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LAB 07 – more on JavaScript

EECS 1012: LAB 07 – more on JavaScript
1) You should attend your own lab session (the one you are enrolled in). If you need to change your lab
enrollment, you should go to the department. Instructors or TAs cannot change your enrollment. TAs are
available via Zoom to help you during your lab hours.
2) You are required to pass the pre-lab mini quiz posted on eClass not later than the first 10 minutes of your lab
time. You should study the recent course materials and corresponding links/hints and Section B of this
document, as well as working on at least first tasks of this lab before trying the prelab quiz. You have 4
attempts; and you need at least 80% to pass. However, each time you may get some different questions. You
should try your first attempt at least one day before your deadline so that, if needed, you have time to (re)study
the materials for your next attempts. Failing the pre-lab mini quiz is equal to failing the whole lab, yet you are
still highly encouraged to complete the lab and submit your work to eClass.
3) You can also have your work verified and graded during the lab sessions. Feel free to signal a TA for help if you
stuck on any of the steps below. Yet, note that TAs would need to help other students too.
4) You can submit your lab work in eClass any time before 21:00 on Wednesday of the week the lab is for. In order
to pass this lab, your grade in it should be at least 70%.
1) Complete your My Learning Kit Project (that you started from Lab03) with 30 problem definitions, flowcharts,
and JavaScript Solution. Don’t need to do any task for the “another solution” panel or the “Run” button yet. As
you will need this project for Lab08 too, failing to complete it by Lab07 may affect your grade in Lab08 too.
2) Download this lab files and read them carefully to the end.
3) You should have a good understanding of
• JavaScript objects, such as Math, Date, and DOM document
• array and string in JavaScript
1) To practice more concepts in programming, including variables, arrays, functions (aka sub-algorithms), and
program control statements.
2) To use more JS objects, such as document, Math, and Date.
Part 1:
1) TASK 1: Simple “HEADS” or “TAILS” button output with an if-statement.
2) TASK 2: Passing variables to functions.
3) TASK 3: Passing variables and for-loop.
4) TASK 4: Random + string concatenation + if-statement.
5) TASK 5: Date object + array + string concatenation.
6) TASK 6: Global variable and if-statement
1) Manual verification by a TA
You may want to have your TA verifying your lab before submission. The TA will look at your various files in their
progression. The TA may also ask you to make minor modifications to the lab to demonstrate your knowledge of
the materials. The TA can then record your grade in the system.
2) eClass submission
Create a folder named “Lab07” and copy all your HTML and JS files. Once you are done, compress the folder and
upload the zip (or tar) file to eClass. Also, create a folder name “LearningKit” and copy all your Learning Kit materials; then,
compress it and upload the zip/tar file to eClass.
Task 1: Edit task1.js (you do not need to edit the HTML file).
For this task, we have already declared the JavaScript function myFunction() for you. Your function should do the
following. Each time the button is clicked, your myFunction() code should call a sub-algorithm that generates a
random number between 0 and 2 (including 0 and excluding 2). If the random number is less than 1, then have the
innerHTML of the paragraph variable set to “HEADS”, otherwise set it to “TAILS”. See example outputs below.
Task 2. Edit task2.html and task2.js
(1) Link your task2.js to your HTML code.
(2) Have the text in the paragraph “mydata” start with Result (see below).
(2) Add four buttons to your Task2.html as shown below.
(3) Write a function in JavaScript that has one parameter. When a button is pressed, it should pass the value shown
in the button (e.g., 10, 20, 30, or 40) to a function named passNum. In your JavaScript code, your function should
call a sub-algorithm that generates a random whole number between 1 and the passed value, inclusively. See
example below for when the button that passes value 10 is pressed.
Task 3. Edit task3.js (you do not need to edit the HTML file).
Write a function in JavaScript that has one parameter. When each button is pressed, it should pass the value shown
in the button (e.g., 10, 20, 30, or 40). Use a for-loop to compute the sum of 0 to the passed value.
For example, if the value passed is 10, then compute 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10=55. See below.
Task 4. Modify task4.html and task4.js
(1) Link your JavaScrpit file to your HTML file.
(2) Have the text in the paragraph “mydata” start with Roll Dice. Add a button “Roll Dice”. Have this button
respond the click event.
(3) Have the onlick for your button link to your JavaScript function. The function does not have parameters.
(4) Each time you click, have your JavaScript function compute two random numbers from 1 to 6. These represent
dice. Change the innerHTML to say Dice rolls are “value1” and “value2”, where value1 and value2 are the results of
your random numbers.
(5) If the two numbers are the equal, create an alert that says “DOUBLES!”.
See examples below.
Task 5. Modify task5.js (you do not need to edit the HTML file).
In task5.js, complete line 27 such that when task5.html runs, the current time and date are shown with a
format similar to the figures below.
Task 6. Modify task6.js (you do not need to edit the HTML file).
In task6.js, declare a global variable. This is a variable that is created outside your function. Inside your function,
you do not need to declare it again. If you modify the variable, the modification will be remembered next time you
access the function. See example code here.
var i = 21;
function myFunction()
 i = i--; // the value of i will be remembered next function call
Each time your button is clicked, you should reduce the global variable by 1 and show the result. Your innerHTML of
the paragraph with id “mydata” should show the current value of the global variable. When the variable gets to 0 or
less, have the your innerHTML change to BOOM!
Your code should produce the exact results as the following figures. (i.e. it should not show 21, and it should show
count down all the way to 0, and then show BOOM! for the following clicks on the button.)

In order to review what you have learned in this lab as well as expanding your skills further, we recommend the
following questions and extra practices:
1) Revisit objects Math, Date, and document in w3schools and explore more methods or properties of them by
writing simple JavaScript codes.
a. For object Math, learn more about PI, round, pow, sqrt, abs, ceil, floor, sin, min, max, etc.
b. For object Date, see 4 different constructors. (
c. For object document, see different methods such as getElementsByTagName, etc.
d. Also see this fun animation made by html, css, JavaScript
( ), and use your creativity to create some
similar animations. As an example, make the red square go from the bottom-left corner to the top-right
2) Revisit arrays and strings of JavaScript in w3schools. These two data structures have many applications in
computer science and in your follow up courses. Interesting methods of strings include indexOf(),
lastIndexOf(), search(), slice(), substring(), substr(), replace(), concat(),
trim(), charAT(), split(), etc. More on strings here:
More on arrays here:
3) Add more algorithms and programs to your Learning Kit Project. You would need to have 35 buttons for 35
problems, algorithms, and JavaScript solutions in your Learning kit and submit it with your next lab (Lab 08). For
your problem 31 to 35, you are required to choose problems that need some nested loops or sub-algorithms.
Also, you should start thinking of implementing the “Run” button so that when for instance Problem 4 is active
and the Run button is clicked, the corresponding JavaScript code runs. You would need to make the Run button
working for all your problems by Lab 09.
Please feel free to discuss any of these questions in the course forum or see the TAs and/or Instructors for help. 

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