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Lab 04 - Queues & Breadth First Search

Lab 04 - Queues & Breadth First Search
• The lab requires writing a complete cpp file and cpp file within an hour. It requires completing 2 tasks.
• Accompanying this file is a template cpp file that you must modify. You cannot include additional
libraries to or remove any libraries from the template file. All other modifications are allowed.
• Your submission must be submitted to the Labs directory of your github repository and/or as an
attachment on Google classroom under the Lab04 assessment. The file must remain a cpp file.
• Cheating of any kind is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
• Violating and/or failing to follow any of the rules will result in an automatic zero (0) for the lab.
Along with the Queue.h file, you are provided the Path.h file that contains the class Path and two functions To2D() and
The class Path represents an 8 × 8 char grid with as corresponding 8 × 8 bool grid. Its methods are
• GetValue(r ,c ) - if r and c, it returns the element of the char grid which can be modified; otherwise, it throws an error
• GetState(r ,c ) - if r and c, it returns the element of the bool grid which can be modified; otherwise, it throws an error
• Toggle() - it switches between returning a string of the char grid or the bool grid for the ToString() method. If it returns
true, a string of the char grid is returned; otherwise, a string of the bool grid is returned.
• GeneratePath() - it populates a random char grid of pluses (+) and spaces ( ), and it makes the bool grid all false.
• ToString() - it returns a string of either the char grid or the bool grid.
• operator<< - it displays is in the same format as the return of ToString().
Furthermore, the function To2D() that accepts an int parameter and two int reference parameters respectively, assigns the
reference parameters to corresponding row and column indices respectively of an 8 × 8 grid based on the int parameter and returns
true if the int parameter represents a valid index of one-dimensional array that corresponds to a 8 × 8 grid; otherwise, it returns
And the function To1D() that accepts two int parameters and an int reference parameter respectively, assigns the reference
parameter the corresponding index of an one-dimensional array that corresponds to a 8 × 8 grid based on the int parameters and
returns true if the int parameters represent valid indices of a 8 × 8 grid; otherwise, it returns false.
Your objective is to write a complete program that uses a breadth first search to determine if a path exists from a given start
point to a given end point. A breadth first search allows you search through a graph or tree by using a queue. Its algorithm is as
A1. if the current node has not been visited, then
B1. if the current node is the target, then
a. terminate algorithm as a success.
B2. else,
a. add adjacent nodes of the current node to the queue.
b. mark current node as visited.
A2. if the queue is empty, then
B1. terminate algorithm as a failure.
A3. else,
B1. remove the front from the queue and make it the current node.
B2. goto to step A1.
To accomplish your objective, complete the following tasks
□ define a void function named GetAdjacencies() that takes a constant Path reference, an int Queue reference and an int
parameter respectively. If the int parameter is a valid index of an one-dimensional array corresponding to an 8 × 8 grid,
the function will inserts all the corresponding one-dimensional array indices of the elements of the Path object that are
one horizontal or vertical space away from the element whose corresponding one dimensional array index is equal to the
int parameter. Otherwise, the function does nothing.
□ define a bool function named HasPath() that takes a constant Path reference parameter and two int parameters. If both
int parameters represent one-dimensional array indices that correspond to an 8 × 8 grid, the function determines if a path
exists in the Path object starting from the first int parameter and ending at the second int parameter. Otherwise, the
function returns false. A path exists if there exists an ordered collection of elements from the Path object such that the
char values of all the elements in the collection are the space character with the possible exceptions of the first and last
elements, the one-dimensional index of the first element of the collection is equal to the value of the first int parameter,
one-dimensional index of the last element of the collection is equal to the value of the second int parameter, and each
sequential element in the collection is either one horizontal or vertical element away from each other.

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