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Introduction to Machine Learning Assignment 4

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CS 484: Introduction to Machine Learning
Assignment 4
Question 1 and 2
In 2014, Allstate provided the data on for the Allstate Purchase Prediction Challenge which
is open. The data contain transaction history for customers that ended up purchasing a policy. For each
Customer ID, you are given their quote history and the coverage options they purchased.
The data is available on the Blackboard as Purchase_Likelihood.csv.
1. It contains 665,249 observations on 97,009 unique Customer ID.
2. The nominal target variable is insurance that has these categories 0, 1, and 2
3. The nominal features are (categories are inside the parentheses):
a. group_size. How many people will be covered under the policy (1, 2, 3 or 4)?
b. homeowner. Whether the customer owns a home or not (0 = No, 1 = Yes)?
c. married_couple. Does the customer group contain a married couple (0 = No, 1 = Yes)?
Introduction to Machine Learning: Autumn 2020 Assignment 4
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Question 1 (35 points)
You will train a multinomial logistic model with the following model specifications.
1. Use all 665,249 observations for training the model
2. Enter the six effects to the model in the following order:
a. group_size
b. homeowner
c. married_couple
d. group_size * homeowner
e. group_size * married_couple
f. homeowner * married_couple
3. Include the Intercept term in the model
4. Use the SWEEP Operator method to identify the non-aliased parameters
5. The optimization method is Newton
6. The maximum number of iterations is 100
7. The tolerance level is 1e-8.
Please answer the following questions based on your model.
a) (5 points) List the aliased columns that you have identified in your model matrix.
['group_size_4', 'homeowner_1', 'married_couple_1', 'group_size_1 * homeowner_1',
'group_size_2 * homeowner_1', 'group_size_3 * homeowner_1', 'group_size_4 *
homeowner_0', 'group_size_4 * homeowner_1', 'group_size_1 * married_couple_1',
'group_size_2 * married_couple_1', 'group_size_3 * married_couple_1', 'group_size_4 *
married_couple_0', 'group_size_4 * married_couple_1', 'homeowner_0 * married_couple_1',
'homeowner_1 * married_couple_0', 'homeowner_1 * married_couple_1']
b) (5 points) How many degrees of freedom does your model have?
c) (20 points) After entering each effect into the current model, calculate the Deviance test
statistic, its degrees of freedom, and its significance value between the current model and the
previous model. List your Deviance test results by the model effects in a table.
Step Effect Entered # Free Parameter Log-Likelihood Deviance Degrees of Freedom Significance
0 Intercept 2 -595406.761884 Not Applicable
1 group_size 8 -594912.973584 987.577 6 4.34787e-210
2 Homeowner 10 -591979.082834 6855.36 8 0
Introduction to Machine Learning: Autumn 2020 Assignment 4
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3 married_couple 12 -591936.793833 6939.94 10 0
4 group_size * homeowner 18 -591809.754770 7194.01 16 0
5 group_size * married_couple 24 -591118.483588 8576.56 22 0
6 homeowner * married_couple 26 -591105.493177 8602.54 24 0
d) (5 points) Calculate the Feature Importance Index as the negative base-10 logarithm of the
significance value. If the significance value is zero, then assign Infinity to Importance. List your
indices by the model effects.
Effect Entered Importance
Intercept Not Applicable
group_size 209.3617234108572
Homeowner inf
married_couple Inf
group_size * homeowner Inf
group_size * married_couple Inf
homeowner * married_couple Inf
Introduction to Machine Learning: Autumn 2020 Assignment 4
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Question 2 (40 points)
You will train a Naïve Bayes model without any smoothing using all the observations in the
Purchase_Likelihood.csv. In other words, the Laplace/Lidstone alpha is zero. Please answer the
following questions based on your model.
a) (5 points) Show in a table the frequency counts and the Class Probabilities of the target variable.
insurance 0 1 2
Frequency Count 143691 426067 95491
Class Probability 0.216 0.64 0.144
b) (5 points) Show the crosstabulation table of the target variable by the feature group_size. The
table contains the frequency counts.
0 1 2
1 115460 329552 74293
2 25728 91065 19600
3 2282 5069 1505
4 221 381 93
c) (5 points) Show the crosstabulation table of the target variable by the feature homeowner. The
table contains the frequency counts.
0 1 2
0 78659 183130 46734
1 65034 242937 48757
d) (5 points) Show the crosstabulation table of the target variable by the feature married_couple.
The table contains the frequency counts.
0 1 2
0 117110 333272 75310
1 26581 92795 20181
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e) (5 points) Calculate the Cramer’s V statistics for the above three crosstabulations tables. Based
on these Cramer’s V statistics, which feature has the largest association with the target
Feature Cramer’s V
group_size 0.0271
homeowner 0.097
married_couple 0.0324
Homeowner has the largest Cramer’s V, thus homeowner has the largest association with the
target insurance.
f) (10 points) For each of the sixteen possible value combinations of the three features, calculate
the predicted probabilities for insurance = 0, 1, 2 based on the Naïve Bayes model that includes
features group_size, homeowner, and married_couple. List your answers in a table with proper
group_size homeowner married_couple Prob(insurance = 0) Prob(insurance = 1) Prob(insurance = 2)
1 0 0 0.227 0.627 0.145
1 0 1 0.214 0.637 0.148
1 1 0 0.205 0.654 0.140
1 1 1 0.193 0.663 0.142
2 0 0 0.238 0.614 0.147
2 0 1 0.225 0.624 0.15
2 1 0 0.216 0.641 0.142
2 1 1 0.204 0.651 0.144
3 0 0 0.250 0.601 0.148
3 0 1 0.236 0.611 0.151
3 1 0 0.227 0.628 0.144
3 1 1 0.214 0.638 0.146
4 0 0 0.262 0.587 0.150
4 0 1 0.248 0.598 0.153
4 1 0 0.238 0.615 0.145
4 1 1 0.225 0.625 0.148
g) (5 points) Based on your model, what value combination of group_size, homeowner, and
married_couple will yield the maximum odds value Prob(insurance = 1) / Prob(insurance = 0)?
What is that maximum odd value?
The max is 3.422 from 1,1,1 (group_size = 1, homeowner = 1, married_couple = 1).
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Question 3 (10 points)
You will calculate the Eta-squared statistic to measure the association between the interval target
MPG_Highway and the categorical feature DriveTrain which has three categories: All, Front, and Rear.
Instead of the original training data, you are given the following table of summary statistics.
DriveTrain Count Mean Corrected Sum of Squares
All 92 22.4673913043478 1574.9021739130400
Front 226 29.5044247787611 7794.4955752212400
Rear 110 25.0363636363636 983.8545454545450
Total 428 26.8434579439252 14074.5116822429000
SSW = 1574.9 + 7794.5 + 983.9 = 10353.3
SST = 14074.511
SSG = SST – SSW = 14074.511 – 10353.3 = 3721.211
Eta-squared = SSG / SST = 3721.211 / 14074.511 = 0.264
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Question 4 (15 points)
You live in the San Francisco Bay area where earthquakes are not uncommon. Your house has a security
alarm system against burglary, and it can be set off occasionally by an earthquake. Historically, there is
a 6% chance that your house will be burglarized and there is a 2% chance that an earthquake will occur
in your area. You can assume that the occurrences of burglary and earthquake are statistically
independent. Based on your experience, your alarm will sound if the following events have occurred.
Earthquake True True False False
Burglary True False True False
Probability that Alarm will sound 0.99 0.15 0.95 0.0001
Please calculate this quantity Prob(Burglary = True and Earthquake = False | Alarm Sounded = False), i.e.,
the conditional probability that your house has been burglarized but no earthquake has occurred
provided the alarm has not sounded.
Prob(Burglary = True and Earthquake = False | Alarm Sounded = False)
= Prob(Burglary = True and Earthquake = False and Alarm Sounded = False) / Prob(Alarm Sounded =
Independent so:
= Prob(Burglary = True) * Prob(Earthquake = False) * Prob(Alarm Sounded = False) / Prob(Alarm
Sounded = false)
= 0.06 * 0.98 * 0.05 / 0.05 = 0.0588??
Hmmm or
• Pr(A|B) = ( Pr(B|A) Pr(A) ) / ( Pr(B|A) P(A) + Pr(B|~A) P(~A) )
(((0.06 * 0.98 * 0.05)/(0.06*0.98))*(0.06*0.98))/((((0.06 * 0.98 *
= 0.155

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