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Introduction to Machine Learning Homework 4

COM S 474/574
Introduction to Machine Learning
Homework 4
1 Directions:
• Due: Thursday April 2, 2020 at 10pm. Late submissions will be accepted for 24
hours after that time, with a 15% penalty.
• Upload the homework to Canvas as a pdf file. Answers to problems 1-3 can be
handwritten, but writing must be neat and the scan should be high-quality image.
Other responses should be typed or computer generated.
• Any non-administrative questions must be asked in office hours or (if a brief response
is sufficient) Piazza.
2 Problems
Problem 1. [10 points] Ch. 8 #4 “This question relates . . . ” Note, in the book’s Figure
8.12, the split has <threshold corresponding to the left branch and ≥threshold corresponding
to the right branch.
Problem 2. [5 points] Ch. 8 #5 “Suppose we produce . . . ”
Problem 3. [15 points] Suppose we construct a decision tree (shown below) for the data
set in the following table, using the Gini index to select which features to split on. We want
to predict YHeart attack.
Fill in the missing values, including the branches (what feature is split on, such as Xmale),
the Gini index at each node, the number of samples at each node with Y = 0 and Y = 1,
and the predictions at the leaf nodes.
Show your calculations. Also report the training accuracy.
#Y = 0, #Y = 1
#Y = 0, #Y = 1
Yb =?
X? = 0
#Y = 0, #Y = 1
Yb =?
X? = 1
1. yes yes no yes yes
2. yes yes yes no yes
3. no no yes no yes
4. no yes no yes no
5. yes no yes yes yes
6. no yes yes yes no
Problem 4. [40 points] This problem uses the same data sets as homework 3. You should
be able to re-use code from homework 3, with only a few modifications. We will compare
boosting, bagging, and a single decision tree. If you are using Python, you can call
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
A. Make a scatter plot of the training (only training, not testing) data like in homework
3, with the decision tree classification function plotted using colors. Make plots for
max_depths of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10. In Python, you can call
B. Make plots of testing and training accuracies as a function of the depth, with the depth
ranging from 1 to 10. Report the best depth.
Remark: We are setting a parameter for the maximum depth, but the trees may
stop growing before reaching that limit. Your plots are based on the maximum depth
C. Next we will do bagging, where we randomly sample from the original data, fit a tree
to that data, repeat, and then combine the predictions of all the trees. In Python, you
can call
Make a scatter plot of the training data (only training, not testing) like in homework 3,
with the bagged decision tree classification function (fit using training data) plotted
using colors. Make plots for max_depths of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10. For each depth, use the
best num_trees value for that particular depth, from the set
Remark: even though the function is called RandomForestClassifier, setting max_
features=None results in allowing each tree to use any of the features (all two of them),
which is just bagging.
D. Also make plots of testing and training accuracies as a function of the depth (using the
best num_trees value for that depth), with the depth ranging from 1 to 10. Report
the best depth and corresponding number of trees.
E. Next we will do boosting, where we adaptively build trees to learn from the previous
trees’ mistakes. In Python, you can call
Make a scatter plot of the training data (only training, not testing) like in HW 3, with
the boosted decision tree classification function (fit using training data) plotted using
colors. Make plots for max_depths of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10. For each depth, use the best
number of trees and the best learning rate for that particular depth, from the sets
F. Also make plots of testing and training accuracies as a function of the depth (use the
best number of trees and the best learning rate for that particular depth), with the
depth ranging from 1 to 10. Report the best depth and num_trees value.
G. In about 4-6 sentences, comment on how the decision boundaries differ between single
trees, bagged trees, and boosted trees, how the depth affects (or not) the performance,
and how the regions and performance compare to methods from homework 3.
Problem 5. [30 points] The previous problem allowed us to visualize the prediction function
since we only had two features. Now let’s explore what happens on a data set with more
features. You should be able to use most of the same code as in the previous problem.
Download the files digits-train.csv and digits-test.csv. These come from a digit recognition data-set from The
first column in both files is the digit (‘0’, ‘1’, . . . , ‘9’) that we want to predict from the other
Note, for this data set, we will use most of the samples for testing. (This will allow us to see
a bigger contrast between the methods and have an accurate sense of how well the methods
will do on new data.)
A. Make plots of testing and training accuracies of a single decision tree, as a function of
the depth, with the depth ranging from 1 to 20. Report the best depth.
B. Make plots of testing and training accuracies of bagging as a function of the depth
(using the best num_trees value for that depth), with the depth ranging from 1 to 20.
Report the best depth and corresponding number of trees.
Like in the previous problem, use
For each depth, use the best number of trees for that particular depth, from the set
C. Next we will do random forests. Make plots of testing and training accuracies of random
forests as a function of the depth (using the best num_trees value for that depth), with
the depth ranging from 1 to 20. Report the best depth and corresponding number of
trees. Use
The argument max_features=‘sqrt’ results in a random, small subset of features
being considered for splits in each tree. For each depth, use the best number of trees
for that particular depth, from the sets
D. Make plots of testing and training accuracies for boosting as a function of the depth
(use the best number of trees and the best learning rate for that particular depth).
Report the best depth and num_trees value. Use
For each depth, use the best number of trees and the best learning rate for that
particular depth, from the sets
E. In about 3-5 sentences, comment on how the performance of the different methods and
how they varied as the maximum depth changed. (Although you do not have to hand it
in, if you re-plot the training accuracy curves of all methods together, and re-plot the
testing accuracy curves of all methods together, this may help your analysis.) Comment
also on if there were any noticeable differences in how long each took to complete.

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