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Lab 03 - Arrays & Linked Lists

Lab 03 - Arrays & Linked Lists
Direction: Submit typed work in the Labs directory of your github repository and/or as an attachment on Google
classroom under the accurate Lab03 assessment. All submissions should have their appropiate extensions.
Part A: In class
Your objective is to modify the accompanying file lab03.cpp by defining the following functions
□ A void function named ArrayFill() whose header is
template <typename T>
void ArrayFill(Array<T>& data,const T& value)
It assigns value to every element of data.
□ A void function named SubArray() whose header is
template <typename T>
void SubArray(Array<T>& data,Array<T>& subdata,ulong a,ulong b)
If a and b are both valid indices of data [they are both between 0 and the size of data], the function will resize subdata
so that its size is equal to 1 more than the distance between a and b, and then, it will assign the values of data
between a and b inclusively to subdata. If a and b are not both valid, the function does nothing. Do not assume a
is less than b.
□ A ulong function named DelimitedSearch() whose header is
template <typename T>
ulong DelimitedSearch(Array<T>& data,const T& delimit,const T& target)
It returns the index of the last element whose value is equal to target that precedes the first instance of delimit in
data. If delimit is not found in data or an instance of target cannot be found before the first instance of delimit, the
function returns the size of data.
Warning: adding or removing any libraries in the file will result in a 0. Only the modified file will be an
acceptable submission.
Part B: Take home
Your objective is to write a complete file that includes the library Node.h and defines the bool function named Monotonic()
whose header is
bool Monotonic(Node<int>* head)
Given that head is pointing to a doubly linked list, the function returns true if either the list is empty or the linked list is
monotonically decreasing; otherwise, it returns false. A linked list, a, is montonically decreasing if
data(ai) ≥ data(aj )
for all i < j where i and j positions of the nodes in the linked list.

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