Starting from:


Haskell functions that simplify navigating an elaborate maze.

1 Instructions
In this assignment, you will be required to write Haskell functions that simplify navigating an elaborate maze.
1.1 Data File Specification
An example of properly formatted file is shown in Figure 1.
( "llulrruul", [ "xxxxxxxxxx", "xxx-----1x", "xx--x----x", "x---x--xxx", "x-x-x-xx-x", "x-x------x", "x-----xx-x", "x--xg--x-x", "xx-x-----x", "xxxxxxxxxx" ] )
Figure 1: A properly formatted maze encoding
2 One Player, One Move
The first part (onePlayerOneMove in the file csce322homeWork03part01.hs) will take in two (2) arguments (the maze and a move) and returns one (1) value (the maze that is the result of Player 1 making the given move) . If the maze has already been solved, or the direction of the move is immediately blocked, the maze is unchanged. Otherwise, like the JavaScript assignment, the player keeps moving until the goal is reached, they reach a dead end (where the only open
move is “backwards”), or they occupy a spot with more options than just moving “forward” and “backward”.
( "llulrruul", [ "xxxxxxxxxx", "xxx-----1x", "xx--x----x", "x---x--xxx", "x-x-x-xx-x", "x-x------x", "x-----xx-x", "x--xg--x-x", "xx-x-----x", "xxxxxxxxxx" ] )
Figure 2: Before onePlayerOneMove
"Result" "xxxxxxxxxx" "xxx----1-x" "xx--x----x" "x---x--xxx" "x-x-x-xx-x" "x-x------x" "x-----xx-x" "x--xg--x-x" "xx-x-----x" "xxxxxxxxxx" ""
Figure 3: After onePlayerOneMove
3 One Player, Many Moves
The second part (onePlayerManyMoves in the file csce322homeWork03part02.hs) will take in two (2) arguments (the maze and a list of moves) and returns one (1) value (the maze that is the result of Player 1 making all of the give moves). If the maze has already been solved the maze is unchanged. If the direction of a move is immediately blocked, the maze is unchanged for that move.
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( "rllldlrdlrdul", [ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "x-xxx---x---xxx", "x--xx-x-x-x-xxx", "xx--x-------x-x", "xxxgxxxx -x-x--x", "x-x-x--x--xx-xx", "x-x----------xx", "x--x1xx -x--x--x", "x-------xx-x-xx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ] )
Figure 4: Before onePlayerManyMoves
"Result" "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" "x-xxx---x---xxx" "x--xx-x-x-x-xxx" "xx--x-------x-x" "xxx1xxxx -x-x--x" "x-x-x--x--xx-xx" "x-x----------xx" "x--x-xx-x--x--x" "x-------xx-x-xx" "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ""
Figure 5: After onePlayerManyMoves
4 Many Players , One Move
The third part (manyPlayersOneMove in the file csce322homeWork03part03.hs) will take in two (2) arguments (the maze and a move) and returns one (1) value (the maze that is the result of Player 1 making the given move). If the maze has already been solved, or the direction of the move is immediately blocked, the maze is unchanged. This differs from the first part in that there may be more than 1 player in the maze.
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( "lr", [ "xxxxxxxxxxxx", "x-------x--x", "x-x-x-x----x", "x---3--x--xx", "xx----xxx--x", "xx-xxx -2-x-x", "xx-----x---x", "xxx--xxxxx -x", "x-x---1-xx-x", "x-xx-xxxxx -x", "x-g---x----x", "xxxxxxxxxxxx" ] )
Figure 6: Before manyPlayersOneMove
"Result" "xxxxxxxxxxxx" "x-------x--x" "x-x-x-x----x" "x---3--x--xx" "xx----xxx--x" "xx-xxx -2-x-x" "xx-----x---x" "xxx--xxxxx -x" "x-x-1---xx-x" "x-xx-xxxxx -x" "x-g---x----x" "xxxxxxxxxxxx" ""
Figure 7: After manyPlayersOneMove
5 Many Players , Many Moves
The fourth part (manyPlayersManyMoves in the file csce322homeWork03part04.hs) will take in two (2) arguments (the maze and a list of moves) and returns one (1) value (the maze that is the result of Player 1 making the first move, Player 2 making the second...). If the maze has already been solved, or the direction of the move is immediately blocked, the maze is unchanged and the next player makes the next move.
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( "d", [ "xxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xx-x--x----1x", "xx-------x--x", "x-2-x--x-x-xx", "x-x-xxx--x--x", "x--4---x--x-x", "xxx3 -xx--x--x", "x-------x---x", "xg------x-xxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxx" ] )
Figure 8: Before manyPlayersManyMoves
"Result" "xxxxxxxxxxxxx" "xx-x--x-----x" "xx-------x1-x" "x-2-x--x-x-xx" "x-x-xxx--x--x" "x--4---x--x-x" "xxx3 -xx--x--x" "x-------x---x" "xg------x-xxx" "xxxxxxxxxxxxx" ""
Figure 9: After manyPlayersManyMoves
6 Naming Conventions
Your files should follow the naming convention of csce322homeWork03part01.hs, csce322homeWork03part02.hs, csce322homeWork03part03.hs, and csce322homeWork03part04.hs.
6.1 Helpers.hs
A file named Helpers.hs has been provided with the functionality to read the .emf files into matrices. If a modified Helpers.hs file is not included with your submission, the default will be used in its place.
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7 webgrader Note
Submissions will be tested with ghc. is currently running version 7.10.3 of ghc. If you would like to test things offline, you can load a file in ghci with the command :l filename.hs and run the main method on a given file with the command :main "/path/to/inputfile.bff"
8 Point Allocation
Component Points csce322homeWork03part01.hs Compilation 10 Test Cases 1×10 Total 20 csce322homeWork03part02.hs Compilation 10 Test Cases 1×10 Total 20 csce322homeWork03part03.hs Compilation 10 Test Cases 1×20 Total 30 csce322homeWork03part04.hs Compilation 10 Test Cases 1×20 Total 30 Total 100
9 External Resources
Learn Haskell Fast and Hard Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! Red Bean Software Functional Programming Fundamentals The Haskell Cheatsheet

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