Starting from:


IPC, Shared Memory, Semaphores, Message Qs and Signals

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able:
1. Work in a multiprocess environment
2. Work with IPC, Shared Memory, Semaphores, Message Qs and Signals
New mechanisms you will see and use include:
 system calls for the IPC mechanisms
 IPC: Manage, Compute, Report Suite
 compute START
 report [-k]
- manage sets up a shared memory segment and takes update requests
- compute checks for perfect numbers beginning at START
- report prints a summary of the results, and signals a shutdown if -k is given
Exit Status
All programs returns 0 on success and 1 on failure.
For this assignment you will write 3 related programs to"manage", "report",
and "compute" results stored in shared memory.You should hand in files
manage.c, report.c, and compute.c defs.h to implement the requirements
described below.
Compute's job is to compute perfect numbers. It takes one command line
argument, which is the first number to test. It tests all numbers starting at
this point, subject to the constraints below. There may be more than one
copy of compute running simultaneously.
Manage's job is to create and maintain the IPC elements: a shared memory
segment, a message Q, and a semaphore. The shared segment is where the
compute processes post their statistics and determine what to test. Manage
also keeps track of the active "compute" processes, so that it can signal
them to terminate. Manage is ultimately responsible for cleaning up the IPC
items it created when it terminates.
Report's job is to read the shared memory segment and report on the perfect
numbers found, the total number tested, and for each processes currently
computing the number tested, skipped, and found. It should also give a total
of these three numbers that includes processes no longer running. If invoked
with the "-k" switch, it also is used to inform the Manage process to shut
down computation.
The shared memory segment should contain the following data:
• A bit map large enough to contain 2^25 bits. If a bit is off it
indicates the corresponding integer has not been tested. The bits
are stored as 2^22 bytes.
• An array of integers of length 20 to contain the perfect numbers
• An array of "process" structures of length 20, to summarize data
on the currently active compute processes. This structure should
contain the pid, the number of perfect numbers found, the
number of candidates tested, and the number of candidates
skipped, since they had already been tested. "Compute" should
never test a number already marked in the bitmap.
• You may include a small number of other things in the shared
memory segment at your discretion. (eg. Manage's PID so report
can signal Manage, a process row accumulating statistics on
computes that have terminated, ..).
Compute processes are responsible for updating the bitmap, as well
as their own process statistics. However, because of the possible
conflicts, "manage" must initialize their process entry for each
compute process. You should use a message Q for "compute" to register
itself with manage by sending its PID. Manage will select a row and fill in the
PID field. This will be a one way communication. Compute blocks on a
semaphore after it sends, and compute unlocks the semaphore after it
initializes the row. Compute scans the rows for its own PID.
Similarly, "compute" must send "manage" any perfect number found, and
manage updates the array of perfect numbers and keeps them in order.
Perfect #
1234 500 20 1
There is no need for compute to wait after the send. The message type can
distinguish between a PID registrtion and a perfect number report.
Processes that hit the end should wrap around, but stop at their starting
point, and exec "report -k". All processes should terminate cleanly on INTR,
QUIT, and HANGUP signals. For "compute" processes this means they delete
their process entry from the shared memory segment and then terminate.
For "manage" it means it sends an INTR signal to all the running
computes, sleeps 5 seconds, and then deallocates the shared memory
segment, and terminates.
When the -k is flag is used on "report", report sends an INTR to "manage" to
force the same shutdown procedure after printing its report.
So that there are no conflicts between users, use the last 5 digits of your
phone number as a key for the shared memory segment. Also so as not use
up unnecessary resources during the debugging phase, use the ps, ipcs, and
ipcrm commands to make sure you have not left extraneous processes,
shared memory segments, semaphores or message Qs.
Perfect Number Found: 6 28 496 8128
pid(1203): found: 4, tested: 236136, skipped: 86651
pid(2271): found: 0, tested: 81896, skipped: 235899
pid(5876): found: 0, tested: 4764, skipped: 218030
Total found: 4
Total tested: 322996
Total skipped: 540590
As usual in /home/YOURID/cs551/lab4 manage.c compute.c report.c defs.h
Time is short. As a simplification you may store each bit as a 0 or 1
character byte, for a max grade of 90. Limit the number of “bits” to 2^22
(shared memory is limited). If you use this simplification, have manage print
out “Storing one bit per byte”.

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