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Hash Table Implementation of a Concordance-Assignment 6 Solution

Hash Table Implementation of a Concordance
In  this  assignment  there  will  be  a  programming  portion  and  a  written  portion.
PROGRAMMING For  this  assignment,  you  will  complete  the  hash-­map  with  chaining  as  specified  by the  provided  header  file.  Chapter  12  and  worksheet  38  will  be  good  resources  for completing  this  assignment.  After  completing  the  hash-­map  implementation  you will  write  a  concordance  program  in  your  main.c.  A  concordance  counts  the  number of  occurrences  of  each  word  in  a  document.  For  this  assignment,  we  will  work  with text  files. There  are  three  files  to  work  with  for  the  programming  portion:
main.c  is  where  you  will  write  the  concordance  code. hashMap.h  the  header  file  which  defines  structs  and  public  functions  for  your hash  table  and,  explains  the  purpose  of  each  function.  Notice  that  there  is  a variable  HASHING_FUNCTION  which  determines  which  hashing  function should  be  used  in  hashMap.c  Your  code  should  check  this  value  to  determine which  hashing  function  to  use.  HASHING_FUNCTION==1  means  use stringHash1  and  HASHING_FUNCTION==2  means  use  stringHash2. hashMap.c  a  mostly  empty  implementation  file  which  you  will  fill  in  with  your code. Makefile  Remember  to  rename  this  from  Makefile.txt  to  makefile  when  you 'save  as'.
You  will  be  making  changes  to  main.c  and  hashMap.c.  Do  not  make  changes  to hashMap.h There  are  three  functions  provided  to  you: getWord(FILE*)  will  parse  out  the  next  word  from  the  file  for  you.  Read the  description  of  the  function  in  the  comments  inside  main.c  for  more information. stringHash1(char*)  is  the  first  function  you  will  use  for  converting  a  key into  an  integer  hash  index.  This  function  is  located  in  the  provided  hashMap.c. stringHash2(char*)  is  the  second  function  for  computing  an  integer  hash index,  part  of  your  job  will  be  to  explain  why  stringHash2  is  better  then stringHash1.  This  function  is  located  in  the  provided  hashMap.c.
There  is  some  code  in  the  main  function  for  giving  you  timing  information  as  well. You  should  not  need  to  change  anything  in  order  to  use  it.  The  purpose  of  the timing  information  will  be  made  clear  in  the  questions  section. The  worksheets  and  the  function  explanations  should  provide  the  information needed  to  complete  this  assignment,  except  for  some  more  details  on  what  a concordance  is. Concordance The  job  of  the  concordance  is  to  count  how  many  times  each  word  occurs  in  a document.  You  will  implement  a  concordance  using  a  hash  table  implementation  of the  Map  interface.  In  this  implementation,  the  hash  table  will  store  hashLinks  which consist  of  a  key,  value,  and  pointer  to  the  next  link  in  the  chain.  The  keys  are  the words  and  the  values  are  the  number  of  occurrences  of  each  word.
You  are  provided  with  a  function  to  retrieve  words  from  a  FILE  pointer.  It  is  your job  to  open  this  file  (fopen())  and  close  this  file  (fclose())  but  the  reading  of  the  file will  be  handled  for  you  inside  of  getWord.  For  help  with  fopen()  and  fclose()  see the  slides  posted  on  the  schedule  for  the  recitation  day. Your  concordance  will  run  a  loop  until  the  end  of  the  file  is  reached.  In  the  loop, you  will:
1. Read  in  a  word  with  getWord(). 2. If  the  word  is  already  in  your  hash  table  then  increment  it's  number  of occurrences. 3. If  the  word  is  not  in  your  hash  table  then  insert  it  with  an  occurrence  count  of 1.
After  processing  the  text  file  into  your  concordance  you  will  print  all  the  words  in your  hash  table.  Please  print  the  words  in  the  following  form  with  only  one  word  on each  line: for  the  input  file  of:  It was the best of times, It was the worst of times. best: 1 It: 2 was: 2 the: 2 of: 2 worst: 1 times: 2 You  may  choose  any  order  in  which  to  print  the  words. Challenge- Extra credit ( 10 points) There  are  a  lot  of  uses  for  a  hashMap,  and  one  of  them  is  for  implementing  a spell-­checker.  All  you  need  to  get  started  is  a  dictionary. Dictionary spellcheck.c Inside  spellcheck.c  you  will  find  some  code  to  get  you  started,  but  it  should  look very  much  like  main.c Written Questions Your  written  questions  will  be  handed  in  electronically,  preferably  as  comments  on the  TEACH  turn-­in  page,  just  cut  and  paste  from  your  preferred  editor.
1. Give  an  example  of  two  words  that  would  hash  to  the  same  value  using stringHash1()  but  would  not  using  stringHash2(). 2. Why  does  the  above  make  stringHash2()  superior  to  stringHash1()? 3. When  you  run  your  program  on  the  same  input  file  but  one  run  using stringHash1()  and  on  the  other  run  using  stringHash2().  Is  it  possible for  your  size()  function  to  return  different  values? 4. When  you  run  your  program  on  the  same  input  file  using  stringHash1() on  one  run  and  using  stringHash2()  on  another,  is  it  possible  for  your tableLoad()  function  to  return  different  values? 5. When  you  run  your  program  on  the  same  input  file  with  one  run  using stringHash1()  and  the  other  run  using  stringHash2(),  is  it  possible  for your  emptyBuckets()  function  to  return  different  values? 6. Is  there  any  difference  in  the  number  of  'empty  buckets'  when  you  change the  table  size  from  an  even  number,  like  1000  to  a  prime  like  997  ? 7. Using  the  timing  code  provided  to  you.  Run  you  code  on  different  size  hash tables.  How  does  affecting  the  hash  table  size  change  your  performance?
Rubric for assignment 6: (Total 100 points) Compile and Style: 20 points Concordance: 20 hash map: 50 Written questions: 10 Extra Credit Challenge (SpellChecker): 10
What to submit 1. main.c 2. hashMap.c 3. spellcheck.c (optional) 4. The  answers  to  the  written  questions  as  either  a  teach  comment  or  .pdf

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