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Assignment 5 Program called "infix.cpp"

In this assignment you will write a program called "infix.cpp", that uses a stack, implemented as a singly-linked list, to convert a postfix expression to the corresponding fully-parenthesized infix expression. Consider the following examples:

the postfix expression a b + c d - * will be converted to the infix ((a + b) * (c - d))
the the postfix expression a b + will be converted to the infix (a + b)
the postfix expression a b / c d / / will be converted to infix ((a / b) / (c / d))
for the postfix expression a b / c * + the program should print the error message "too many operators and not enough operand".
for the postfix expression a b c d / + e * f the program should print the error message "too many operands and not enough operators".
Notes: 1. Include one space between operands ( eg. a b c d ) and operator (eg. + - * /) in your input to the program.

2. The only operators to consider are +, -, * and /.

Your program should ask the user for a postfix expression as input, and it should output the corresponding fully-parenthesized infix expression. The program should also ask the user if he/she would like to do another conversion. If so, the user should be able to enter another posfix expression; otherwise the program should terminate. Also, the stack must be implemented using a singly-linked list. Your driver, infix.cpp, should include the definition and declaration files for the class STACK, stack.cpp and stack.h, respectively.

Your program should do error-checking. For example, if the infix expression is invalid (empty, too many operands, etc…), your program should print an error message stating so.

You should submit infix.cpp, stack.cpp, and stack.h. in a zip file called "assignment5" to Blackboard before the due date and time.

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