Starting from:



1) You should attend your own lab session (the one you are enrolled in). If you need to change your lab
enrollment, you should go to the department. Instructors or TAs cannot change your enrollment. TAs are
available via Zoom to help you during your lab hours.
2) You are required to pass the pre-lab mini quiz posted on eClass not later than the first 10 minutes of your lab
time. You have 3 attempts; and you need at least 80% to pass. However, each time you may get some different
questions. Make sure you do not start the pre-lab quiz unless you have done the pre-lab tasks (Section B).
Failing the pre-lab mini quiz is equal to failing the whole lab.
3) You can also have your work verified and graded during the lab sessions. Feel free to signal a TA for help if you
stuck on any of the steps below. Yet, note that TAs would need to help other students too.
4) You can submit your lab work in eClass any time before 21:00 on Wednesday of the week the lab is for. In order
to pass this lab, your grade in it should be at least 70%.
1) Download this lab files and read them carefully to the end.
2) You should have a good understanding of
• Events (such as onclick, ondblclick)
• document.getElementById().innerHTML
• document.getElementById().setAttribute()
• document.getElementById().style
• document.getElementById().style.display
1) To learn how to change the behaviour of an HTML document using JavaScript.
Part 1: Start developing a learning kit that by end of term could include anywhere between 30 to 50 computational
problems and solutions. Details are as follow.
1) You are provided a simple myLearningKit.HTML document and supporting files such as
myLearningKit.CSS and myLearningKit.js as well some images. Your first task will be to improve the
presentation of the HTML file slightly. Then, your major task is to improve the behaviour of the HTML file by
providing JavaScript codes.
2) You will generate at least five sets of HTML and JS files in this process. You should demo each HTML file to the
TA. For that, please, have each HTML file open in a different tab so you can show the progression.
3) See next pages for details on how to modify your HTML and JS files.
Part 2: Validate your HTML code using the (upload your .html file) and your CSS code
using (upload your .css file)
• If you have errors, fix them and retry the validation until your HTML and CSS files are error free.
Part 3. Verification and submission of your work. See the following section.
1) Manual verification by a TA
You may want to have your TA verifying your lab before submission. The TA will look at your various files in their
progression. The TA may also ask you to make minor modifications to the lab to demonstrate your knowledge of
the materials. The TA can then record your grade in the system.
2) eClass submission
You will see an assignment submission link on eClass. Create a folder named “Lab03” with all your lab materials
inside (image folder, myLearningKit_Ex{1,2,3,4,5}.HTML and myLearningKit_Ex1.css, and
myLearningKit_Ex{2,3,4,5}.js). This folder should be compressed (zip or tar.gz) and the compressed file
submitted. Late submissions or submission by email is NOT accepted. Plan ahead and submit early.
STARTING POINT: myLearningKit.html, myLearningKit.css, myLearningKit.js, and images in the image folder. You
are given the following HTML file.
This file is not connected to a CSS file. In Exercise 1, you improve the presentation of this HTML document by
modifying the HTML and CSS files slightly.
Before proceeding further, open myLearningKit.HTML in VS Code and carefully learn about its content and
Note that this document eventually is going to be an interface (in particular, a webpage) that contains some basic
computational problems together with your flowcharts and implementations. However, it takes a few weeks until
we get there. So, for now we (ab)use the document towards demonstrating foods.
Exercise 1: (CREATE: myLearningKit_Ex1.HTML and myLearningKit_Ex1.css)
Copy myLearningKit.HTML to a new file named myLearningKit_Ex1.html. Copy myLearningKit.CSS to a new file
named myLearningKit_Ex1.css.
Make two changes to myLearningKit_Ex1.html, as follows:
1) Connect it to myLearningKit_Ex1.CSS by adding a link tag in the head element.
2) In the footer element, replace “your name here” with your name.
When you open your HTML file with browser, you should see the following result:
Now, as stated in the red box above, make two changes to myLearningKit_Ex1.css as follows. Currenlty, the width
of the “problem” division is 100% of its parent (which is the body element). We want to have the width of the
“problem” division set to 90% of the width of the viewport. Find it in w3schools how we can use width of viewport.
Side note. Make sure you get used to find help direclty in w3schools (and not from other websites or search
engines). Why? Because in the lab-tests, you may have access to w3schools but not to anything else.
Also, as you can see in the HTML file, the source file of the images as well as the alt attributes are all set to null. In
other words, we do not want yet these img tags to display anything. But, in the picture above, the word “null” is
displayed. If, in the HTML file, we remove the attributes src and alt from the images, our HTML code is no longer
valid. Hence, we need to make a change in the CSS file such that these images do not display anything for now. After
making these two changes in the CSS file, you should have the following result:
Recall: you should figure out how to make such changes by yourself for instance in w3schools (or, by some quick
searches in the web). Asking for help from your friends or from TAs should be a last resort.
Optional: you may want to change the colouring and borders of some of the elements above to make your kit page
more appealing. We do not grade it though.
Make two changes in
the CSS file, such that
1) the width of the
“problem” div becomes
90% of the width of the
2) all the null words
Exercise 2: (CREATE: myLearningKit_ex2.html and myLearningKit_Ex2.js)
Copy myLearningKit_Ex1.html to a new file named myLearningKit_Ex2.html. Copy myLearningKit.js to a new file
named myLearningKit_Ex2.js.
When you open the myLearningKit_Ex2.html in your browser, if you click on any of the buttons, nothing happens.
In other words, we have not defined any behaviour for our page yet. Let’s do it step by step.
1) Add an attribute onclick to the button designated for Problem01 such that when clicked function p01Func
is called.
2) The body of p01Func() can be provided in the HTML file internally. In particular, we can add a script element
and write our JavaScript code inside it. But, similar to what we do for CSS, we encourage you to have your
JavaScript code in an external file. To do so, add the following line to your HTML file:
<script src="myLearningKit_Ex2.js"></script>
3) Open myLearningKit_Ex2.js. We already provided you with the skeleton of p01Func().
Function p01Func(){

The body of the function is what we write in the pair of curly braces. We want to update the content of the
“problem” division with the following paragraph:
I'm looking for a type of pancake originating from the Indian subcontinent, made from a
fermented batter. It is somewhat similar to a crepe in appearance.
To do so, we need to get from our HTML file the element that its ID is “problem”, by the following JavaScript
This would get us a construct, that we know it as an object.
Then, we need to assign the paragraph above to the innerHTML of this object. Here, it’s the JavaScript code:

where … is replaced with the red paragraph above. Now, when you click on the button representing
Problem01, you should see the following result.
4) At this point, you may want to revisit the myLearningKit_Ex2.html file and look up the img elements and
their IDs. The idea is that for Problem01, dosaDesign.jpg is assigned to the image that its ID is “flowchart”
and dosa1.jpg is assigned to the image that its ID is “js”.
So, you need to add more JavaScript code to what you did in Step 3. When you get an element by its ID, you
can set any of its attributes by using setAttribute(). Since we want to set the src attribute of the element
with ID “flowchart” to dosaDesign.jpg, we need to add the following code:
Because we do not want to display the image yet, we need to set the display property of its style to none.
Similar to above, assign dosa1.jpg to src of the element that its ID is “js” and set its display to none. (You may
want to download another image for dosa from internet (save it as dosa2.jpg) and assign it to the element
that its ID is “another” and set its display to none.)
Note that the images are still not displayed. We will display them in the next exercise.
Exercise 3: (CREATE: myLearningKit_Ex3.html and myLearningKit_Ex3.js)
Copy myLearningKit_Ex2.html to a new file named myLearningKit_Ex3.html. Copy myLearningKit_Ex2.js to a new
file named myLearningKit_Ex3.js.
The idea is to modify the new files such that when we check/uncheck the checkboxes by clicking on them, the
images display/disappear, respectively.
1) First, we need to add the onclick event to checkbox “check1” in myLearningKit_Ex3.HTML . This is similar
to what you did in Step 1 of Exercise 2 for buttons. When this checkbox is clicked, we want to call a function that
we name it checkUncheck1().
2) Then, we want to provide the function in myLearningKit_Ex3.js. Remove the two lines that we ask you to
remove in the js file to uncomment checkUncheck1(). Then add each of the following two commands where
The if statement there determines if the image is displayed or not; if not, we display it. If yes, we disappear it.
In other words, by clicking on the Design checkbox, the image’s display toggles.
The following picture shows when the Design checkbox is checked.
3) Mimic steps 2 and 3 above for toggling the image that is displayed in the next panel.
The following picture shows when the next checkbox is checked too.
Exercise 4: (CREATE: myLearningKit_Ex4.html and myLearningKit_Ex4.js)
Copy myLearningKit_Ex3.html to a new file named myLearningKit_Ex4.html. Copy myLearningKit_Ex3.js to a new
file named myLearningKit_Ex4.js.
Mimic what you did in Exercise 2, to assign problem description and corresponding images when button
Problem02 is clicked. Add function p02Func() to the js file. Its body is similar to that of p01Func(). The
innerHTML, of the object we get, will have the following paragraph.
I'm looking for an Iranian dish that consists of grilled chunks of chicken which are sometimes with bone
and other times without bone. It'ss one of the most popular dishes of Iran. It is common to marinate the
chunks in minced onion, lemon juice and sometimes saffron.
The images that you assign are jujehDesign.jpg, jujeh1.jpg, and jujeh2.jpg. Note that during this
exercise, you are required to work on check3 as well (no matter if you did it during Step 4 of Exercise 2 or not).
The following picture illustrates when Problem02 is clicked and all checkboxes are checked.
Exercise 5: (CREATE: myLearningKit_Ex5.html and myLearningKit_Ex5.js)
Copy myLearningKit_Ex4.html to a new file named myLearningKit_Ex5.html. Copy myLearningKit_Ex4.js to a new
file named myLearningKit_Ex5.js.
In this exercise, we want to add two more functions to our JavaScript code. One we call it zoomIn() and the
other zoomOut(). The objective is that when the image of the first checkbox is double clicked, we want to make its
width 200% (do this in the body of zoomIn()) and when is single clicked, we want to have its original width of 100%
(we do this in the body of zoomOut()).
Here, it’s list of what you need to do:
1) In your HTML file, add onclick and ondblclick attributes to the image that its ID is “flowchart”
a. on an ondblclick event, function zoomIn() is called
b. on an onclick event, finction zoomOut() is called
2) In your js file, add zoomIn() and zoomOut() functions
a. write document.getElementById("flowchart").style.width="200%"; in the body of
b. write a similar line in the body of zoomOut() to change the width to its original size
The following figure illustrates when Problem01 is clicked and the Design image is double clicked.
Exercise 6 optional further practice:
You may want to continue this project and add at least two more problems (or food definition) and corresponding
design (or receipe) and implementations (or result pictures) for further practice.
Note. In order for the project to work properly all problems should have 3 images, one for design, one for js
solution, and the 3rd for “another solution”.
In order to review what you have learned in this lab as well as expanding your skills further, we recommend the
following questions and extra practices:
Short answer questions:
1) How many functions are defined in your myLearningKit_Ex5.js?
2) How many function calls are in your myLearningKit_Ex5.html?
3) How many different types of events you handled in your myLearningKit_Ex5.html?
4) For which element(s) in your myLearningKit_Ex5.html you defined two events?
5) How can you see your JavaScript errors in Firefox?
To master your skills further,
6) Create a web page with text of your choosing (a single paragraph will do), which upon the mouse being
positioned over it causes the same text to be repeated below the paragraph. When the mouse is no longer
positioned over the text the copy of the text remains.
7) Same as 6 but when the mouse is no longer over the text the copy of the text disappears.
8) Create a web page with two paragraphs of text of your choosing, and with a button below the text. Clicking
on the button should cause a solid border to appear around the first paragraph and a dashed border to
appear around the second paragraph
9) Create a web page with two paragraphs of text of your choosing, and with a button below the text. Clicking
on the button should cause a new paragraph to appear below the button containing the combined text of
both paragraphs above the button.
10) Make sure you read from the two JavaScript books that have been already introduced to you. Some
questions of your upcoming tests are from those books.
Please feel free to discuss any of these questions in the course forum or see the TAs and/or Instructors for help. 

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