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Data Abstractions Homework 6

Problem 1: Forkjoin Parallelism: Longest Series
Consider the problem of finding the longest sequence of some number in an array of numbers:
longest_sequence(i,arr) returns the longest number of consecutive i in arr. For example, if arr is
{2,17,17,8,17,17,17,0,17,1} then longest_sequence(17,arr) is 3 and longest_sequence(9,arr)
is 0.
a) In pseudocode, give a parallel fork-join algorithm for implementing longest sequence. Your algorithm
should have work O(n) and span O(log n) where n is the length of the array. Do not employ a
sequential cut-off: your base case should process an array range containing one element. Hint: Use this
class Result {
int numLeftEdge;
int numRightEdge;
int numLongest;
boolean entireRange;
Result(int l, int r, int m, boolean a) {
numLeftEdge=l; numRightEdge=r;
numLongest=m; entireRange=a;
For example, numLeftEdge should represent the length of the sequence at the beginning of the range
processed by a subproblem. Think carefully about how to combine results; given left and right ‘Result’s,
how can you compute the merged ‘Result’?
b) In English, describe how you would make your answer to part (a) more efficient by using a sequential
cut-off. In pseudocode, show the code you would use below this cut-off.
Problem 2: Forkjoin Parallelism: Leftmost Occurrence of Substring
Consider the problem of finding the leftmost occurrence of the sequence of characters cseRox in an array
of characters, returning the index of the leftmost occurrence or -1 if there is none. For example, the answer
for the sequence cseRhellocseRoxmomcseRox is 9.
a) In English (though some high-level pseudocode will probably help), describe a fork-join algorithm
similar in design to your solution in problem 1. Use a sequential cut-off of at least 12 (that is, problems
of size 11 or smaller should be solved sequentially) and explain why this significantly simplifies your
solution. Notice you still must deal with the leftmost occurrence being “split” across two recursive
b) Give a much simpler fork-join solution to the problem that avoids the possibility of a “split” by using
slightly overlapping subproblems. Assume a larger sequential cut-off, for example 100. Give your
solution precisely in pseudocode. Watch out for off-by-one errors.

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