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Lab 05 - Stack Game

Lab 05 - Stack Game
• The lab requires writing a complete cpp file and cpp file within an hour. It requires completing a few
• Accompanying this file is a template header files that you must modify. You cannot include additional
libraries to or remove any libraries from the template files. All other modifications are allowed.
• Your submission must be submitted to the Labs directory of your github repository and/or as an
attachment on Google classroom under the Lab05 assessment. The files must remain header files.

The game Tower of Hanoi is implemented by using a stack. That is, the towers of the game only allow the movement of the
top disk, which is the last disk added to the tower. However, you cannot move a disk to a tower unless the tower is empty or the
new disk has a smaller circumference than the current top disk of the tower its being moved to. Your objective is to define two
classes, one for the tower and the other for the game. To accomplish your objective, complete the following:
□ in the header file Tower.h, define the class Tower that contains
• a private char array field named tower that has a size of 4.
• a private int field named size.
• a public default constructor. It assigns 0 to size.
• a public copy constructor.
• a public assignment operator.
• a public empty destructor.
• a public bool method named Push() that takes an int parameter. If tower is not full, and tower is either empty or the
parameter is less than the top element of tower, the function inserts the parameter to the top of tower, increments
size by 1 and returns true; otherwise, it returns false.
• a public void method named Pop() that takes no parameters. If tower is not empty, the function decrements size by
1; otherwise, it does nothing.
• a public constant char method named Top that takes no parameters. If tower is not empty, the function returns the
top element of tower; otherwise, it throws the error message ''empty tower''.
• a public constant bool method named IsEmpty() that takes no parameters. It return true if tower is empty [size
equals 0].
• a public constant bool method named IsFull() that takes no parameters. It return true if tower is full [size equals
• a public void method named MakeEmpty() that takes no paramaters. It assigns 0 to size.
• a public string constant method named ToString() that takes no parameters. It returns a string in the format
[a |b |c |d ]
where a, b, c and d are the values of the elements of tower whose indices are 3 through 0 respectively. For the
elements whose indices are greater than or equal to size, write a space instead of its value.
• a friend ostream operator. Its display is in same format as the return of ToString().
□ in the header file Game.h, define the class Game that contains
• a private Tower array field named towers that has a size of 3.
• a public default constructor. It inserts the characters 'D' through 'A' into the first element of towers.
• a public copy constructor.
• a public assignment operator.
• a public empty destructor.
• a public bool method named Move() that takes two int parameters. If the parameters are valid distinct indices of
towers and the top of the element of towers whose index is equal to the first parameter is less than the top of the
element of towers whose index is equal to the second parameter, the function performs the move and returns true;
otherwise, it returns false.
• a public void method named Reset() that takes no parameters. It emptys all the elements of towers, and then,
inserts the characters 'D' through 'A' into the first element of towers.
• a public constant bool method named Success() that takes no parameters. It return true if the last element of
towers is full and the other two elements are empty.
• a public string constant method named ToString() that takes no parameters. It returns a string in the format
where a, b, and c are the values of the elements of towers whose indices are 0 through 2 respectively.
• a friend ostream operator. Its display is in same format as the return of ToString().

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