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Lab 02: Pandas and Data Visualization

## Lab 02: Pandas and Data Visualization

### Overview
In this lab, you will be learning how to use the Pandas library to read in data from a CSV file and perform some basic data analysis and visualization.

### Getting Started
1. See the `lab02.ipynb` file in the `02-lab` folder. This is the file you will be working in.
2. Make sure you have the `cookies.csv` file in the same folder as the `lab02.ipynb` file.
3. Make sure you have the `pandas` library installed. If you don't, you can install them using `pip install pandas` in your notebook environment or your terminal. For your convenience, I added the installation commands to the first cell of the notebook.

### Instructions
Complete the tasks in the `lab02.ipynb` file. You will be using the `cookies.csv` file to complete the tasks. You will be using the Pandas library to read in the data from the CSV file and perform some basic data analysis and visualization. You will also be using the Matplotlib library to create some basic plots.

### Submission
Once you finish your `lab02.ipynb` file, save it and create a pull request to the `master` branch of the [`CS506-Spring2023`]( repository. Make sure you are making the pull request from your created branch to the `master` branch of the `CS506-Spring2023` repository. You can find instructions on how to do this [from the first lab](

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