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Assignment 5: Binary Search trees and tree traversals

Assignment 5 
Objectives • Introduction to the Binary Search Tree ADT • More practice with templates • Introduction to tree traversals • Introduction to the Dictionary ADT. • Practice problem solving using ADTs.
Introduction In this assignment you will implement a binary search tree that is slightly different from the simple example we've been discussing in lecture. In this assignment, each node in the binary search tree will contain both a key and a value associated with that key. The elements in the tree will be ordered by the key stored at each node. After you've completed implementing the binary search tree, we will use that implementation to implement the Dictionary ADT. Finally, after completing the Dictionary implementation, you will use the Dictionary to implement a contact list.
Quick Start:
1. Read this entire document 2. Read bst.h carefully and implement functions in bst.h until all tests passed in bst_tester.cpp 3. Read dictionary.h carefully and implement functions in dictionary.h until all tests passed in dictionary_tester.cpp 4. Read contactlist.h carefully and implement functions in contactlist.h until all tests passed in contactlist_tester.cpp
Binary Search Trees Your binary search tree implementation will use templates to allow users of the tree to specify the type for both the key and the value. For example, the following code produces the tree shown below: BinarySearchTree<string, string t1;  t1.insert("a", "data1");  t1.insert("c", "data2");  t1.insert("b", "data3"); 
Since it is helpful to be able to visualize trees, you've been provided with the tree_view class, which takes a tree as a parameter. If you use the following code: tree_view<string,string v1(t1);  v1.dot_print(cout); It will produce a dot file1 to standard output. You can copy and paste that code into the following web page to get a picture of your tree like that shown above:
1 The .dot files are used as input into a program called dot which is part of the graphviz project. dot performs automatic layout of directed graphs. Trees are restricted versions of directed graphs, so we can use the tool to draw our trees.
 Pairs It is often helpful to be able to get a list of all the key/value pairs stored in the Binary Search Tree. In your assignment, you have to implement this method: list<pair<K,V  key_value_pairs() Which is to return a list of all the key/value pairs stored in the tree. Notice that this function is returning an instance of list from the standard template library. However, the list can only store objects of a single type, and we need to return key/value pairs. Fortunately, C++ includes a simple data structure named pair, whose only purpose is to store two items. The following code shows how to declare and create instances of pairs: #include <iostream  #include <utility  using namespace std;  int main()  {  pair<int,int p1 = make_pair(10,20);  pair<string, string p2 = make_pair("abc", "def"); 
cout << "pair p1 is: " << p1.first << ":" << p1.second << endl;  cout << "pair p2 is: " << p2.first << ":" << p2.second << endl; 
} Be careful when using nested templates, you must type: list<pair<K,V  not list<pair<K,V In this instance, the space between the two is important. When testing your code, you may find it useful to look at the trees the tester uses. A visual representation of each is provided at the end of this PDF.

Dictionary Once you've finished the Binary Search Tree, you will use it to implement a Dictionary ADT. The primary difference between the binary search tree interface and the dictionary interface is that the dictionary supports the use of the [] operator. For example: Dictionary<string,int d1;  d1["foo"] = 7;  if (d1["foo"] == 7)  d1["foo"]+= 1;  cout << d1["foo"] << endl;
The [] operator returns a reference to the value stored at the key. There are two scenarios when implementing operator[]: 1. The key specified is not currently in the tree. In this case, a new node is inserted into the tree with a default value and a reference to that default value is returned. 2. The key specified is currently in the tree. In this case, a reference to the value is returned.
Contact List The third part of the assignment is to use the Dictionary to create a simple contact list, like one that would be used in your phone. See the comments in contactlist.h for details.
Multi-file C++ Programs As in previous assignments, you've been given multiple files. This assignment has three “main” programs: bst_tester.cpp, dictionary_test.cpp and contactlist_tester.cpp In order to create the test program for binary search trees, type: g++ ­Wall bst_tester.cpp ­o bst To create the tester for dictionary, type: g++ ­Wall dictionary_tester.cpp ­o dictionary To create the tester for phone book, type: g++ ­Wall contactlist_tester.cpp ­o contact_list
 Part I
Implement functions in bst.h Read the comments in bst.h and implement the functions. When you've finished your implementation, the output of bst_tester.cpp should be: test_insert_size_height passed. test_insert_find passed. tree1_test passed. tree2_test passed. tree3_test passed. tree4_test passed. Passed: 6
Part II
When your implementation is complete, the output of dictionary_tester.cpp should be: test_one passed.  test_two passed.  Passed: 2 
Part III When your implementation is complete, the output of contact_list_tester.cpp should be: test_add_lookup passed.  test_lookup_update passed.  Passed: 2 
Submission Submit your bst.h, dictionary.h and contactlist.h using connex. 
 Grading If you submit something that does not compile, you will receive a grade of 0 for the assignment. It is your responsibility to make sure you submit the correct files.
Part I
Requirement Marks Your code passes the test cases in bst_tester.cpp Up to 6
Part II
Requirement Marks Your code passes the test cases in dictionary_tester.cpp Up to 2
Part III
Requirement Marks Your code passes the test cases in contactlist_tester.cpp Up to 2

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