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Homework 3: Streams

All you will be doing in this homework is get some practice with streams and stream computing. By now,
you should be already familiar with the SML environment. Submit a single text file (.sml extension) with
your answers. Do respect the name of the functions to ease grading. The problem statements are pretty
short and the answers are even shorter. But it will take you some time to absorb this way of thinking. The
questions are scaffolded, therefore I strongly suggest that you handle them in order.
1 Introduction
Consider the SML infinite stream data type as defined in class, namely:
datatype ’ a Stream = Nil
| Cons o f ’ a ∗ ( u ni t − ’ a Stream ) ;
exception Bad o f s t r i n g ;
fun from s e e d next = Cons ( seed , fn ( ) = from ( next s e e d ) nex t ) ;
fun head ( Nil ) = ra is e Bad ( ” g o t n i l i n head ” )
| head ( Cons ( a , b ) ) = a ;
fun t a i l ( Nil ) = ra is e Bad ( ” g o t n i l i n t a i l ” )
| t a i l ( Cons ( a , b ) ) = b ( ) ;
fun t a ke 0 stream = n i l
| t a ke n ( Nil ) = ra is e Bad ( ” g o t n i l i n t a ke ” )
| t a ke n ( Cons ( h , t ) ) = h : : ( t a ke ( n−1) ( t ( ) ) ) ;
Note: do not copy-paste from the above into a text file as you are likely to pick up non-ascii characters –e.g.,
single quotes – that will throw off the SML interpreter. You are far better off simply retyping that!
Recall that Stream is merely an SML abstract data type featuring two constructors. The Nil constructor is
useful to create an empty stream (in case something goes horribly wrong and you wish to return a dummy
stream for instance). The Cons constructor is useful to encapsulate a stream state based on a seed and
a delayed expansion function (the sleeping beauty!) that contains a generator. The from function is the
user-visible stream creation utility. It takes two arguments:
• a numerical seed: seed
• a generator function next which, given the k
th value produces the (k + 1)th value of the stream.
Closely observe how the implementation of from packages the seed with an anonymous SML function that
effectively delays the construction of a new stream tail. The new stream is simply the suffix of the current
stream obtained from an invocation of next generator on the current seed. The construction of from is
not obvious and I enjoin you to carefully read the code and experiment with the SML interpreter before
attempting the questions below.
The head and tail functions are helper functions to retrieve the current seed of a stream, or the suffix
(another stream) of the current stream. Note how tail triggers an evaluation of the delayed construction
embedded in from by sending the special “no value” (a double parenthesis) to b. Finally, take is a utility
function that extracts the first n elements from a stream s. In a sense, it boils down to a repeated application
of tail. Once again, please, do study the code before considering the questions below.
The questions below (8 of them) are highly scaffolded to help you complete the homework. I strongly
suggest doing them in the order they appear.
Question 1
Solve the following exercises
1. Write an SML statement that binds the infinite stream of the non-negative naturals (as reals), i.e.,
[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .... to nat (In class we did a stream of natural numbers!). Namely it should look like the
val nat = ...
2. Write an SML statement that binds the infinite stream of ones (as reals),namely, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, .....
to the SML variable one. Namely it should look like the following
val one = ...
3. Write an SML statement that binds the infinite stream of zeroes (as reals), namely, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, .....
to the SML variable zero. Namely it should look like the following
val zeroes = ...
4. Write an SML statement that binds the infinite stream [1.0, −1.0, 1.0, −1.0, 1.0, .... (i.e., a stream of
1.0 with alternating signs) to the SML variable alt. Recall that in SML the unary minus is written ˜.
Namely it should look like the following
val alt = ...
Note how the take function must works fine with all your streams. For instance, a call
take 5 nat
should produce [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
Question 2
Write an SML function which, given two streams a and b produces the stream [a0 · b0, a1 · b1, ... where ·
denotes the multiplication. Your function should have the following API
fun mul a b = ...
And it should, of course, return a value of type real Stream when passed two inputs of the same type. Note
how the function is specified in curried style.
Question 3
Write an SML statement that produces a stream named fs holding the infinite factorial stream. Namely, the
stream [0!, 1!, 2!, 3!, 4!.... is none other than [1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 6.0, 24.0, 120.0, 720.0, 5040.0, 40320.0, 362880.0, ....
Note that your implementation cannot make use of any traditional implementation of the factorial function.
Instead, it must rely on the following observation:
Multiplying the two streams:
[1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , ....
[0! , 1! , 2! , 3! , 4! , 5! , ....
produces the stream
[1! , 2! , 3! , 4! , 5! , 6! , ....
Namely, it uses the well-known identity n! = n · (n − 1)! but does not recompute every term from scratch
each time! As expected, you know the base case, namely, 0! = 1.
Question 4
Write an SML function weave that takes two streams as input and produces a new stream that interleaves
the two source streams. For instance, for the inputs:
[1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , ....
[0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ....
The output should be the stream:
[1 , 0 , 2 , 0 , 3 , 0 , ....
The definition should start as below
fun weave a b = ...
Question 5
Write an SML function px that takes a single argument x (type real) and produces the stream of all powers
of x. Namely, it produces [1, x, x2
, x3
, ..... (Recall that x
0 = 1). Note that once again you are not supposed
to recompute each term from scratch (and you should not be using the power function built into the SML
basis library). The API would be
fun px x = ...
Question 6
Write an SML function frac which, given a stream s computes the stream of the inverses of s. Clearly, for
the input [s0, s1, s2, s3, ... it produces
, ....
Question 7
Consider the infinite Taylor expansion for e
. Namely
x ≈ 1 + x +
2! +
3! +
4! + ...
Write an SML statement that binds coefs to an infinite stream representing the coefficients of the expansion of e
. Clearly, the stream should be [1, 1,
2! ,
3! , ..... Finally, use your auxiliary functions defined earlier
to write an SML function eval which, given a stream s of coefficients, a value x and an order n computes
the expansion of e
to the n
th term using only infinite series defined earlier, the function take and
possibly a higher-order like foldl.
Note that with coef = [c0, c1, c2, ... and x, you can define the infinite streams
p(x) = [1, x, x2
, x3
, ....
as well as
terms(x) = coef · p(x)
The API of eval should be
fun eval s x order = ....
where s is the stream of coefficients, x is the value at which to evaluate the polynomial and order is the
number of terms to include. Finally, armed with your eval function write an SML function ex that computes
the approximation of e
to the 10th order.
Question 8
Repeat the process of question 7 for the Taylor expansion of
cos(x) ≈ 1 −
2! +
4! − ...
Note that your eval function is completely reusable, as well as the vast majority of auxiliary functions you
Have fun!

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