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Lab 05: A Maze Without Walls (part 1)

In this puzzle, you are given a grid of numbers, presented as a list of lists. the number in each grid
square tells you how many steps you can move in one direction. For example, from a square with a
number 2, you can move two squares up, two squares down, two square right, or two squares left.
The goal, like in a maze is get from a start position to an end position.
Represent the Puzzle
When dealing with a list of lists, if can get a little confusing about how to access individual elements.
If we have L = [[1,2], 3,4] , then L[0][1] is 2 . The first index is the row, starting from zero.
Increasing this index moves down the grid (this is also how matrices are indexed). The second index
is the column number, starting at zero. As a result, it makes sense to indicate a position in the grid
using a tuple (r, c) , where r is the row and c is the column.
We will build a puzzle class with the following ADT.
onboard(position) - return True if the (r,c)-pair position is within the bounds of the grid.
Return False otherwise.
__getitem__(position) - return the number stored in the (r,c)-pair position .
rdsolve(start, end) - return True if it is possible to get from the position start to the
position end using only right and down moves. Return False otherwise.
solve(start, end) - return True if it is possible to get from the position start to the
position end . Return False otherwise.
Start by writing a class called Puzzle and store it in a file called . Write an __init__
method that takes a list of lists of integers. It should store these lists internally. The initializer should
raise ValueError if the lists do not all have the same length (only rectangular puzzles are allowed).
Next, implement the onboard method to check if a given row and column (given as a tuple of ints)
is within the bounds of the input lists.
__getitem__ is great!
Often, we know roughly how we want code to work, before we write it. In this case, we want to make
a puzzle and then we'd like to look at the cells using a nice notation. We'd like code like the following
to work.
puz = Puzzle([[1,1,2],[1,1,0]])
assert(puz[0,2] == 2)
Note, we're putting the row and column in the square brackets. Python automatically turns pairs like
that into tuples, so puz[0,2] is the same as writing puz[(0,2)] , but it looks nicer without the
parentheses. To use square brackets with your own classes, you implement a magic method called
__getitem__ . Here is a toy example.
class Foo:
def __getitem__(self, index):
return index + 1
f = Foo()
In our case, the type of index will be tuple and it will have both a row and a column. A nice way
to unpack a tuple is to do the following.
mytuple = (5, 12, 13)
side1, side2, hypotenuse = mytuple
The above assignment creates three variables and assigns them the values of the three elements of
the tuple. In the case of row and column positions as tuples, we might write r, c = position .
This splits the tuple into two variables and is much cleaner than using indices: position[0] and p
osition[1] .
The Only Right and Down Version
To warm, up we're going to solve the problem when it's only allowed to move right and down. This
will be computed in the rdsolve method that tests if there exists a path from start to end using
only right and down moves.
As with all recursive algorithms, start with the base case.
Don't forget that you're stuck if you land on a zero that is not the end.
Now, the heart of any recursive solution is the realization that the problem can be reduced to a
smaller instance of the same problem. In this case, there are two possible positions you can get to
from the start position (by moving right or down). If there is a solution from either of these positions,
then there is a solution from start. This is a natural choice for recursion.
Now, implement solve .
This will be trickier than rdsolve because there is no chance of getting stuck in a loop if you only
move right and down. We will want to have a way to make sure that we don't get into the recursion
version of an infinite loop (which generally results in a RecursionError ). A handy trick to solve this
problem is to store a set that has all the positions we have already visited. Then, each time we visit
a new cell, we add it to the set. Each time we make a recursive call, we pass along this set of visited
positions. (Be careful to modify the set rather than making copies.) If the start position is already in
the visited set, we need not continue our search.
This approach is called memoization. That's not a typo. See the recursion chapter of the book for
more info.
The solve method will take the visited set as an argument. The default value should be set to N
one .
Important: The following is bad. Don't do it.
def solve(self, start, end, visited = set()):
The use of visited = set() is a common mistake. It might seem like a handy way to initialize vis
ited to an empty set, but it doesn't work twice. The problem is that this initialization happens only
when the function is defined and not every time the function is called without the visited
argument. The second time it is called, it will reuse the set from the previous call and you generally
don't want that. Instead, set the default to None and initialize visited to an empty set if it is None
A note about testing exceptions
Since the __init__ method should raise an exception if the input list of lists is not square, you
might be curious to know how to test this.
In the supplied test code you will find the following test.
def testinitcheckforrect(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Puzzle([[1,2], [1,2,3]])
This test uses the with keyword. This is an example of a context manager. The idea is to
introduce a block of code where some other code is guaranteed to be executed before and
afterwards. In this case, the assertRaises function gives a context manager that will catch the
expected exception and signal a failed test if it doesn't find it. The test passes if the exception is
You will also see context managers when reading files. In that case, the context manager is used to
make sure that files are closed properly after being opened.
For this lab, you should implement all the methods in the puzzle ADT given above. The methods sol
ve and rdsolve should be recursive and should run in linear time.

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