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Introduction to Database Systems Project Milestone-3

CptS 451 – Project Description 
CptS -451 Introduction to Database Systems
Project Milestone-3

Application Specification
The primary users for this application will be potential customers seeking for businesses. Using this application
the users can gather information about:
 the businesses in a particular state, city, and/or zipcode,
 the businesses that belong to certain categories,
 detailed information about businesses,
 ratings and popularity of businesses,
 the businesses that their friends visited and reviewed, etc.
You may design your application either as a standalone or a web-based application. Below you will find
screenshots to help you visualize the required functionality.
The application will have 2 main windows:
A. User Information:
Use Case:
1. The user enters his/her own user id and retrieves his/her user profile information including, name,
average stars, date he/she joined yelp, number of fans, average stars, and count of votes. The list of
the user’s friends and the latest tip each friend posted are displayed. User may rate one of his/her
friends or remove a friend. (See Figure-1)
CptS 451 – SPRING 2017 Project Description Sakire Arslan Ay
Figure 1 – User Information Window
B. Business Search:
Users can search for businesses which are within a certain state, city, and zip and which belong to the
selected categories. The application allows users to display some statistics about the businesses in the
search results and to retrieve various information about a selected business (See Figure-2)
Figure 2 - Search Businesses
Use Cases:
1. User selects a state, city, and/or zipcode and the business categories for the business in that
state/city/zipcode are displayed (you may be deducted points if you just list all categories). User
specifies one or more categories from that list; when search button is pressed the businesses in that
state/city/zipcode which belong to ALL specified categories will be returned (i.e., AND condition).
The following information should be provided for each business:
 Business name
 Address
 # of tips provided for the business
 Total number of check-ins
(Note: You should query the tips table to calculate the number of tips and number of check-ins
for each business and update those attributes in the business table.)
2. The user might refine the results according to the times the business is open/closed on a certain day
of the week. User specifies a day-of-week and a start and end time. All businesses that are closed
during the given time-slot are excluded from the results. Please note that if a business is closed
during part of the slot (but open during the rest), it should be excluded from the result. All filtering
on the results need to be implemented in SQL queries. No points will be given if you filter results in
the GUI when you display them in the list-view.
CptS 451 – SPRING 2017 Project Description Sakire Arslan Ay
If no time-slot is given, no filtering should be done.
3. The user may select a certain business in the search results (by simply clicking on a business) and
display various information about the business, including:
a. Show Check-ins: All check-ins for the business which are grouped by the day-of-the-week
and the time-of-the-day. For simplicity, you are asked to aggregate the check-in information
into morning (6am-12noon), afternoon (12noon-5pm), evening (5pm-11pm), night (11pm6am) intervals. (Assume start time of each interval is inclusive and end time is exclusive.)
Your application should visualize the number of check-ins for each day-of-the-week as a
chart. Please see Figure-3 for an example.
Figure 3 – Number of check-ins for the selected business
b. Show Tips: The tips provided for the selected business. For each tip, you should display the
name of the user who provided the tip, the date tip is provided, the number likes for the tip
and the tip text. You should display this information as a list (or table).
c. #of Business per Category: Number of business per category for the businesses that appear
in the search results. You should display this information as a chart. (see Figure-4)
Figure 4 – Number of businesses per category
CptS 451 – SPRING 2017 Project Description Sakire Arslan Ay
d. Avg Stars per Category: Average number of star ratings per category. Your application
should display this information as a graph.
Please note that all data displayed on the GUI should be kept in the database and should be retrieved from it
when needed. You are not allowed to create internal data structures to store data.
You may design your application either as a standalone or a web-based application.
Milestone-3 Details:
- Establish connectivity with the DBMS
- Write the SQL queries to search your database tables for the use cases described above.
- Embed/execute queries in/from the code. Retrieve query results and parse the returned results to generate
the output that will be displayed on the GUI.
- Implement the GUIs for the described use cases.
In evaluating your work instructor’s primary focus will be primarily on how efficiently you can search the
database and pull out the information. However your GUI should provide the basic functionality for easy
browsing of the business categories and attributes (as illustrated in the images). Creativity is encouraged!
Additional functionality will be considered for extra credit.
The response time for searches should be reasonably fast (in the order of seconds). You will need to create
indexes to speed up the searches on big tables.
- Please start this milestone a.s.a.p. (if you haven’t done so). Please reach out to the instructor if you have
any issues.
- PostgreSQL creates indexes for primary key and foreign key attributes. You might need to create additional
indexes to improve your query response times. (PostgreSQL syntax for creating indexes:
Try running your queries before you add any new index. If the response time for a particular query is longer
than 30-40secs, than create index(s) on join attribute(s) and/or search attributes of that query.
Testing your Queries:
You may test the correctness of the queries in your application as follows:
- Consider the input values for the query and choose the value(s) which will return a small number of results.
- Open the raw JSON file in an editor, and search for the objects that have the query search value(s).
- If the result you estimated from the JSON file matches the result of the SQL query, then your query should
be correct.
- Otherwise you should first make sure your database is populated correctly for the values you are testing
for. If your database is correct but there is a problem with the query itself, then you should break down
your query into multiple steps and verify that the intermediate results between those steps are correct.
Query: “Given a zipcode and one or more categories, find businesses which are located in that zipcode and
which are associated with all the specified categories.”
- To test this, decide on zipcode and some category name(s) that will give you a small list of results. First try
the query with a single category selection. Compare the number of businesses you count in the JSON file to
the number of businesses your query returns. Then try for two or more categories.
- Pick a few of the businesses your application lists in the results and search for them in the JSON file. Make
sure that they satisfy all the search and filter criteria, including categories, zipcode, open/close times (if
CptS 451 – SPRING 2017 Project Description Sakire Arslan Ay
Query: “Given a user find the friends of the user and list the latest tips provided by each friend. “
- To test this, pick a user who has a reasonable number of friends (up to 10). For each of the friends listed in
the user JSON object, check the tips JSON objects and look for the tip(s) by that friend that has the most
recent date (substitute friend id for userid when you search tips) Repeat it for each of the friends. Note that
if the user provided more than one tip on the same day and if those are the latest tips by the user, all of
those should be in the result.
Milestone-3 Deliverables:
1. The source code of your application. Please only upload your source code, not your DB files.
2. SQL script file that contains your main SELECT query for searching businesses and reviews. Also include
the CREATE INDEX statements for the indexes you used.
Create a zip archive “<” that includes your source code and the SQL script file.
Upload your milestone-3 submission on Blackboard until the deadline.
You will demo your final code to the instructor on April 24
th or April 25
. The demo schedule will be posted
before the deadline.
1. Yelp Dataset Challenge,
2. Samples for users of the Yelp Academic Database,
3. Yelp Challenge, University of Washington Student Paper 1
4. Yelp Challenge, University of Washington Student Paper 2,

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