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Homework 2 Initial arm configuration

CS4610/CS5335: Homework 2

(a) (b)
Figure 1: Illustration of Q1. (a) initial arm configuration. (b) end effector
in desired position.
PA Q1: In this question, you’re going to use an RRT to find a collision free
path from a given start configuration to a goal configuration where the end
effector is at a desired position. Your function will take as input a robot
(encoded as a SerialLink class), a starting arm configuration (encoded as a
1x4 vector of joint angles), and a desired position (encoded as a 3x1 vector).
The output should be a series of milestones that achieve a collision free path.
This function should work for arbitrary desired positions.
You should use the RTB functions to calculate the forward kinematics
of the arm as needed. No two milestones should be more than 0.5 distance
apart measured as the L2 joint space norm between two adjacent arm configurations. You should use a standart (single tree) RRT approach. You
may either locate the root of the tree at the starting configuration or at the
goal. Figure 1 shows the starting configuration and a goal configuration.
PA Q2: Write a function that does trajecotry smoothing (as covered in
the RRT slides) on an arbitrary trajectory. The input should be an n × 4
sequence of milestones. The output should be an m × 4, m ≤ n, smoothed
sequence of milestones.

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