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Introduction to Machine Learning Homework 5

COM S 474/574 Spring 2020
Introduction to Machine Learning
Homework 5
1 Directions:
• Due: Thursday April 16, 2020 at 10pm. Late submissions will be accepted for 24
hours after that time, with a 15% penalty.
• Upload the homework to Canvas as a pdf file. Answers to problems 1-3 can be
handwritten, but writing must be neat and the scan should be high-quality image.
Other responses should be typed or computer generated.
• Any non-administrative questions must be asked in office hours or (if a brief response
is sufficient) Piazza.
2 Problems
Problem 1. [10 points] Suppose we have trained the neural network displayed below. Each
of the hidden nodes uses the ReLU function
g(x) = (
x x > 0
0 x ≤ 0
as its activation function. For the input 



, what would the prediction Yb be?
Show your calculations.
−7 −4
Problem 2. [10 points] How many edges (and thus coefficients) are there in a network
with three input nodes for features X1, X2, and X3, one output node for Y , and the hidden
layers described below? Assume there are no bias nodes (nodes labeled “1” that send a
constant value to the next layer).
(a). one layer of 12 nodes
(b). 2 layers of 6 nodes each
(c). 6 layers of 2 nodes each
(d). 12 layers of one node each
Problem 3. [30 points] Consider the network shown below. The input features X1 and
X2 are both binary, taking values in {0, 1}. The single hidden node Z uses the step function
g(x) = (
1 x > 0
0 x ≤ 0
as its activation function.
For each of the data-sets below,
• specify a set of coefficient values that would result in the neural network achieving
100% accuracy.
• make a scatter-plot of the data, writing the Y value next to the data point, and draw
the decision boundary (corresponding to the coefficients you specified), labeling which
side is predicted as 0 and which side is predicted as 1.
• if there is no set of coefficients that can achieve 100% accuracy, use the scatter-plot to
explain why it is impossible.
X1 X2 Y
0 0 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 1
X1 X2 Y
0 0 1
1 0 0
0 1 1
1 1 0
X1 X2 Y
0 0 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 0
Remark: For this homework, we will use Scikit-learn’s implementation of neural networks.
Scikit-learn’s implementation should be fine for small scale projects, though for large scale
projects you will want to use other libraries. One popular choice is Pytorch https://pytorch.
org/tutorials/ or Keras with Tensorflow https://www.tensorflow.
We will examine the performance of different networks. If you are using Python, you can call
from sklearn.neural network import MLPClassifier
and then
using the following arguments
• hidden_layer_sizes=(5,2) // this example input would create two hidden layers
with 5 and 2 nodes nodes respectively.
• activation=‘relu’ // this is the non-linear function each hidden node applies to its
input. We will use rectified-linear, though you can experiment with how others perform.
• solver=‘sgd’ // this data set is small enough we do not need to worry about using minibatches or avoiding second order methods (eg estimate second derivatives). However,
we will still set up the classifier to do mini-batch gradient descent
With ’sgd’ selected, it automatically uses momentum (by default a version known as
nesterovs_momentum=True with momentum=0.9) this gives the updates “inertia” like
a ball rolling down a hill
• learning_rate=‘adaptive’ // it will decrease automatically when it senses accuracy
does not change much.
• alpha=0.001 // This is parameter for regularization to penalize large coefficients:
min Loss + α
• learning_rate_init=0.001 this is the η parameter that controls how big step sizes
• max_iter=200
• Unfortunately, dropout is not implemented in sklearn
Remark: For some settings, the training process may not converge within max_iter iterations. You may get convergence warnings, and that is ok. You can suppress warnings
import warnings
from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ConvergenceWarning)
Problem 4. [30 points] This problem uses the same data sets as homework 3. You should
be able to re-use code from homework 3 with minor modifications.
A. Make plots of testing and training accuracies as a function of the number of nodes in the
hidden layer (use a single hidden layer), with the number of hidden nodes ranging from
1 to 10. For each number of hidden nodes, use the best alpha and learn_rate_init
input parameters from the sets
alpharange = np.logspace(-6,0,5)
learnrateinitrange = np.logspace(-3,-1,3)
Report the best number of hidden nodes and its testing accuracy.
B. For the best number of hidden nodes you found above, make a scatter plot of the
training data like in homework 3, with the neural network classification function plotted
using colors. Use the best input parameters alpha and learn_rate_init you found
C. In about 2-5 sentences, comment on how the decision boundaries and accuracies are
similar or different than the methods used in HW 3 and HW 4.
D. Make a 3d plot of the training accuracy of a small neural network as a function of two
coefficients. A template for generating the 3d image will be available on canvas. After
training a neural network, you can modify the coefficients using
clf.coefs_[i][j][k] = ...
which is the coefficient of the edge from the jth node in the ith layer to the kth node
in the (i + 1)th layer. For three different pairs of edges, make 3d pictures and examine
them. For each pair, report which edges they correspond to and what the training
accuracy landscape looks like. For instance,
• are there areas of steep changes?
• are there flat areas?
• are there local maxima where the solver could potentially get stuck at?
You do not need to submit 2d snapshots.
Problem 5. [20 points] This problem uses the same digits data set as homework 4. You
should be able to re-use code from homework 4, with only a few modifications.
Standardize the data. In Python, you can use
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()
Fit the scaler to the Xtrain data, then transform both the Xtrain and Xtest data:
Xtrain = scaler.transform(Xtrain)
Xtest = scaler.transform(Xtest)
A. Make plots of testing and training accuracies as a function of the number of nodes in
the hidden layer (use a single hidden layer), with the number of hidden nodes ranging
noderange = range(5,100,5)
For each number of hidden nodes, use the best input parameters from the sets
alpharange = np.logspace(-6,0,4)
learnrate = np.logspace(-2,-0.5,4)
Report the best number of hidden nodes and its testing accuracy.
Report how this compares to results from HW 4.
B. Make plots of the training and testing accuracy as a function of the number of iterations,
from iteration 1 to 50, for that best number of hidden nodes. Use the corresponding
learn_rate_init, but set alpha=0.0. Also, instead of calling the
function, use
clf.partial_fit(Xtrain, ytrain,np.unique(ytrain))
within a for loop. That function will update the coefficients each time it is called.
Report at around which iteration does the training accuracy curve seem to flatten out.
At what iteration does the testing accuracy seem to flatten out?

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