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 Data Structures Project 7

1. [70 Points] Create all the methods and fields to implement the adjacency list based data structure for
storing a graph. You will create a class GraphAdjList with fields and methods as follows (Note that you
may have additional fields and methods as needed).
a. Non-empty constructor that takes in the number nodes and edge of the graph
b. ostream operator that prints the adjacency list
c. destructor
d. addEdge (int x, int y) – add an edge between vertex x and vertex y
e. dfs (int x) where x is the staring node and its output is a parent array which represents the depth
first search tree (if it returns a ParentMultiTree class object you get a bonus of 10%)
f. bfs (int x) where x is the starting node and its output is a parent array which represents the
breadth first search tree (bonus 15%)
2. [20 Points] Demonstrate the working of all the methods.
3. [10 Points] Document your project thoroughly as the examples in the textbook. This includes but not
limited to header comments for all classes/methods, explanatory comments for each section of code,
meaningful variable and method names, and consistent indentation.
Project Description
The input to your project will be as follows: The first line of input will be number of vertices n and number of
edges m in the graph. This line of input will be followed by m lines of input. Each line of input will have two
integers representing an edge.
Class Structures
You are required to implement the following class structure along with the implementation of the methods
associated with each of them.
template <class DT
class GraphAdjList {
list<DT* adjList;
int n; // Number of nodes
int m; // Number of edges
//All the required methods
1. In this project you can use the libraries from the Standard Template Library.
2. None of the projects is a group project. 

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