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Lab 06: Midterm Review

Lab 06: Midterm Review

We want you to review all the material covered by the midterm and get some practice in taking exams.
In the first 40 minutes of the lab, take the sample exam without any computer aid. In the next 20 minutes,
check your answers with Eclipse or your notes. Then, perform a self-correction session while your TA
discusses the answers to the sample exam.
Finally, submit your answers to the 3 questions below to get full credit for this week’s lab.
Please note that the format of the midterm this semester will be completely online, via CatCourses
using LockDown Browser! A practice test assignment will be created for you to get acquainted
with doing the exam this way.
What to hand in
When you are done with this lab assignment, answer the following 3 questions in a text or Word file, name
it Lab21_6.txt/doc/docx (bolded items must be replaced by information specific to you), and submit:
1. What is your score on the sample exam?
2. Show one problem you fixed with the help of Eclipse or notes (if any)
3. Any topics or problems you have trouble understanding? (if any)
You DO NOT need to submit the answers to the sample exam.
Lab 06: Midterm Review
CSE-021-01 Points: 10

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