write the
code for parsing business, tips, user, and checkin JSON objects.
In yelp_business.json : Parse all keys except review_count, attributes, and neighborhoods.
In yelp_tip.json: Parse all keys.
In yelp_user.json : Parse all keys except review_count, compliments and elite.
In yelp_checkin.json : Parse all keys. (You need to aggregate the checkin information for the
hours of the day. See below.)
Both versions (C# and Python) provide the same functionality; you may start with either. However,
overall JSON parsing is easier in Python.
Parsing Check-in Data: The check-in objects include information about the number of check-ins for a
particular business . The keys in the check-in JSON objects are in the form of:
“hour of the day – day of the week”.
For example the key “9-3" corresponds to 9am-10am on Tuesday. (Day-0 is Sunday and day-6 is
Saturday; time values are based on 24hour clock (i.e., military time))
The value of a key corresponds to the number of check-ins at the corresponding time-of-day and day-ofweek. For simplicity, in your project you will aggregate the check-in information further and sum up the
checkin values for morning hours (6am-12noon), afternoon hours (12noon-5pm), evening hours (5pm11pm), and night hours (11pm-6am) (Assume start time of each interval is inclusive and end time is
exclusive.) Therefore, for each day of the week, you will have 4 check-in values instead of 24: morning,
afternoon, evening and night.
CptS 451 – SPRING 2017 Project Description Sakire Arslan Ay
Last Updated: 1/24/2017 2
2) Download the “milestone1DB.csv” file from the link
Create a database on MySQL with name “Milestone1DB” and create a table named “business”.
The schema of the business table should comply with the columns of the CSV file, i.e., there should be
an attribute for each column of the CSV file. Please define the type and domain of each attribute based
on the possible values that appear in the corresponding column.
The “milestone1DB.csv” file includes 3 columns: name (name of the business), state, and city.
Import the CSV file into this table by executing the following statement in the PostgreSQL command
line. Please replace <path with the directory path for the milestone1DB.csv file.
\copy business FROM '<path/ milestone1DB.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV
3) Write a simple application (either web or standalone) which connects to the Milestone1DB database
and runs simple queries on the business table. A sample screenshot for your milestone1 application
is shown below. The application will:
o list the states that appear in business table and allow user to select a state;
o when a state is selected, the zipcodes in that state will be listed;
o when a zipcode is selected the list of the businesses will be listed.
A video tutorial on how to establish connectivity with the PostgreSQL in C# using Npgsql will be
available on Blackboard.
You need to run the following queries on the business table:
FROM business
ORDER BY state;
FROM business
WHERE state= <selected state
ORDER BY city;
CptS 451 – SPRING 2017 Project Description Sakire Arslan Ay
Last Updated: 1/24/2017 3
FROM business
WHERE city= <selected city AND state= <selected state;
Milestone-1 Deliverables:
1. (40%) Source code for parsing all JSON data. Only submit your source code, not the data files.
2. (60%) Source code for your application. Only submit your source code, not the data files.
Create a zip archive “<” that includes your source code for JSON parsing
and your sample application. Upload your milestone-1 submission on Blackboard until the deadline.
1. Yelp Dataset Challenge,
2. Samples for users of the Yelp Academic Database,
3. Yelp Challenge, University of Washington Student Paper 1
4. Yelp Challenge, University of Washington Student Paper 2,

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