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Project 1 A simple client

CS475 Programming Project 1 
For Programming Project 1 you will be creating a simple client to work with the simple server that we went over in class. Your simple client should use the function gethostbyname to retrieve the IP address of the server from name services (DNS). You might start by hard coding in an IP, but your final program must use gethostbyname to resolve the IP address.
Your client application will run at the command line and should take single command line argument which will be the port number being used on the server.
Ie ./runclient 65010 should start the program runclient and pass the port number 65010 which will be used inside of your program.
Your program should then send a message to the server and receive and print the response. Remember the server just echo’s back whatever it receives so you will know if you received the correct response.

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