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Lab 01: Quartus Prime Tutorial

ECE 380: Lab 01: Quartus Prime Tutorial
In this lab, students get familiar with VHDL, a hardware description language, and
Quartus Prime, CAD software. Students will go through three design methods in the
CAD software, Quartus, by following a provided tutorial in this lab.
Quartus Prime contains powerful tools for hardware design and implementation. When
progressing through the curriculum, the students will use VHDL and Quartus often. So,
this is prerequisite material that students are expected to master.
Lab procedures
Step 1: Learn via Quartus Prime Tutorial
Please read Tutorial 1 —Using Quartus II CAD Software (in lab01_quartus_tutorial.pdf).
This tutorial from the textbook deals with Quartus II (v 7.0).
Important: You will use Quartus Prime (v 16.0) throughout this semester.
Therefore, you need to follow an updated guide, lab1_tutorial_guide.pdf for the
interface operation in Quartus Prime (v 16.0).
Introduction to Simulation of VHDL Designs (supplement_quartusii_simulation_vhdl.pdf,
in the same folder with this document) will also be helpful.
The major differences are listed as below:
• Family and Device Settings. You can choose Cyclone V(E/GX/GT/SX/SE/ST)
when creating a new project. From the list of available devices, choose the device
called 5CSEMA5F31C6.
• Using the Compiler. Click Processing Start Compilation (There is also a
toolbar icon for this command, which looks like a purple triangle), instead of
Processing Compiler Tool or Processing Start Start Analysis & Synthesis.
• Using the Waveform Editor. Click FileNewUniversity Program VWF (If you
do not see this option, University Program needs to be installed), instead of
File New Other filesVector Waveform File.
• Performing the Simulation. Click SimulationRun Functional Simulation
instead of the two steps: Assignments Settings and Processing Generate
Functional Simulation Netlist.
Before your lab session with the TA, you need to read Tutorial 1 – Using Quartus II CAD
Software carefully and go through the tutorial procedures B.1 to B.5.
Step 2: Generate VHDL results:
During your lab session, please demonstrate the procedures of the following three design
examples in lab01_quartus_tutorial.pdf to the TA:
• B.3 Design Entry Using Schematic Capture (tutorial1\designstyle1)
• B.4 Design Entry Using VHDL (tutorial1\designstyle2)
• B.5.1 Using Schematic Entry at the Top Level (tutorial1\designstyle3)
Some advice for successful compilation and simulations:
• To start a new design, you should create a new project rather than a new file.
• You need to copy the VHDL codes in their exact forms.
• Entity in your highest level VHDL code should match with your project entity
Note: you need to get TA’s signature after your successful demo.
Step 3: Lab Report
Please assemble all of the above results into a lab report. A sample report format is
attached (supplement_sample_lab_report.pdf). Please submit the report to the TA in the
beginning of next lab session (Lab 2).
Include the following items in your lab report:
• Tutorial1\designstyle1: Block design file (*.bdf) of the schematic
• Tutorial1\designstyle1: Simulation vector waveform file (.vwf) after the
functional simulation of the schematic (example_schematic.vwf)
• Tutorial1\designstyle2: VHDL source file (*.vhd) (example_vhdl.vhd)
• Tutorial1\designstyle2: Simulation vector waveform file (.vwf) after the
functional simulation of the VHDL source code (example_vhdl.vwf)
• Tutorial1\designstyle3: VHDL source file (.vhd) (vhdlfunctions.vhd)
• Tutorial1\designstyle3: Block design file (*.bdf) of the schematic
• Tutorial1\designstyle3: Simulation vector waveform file (.vwf) after the
functional simulation of the mixed schematic (example_mixed1.vwf)
• Tutorial1\designstyle3: Block symbol file, vhdlfunctions.bsf, generated by
Quartus for the sub-circuit represented by vhdlfunctions.vhd
Grades for Lab #1 will be determined according to the following:
Demo (with TA’s signature): 50 pts
Report: 50 pts
Total points for Lab #1 = 100 points
Note: The report should at least include the following items:
• (4 pts) example_schematic.bdf
• (4 pts) example_schematic.vwf
• (4 pts) example_vhdl.vhd
• (4 pts) example_vhdl.vwf
• (3 pts) vhdlfunctions.vhd
• (4 pts) example_mixed1.bdf
• (4 pts) example_mixed1.vwf
• (3 pts) vhdlfunctions.bsf
Bonus 25 points: Installation of Quartus Prime
Please download and install "Quartus Prime Lite Edition" through:
Select “Release: 16.0”, and "Combined Files". This is the same version as the one in the
lab. The CD in your textbook is outdated. Please do not use it.
Decompress the downloaded file and install Quartus Prime. You can use free software 7-
zip,, to decompress the file.
Note that Quartus Prime only supports 64 bit machines.
If you use Mac laptops, you can create a dual boot, where you can establish a Windows
operating system. The other option for Apple users is to install in a virtual machine
environment. The latter option is slow, as multiple students reported.
Bring your laptop to the lab session and show your installation to the TA. You will
get extra 25 points. Each member gets his/her own bonus points for the installation.
Additional materials:
You can also read:
• for Quartus II development
software documentation,
• for VHDL basics, and
• Introduction to Simulation of VHDL Designs, as attached
• Quartus II V15.0 introduction for VHDL users, as attached
Print this page, bring the hardcopy to your lab session, get it signed by
the TA after the demo, and submit it along with your report
Lab demo (50 pts) Score TA initial
Design 1: Schematics
Design 2: VHDL
Design 3: Schematics
Report (50 pts)
Lab 1 Total Grade (100 pts)
Bonus: Quartus Prime
Installation (25 pts), for

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