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Lab 03 - Tracing & Functions

Lab 03 - Tracing & Functions
Direction: Submit typed work in the Labs directory of your github repository and/or as an attachment on Google
classroom under the accurate Lab03 assessment. All submissions should have their appropiate extensions.
Part A: In class
Your objective is to construct the trace table (or list) for the caller F(491) where F() is defined as follows
bool F(int n)
int o, t, h, r;
o = n % 10;
t = n / 10 % 10;
h = n / 100 % 10;
r = 100 * K(h,3);
r += 10 * K(t,2);
r += K(o,1);
n = 100 * h + 10 * t + o;
bool s = (r - n < 0);
return !s;
where K() is defined as follows
int K(int& n,int e)
n = ((10 - e) * n + (10 - e)) % 10;
return ((n * n + e) % 10);
Warning: Do not write any trace table for K(). You will receive a 0 if you do so.
Part B: Take home
Your objective is to write a complete program that defines and test the following functions. Furthermore, construct a trace table
(or list) for each caller provided.
□ A void function named Swaps() that takes four double reference parameters. It swaps the values of the parameters so
that every parameter has a different value than its original value and all values are maintained. Trace Swaps(a,b,c,d)
where a, b, c and d are double variables that equal 12.0, 7.0 ,32.0 and 17.0 respectively.
□ An int function named ConsecutiveSum() that takes an int parameter. It returns the sum of five consecutive integers
starting with the square of the parameter plus 3. Trace ConsecutiveSum(-5).

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