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Lab 06 - Nodes & Stacks Problems

Lab 06 - Nodes & Stacks Problems
Direction: Submit typed work in the Labs directory of your github repositor or dropbox, or upload to the google classroom
assignment. Each part should be a separate files. The files named should be ''lab6A.cpp'' and ''lab6B.cpp'' respectively.
Part A: In class
Your objective is to write the definition of the function ForwardRotation() whose header is
void ForwardRotation(Node<T>*& root)
template<typename T>
Given that root is referencing a null-terminated doubly linked list, the function makes the last node of the linked list
referenced by root the new first node of the linked list referenced by root given that the linked list contains at least two
Part B: Take home
Your objective is to write the definition of the function IsValidWord() whose header is
bool IsValidWord(string wrd)
It returns true, if wrd consists only of As and Bs and it contains the substring ''aab'' where a and b can be in any case;
otherwise, it returns false. For instance, the function calls IsValidWord(''aAabbB'') and IsValidWord(''aBAb'') will
evaluate to true and false respectively. You must use a stack.

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