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Project 2 Java program to parse language X

Project 2

This project specification is subject to change at any time for clarification. For this project you will
be writing a Java program to parse language X. Language X is similar to the C language, but is
simpler and slightly different. For this program you will be reading in an X language file and
converting it to a syntax highlighted XHTML version. A CSV file will describe the font and color
settings for the XHTML output file. The CSV file will have a .csv extension and the X language
file will have a .x extension. You will be creating several classes that will solve the various portions
of the problem, and reusing the classes developed in Project 1.
X Programming Language
The following EBNF describes the X language. The Non-terminals on the right are identified by
italics. Literal values are specified in bold. The operators not in bold or italics describe the options
of the EBNF. These operators are {} for repetition, [] for optional, () for grouping, and | for or.
EBNF Rules:
Program := {Declaration} MainDeclaration {FunctionDefinition}
Declaration := DeclarationType (VariableDeclaration | FunctionDeclaration)
MainDeclaration := void main ( ) Block
FunctionDefinition := DeclarationType ParameterBlock Block
DeclarationType := DataType Identifier
VariableDeclaration := [= Constant] ;
FunctionDeclaration := ParameterBlock ;
Block := { {Declaration} [(Statement {Statement} {FunctionDefinition})] }
ParameterBlock := ( [Parameter {, Parameter}] )
DataType := IntegerType | FloatType
Constant := IntConstant | FloatConstant
Statement := Assignment | WhileLoop | IfStatement | ReturnStatement |
(Expression ;)
Parameter := DataType Identifier
IntegerType := [unsigned] ( char | short | int | long )
FloatType := float | double
Assignment := Identifier = {Identifier =} Expression ;
WhileLoop := while ( Expression ) Block
IfStatement := if ( Expression ) Block
ReturnStatement := return Expression ;
Expression := SimpleExpression [ RelationOperator SimpleExpression ]
SimpleExpression := Term { AddOperator Term }
Term := Factor { MultOperator Factor }
Factor := ( ( Expression ) ) | Constant | (Identifier [ ( [ Expression {,
Expression}] ) ] )
RelationOperator := ( == ) | < | > | ( <= ) | ( >= ) | ( != )
AddOperator := + | -
MultOperator := * | /
ECS140A FQ20 October 22, 2020
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Token Rules:
Identifier := ( _ | Alpha ) { ( _ | Digit | Alpha ) }
IntConstant := [ - ] Digit { Digit }
FloatConstant := [ - ] Digit { Digit } [ . Digit { Digit } ]
Digit := 0 – 9
Alpha := A – Z | a - z
The X programming language allows for nested function declarations. Variables and functions
must be declared before they are referenced or called. Identifiers have the same scoping rules as
C. An identifier may only be declared once per block but may be declared more than once per file.
Output XHTML
The output XHTML will output the X language file with fonts and colors specified by the CSV
file. All token types that are not specified in the CSV file will be assumed to be the same as the
browser defaults. The token classes are IntConstants, FloatConstants, Keywords, Operators,
Variables, and Functions. The keywords of language X are: unsigned, char, short, int,
long, float, double, while, if, return, void, and main. The operators of language X
are: (, ,, ), {, }, =, ==, <, >, <=, >=, !=, +, -, *, /, and ;. All Variable and Function references
must link back to the declaration of the Variable or Function. Each nested block should be indented
another level, the amount of indention will 4 spaces.
Input CSV File
The input CSV description file describes the formatting to be used for the XHTML file. The
default will be specified by the DEFAULT ELEMENT_TYPE. The attribute types are:
FOREGROUND, and STYLE attributes set the global background color, foreground color and
font face for the output XHTML. The indention is 4 spaces for each nested block. The
FOREGROUND and STYLE may be specified for the token types: FUNCTION, VARIABLE,
of CSV formatting file.
DEFAULT,navy,yellow,,"Courier New"
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Suggested Approach
1. Write a class that will open and read the .csv file as specified on the command line. You
should use your CSVParser class from Project 1. Make sure you can determine the
formatting for each element type.
2. Use your Scanner class from Project 1 to write a recursive descent parser class that will
parse the .x file by making repeated calls to the getNextToken() method. (You may
need to use peekNextToken() to look ahead in some instances.) This class should
implement one method per EBNF rule. It should also be able to validate that the .x file
does conform to the grammar specified. If an error is found in the .x file, the line number
of the error and the grammar rule where the error was found should be printed with an
appropriate message. A working example is available on the CSIF to test against.
3. Using the classes written in steps 1 and 2, write a program that reads in a .x source file and
a .csv file and outputs the XHTML formatting. The colors and styles of tokens in the
XHTML file should match the specification in the .csv file. In addition, references to
variables and functions in the source file should be hyperlinks back to their respective
declarations. Do not worry about matching overloaded functions with appropriate call, just
link back to the function that would be in current scope as if it were a variable. The XHTML
should be a valid HTML that can be loaded into any web browser and viewed. You will
probably need to begin your XHTML with:<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD
XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "
You may also need to have attributes in your html element. So it should look like:
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
Examples of valid input files .x and .csv files are in /home/cjnitta/ecs140a/proj2 on
the CSIF. Scripts that run the example classes can be found there too. All scripts take one argument
except for which takes two arguments, the format CSV file and then the X file
to format. Your code will be tested on the CSIF and is expected to compile and run on the CSIF.
You must submit the source file(s), a Makefile, and README.txt file, in a tgz archive. Do a
make clean prior to zipping up your files so the size will be smaller. You will want to be in the
parent directory of the project directory when creating the tgz archive. You can tar gzip a directory
with the command:
tar -zcvf archive-name.tgz directory-name
You should avoid using existing source code as a primer that is currently available on the Internet.
You must specify in your readme file any sources of code that you have viewed to help you
complete this project. You must also provide the URL any code sources in comments of your
source code. All class projects will be submitted to MOSS to determine if students have
excessively collaborated. Excessive collaboration, or failure to list external code sources will result
in the matter being referred to Student Judicial Affairs.
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Helpful Hints
• The use of peekNextToken()will be helpful in some instances where it isn’t clear what
the next rule should be parsed. The language is designed so that only a single look ahead
is necessary.
• Obviously, a hash table of some form should be used for the symbol table, but there are
two clear options for handling of the scope blocks. Either a stack (or list) of hash tables can
be used for the blocks, or a hash table list values could be used. Using a stack of hash tables
makes the cleaning up of the scope easy when the block ends but requires traversing
through the outer scope hash tables if the symbol is not found in the inner table. Using a
hash table of list values makes finding the correct symbol easy but complicates the scope
cleanup when the block ends.
• In order to implement the X formatter there are two general approaches. One is to use an
observer pattern that observes the parsing
of your class developed in step 2. You can create an observer interface that has methods to
notify of beginning/ending of parsing and rules, as well as parsing of a token and if there
is an error. The formatter would then just need to implement the observer interface.
Another option is to subclass the X parser and to call the equivalent super method after any
pre work is completed, and any post work can be done after the method returns. There are
advantages/disadvantages to both approaches.

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