Practice your x86 assembly skills by manipulating stacks and pointers
Assignment: ~~~~~~~~~~~
You need to finish the implementation of two functions: check and reverse
You should be able to clone, compile, test, and push on either Linux or MacOS but your final submission needs to work correctly on the CS Linux machines.
int check(Node* head); void reverse(Node* head);
"check" takes a single argument which is a pointer to the first node in a linked list and returns an integer value. The returned value is either:
* -1 if the list contains a cycle (loops on itself) * number of nodes in the list if the list is linear (doesn't contain a cycle)
You can't make any assumptions about the number of nodes in the list.
There is a neat trick to help you find a cycle in a linked list. Please feel free to discuss the algorithm on Piazza without sharing code.
"reverse" takes a single argument which is a pointer to the first node in a linked list and reverses the contents of the list in-place by replacing the values in the nodes not by manipulating the pointers.
For example, if the original list contained [1, 2, 3], calling reverse on the list will move the values around and make it contain [3, 2, 1]
Each node in the list contains 8 bytes. The first 4 bytes are a pointer to the next node in the list and next 4 contain an integer value.
Files you're allowed to change: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
func.s -- contains the implementation of check and reverse
Files you're supposed to leave alone: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Makefile -- rules for compiling and running the program prog.c -- the main program
To compile: ~~~~~~~~~~~
To run test: ~~~~~~~~~~~~
make clean test
To make the output less noisy: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~