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Lab 07: Procedures in MIPS

Lab 07: Procedures in MIPS

In this lab, we will continue to familiarize ourselves with programming MIPS using MARS. We will focus on
writing procedures in MIPS.
Getting Started
Before we begin any activities, create a directory (Lab_7) inside the CSE31 directory we created in the first
lab. You will save all your work from this lab here. Note that all the files shown in green below are the
ones you will be submitting for this assignment.
You must have a clear idea of how to answer the TPS questions before leaving lab to receive
participation score.
How procedures work in MIPS
TPS (Think-Pair-Share) activity 1: Discuss questions 1 – 12 (20 minutes) while paired with your
classmates in assigned by your TA (you will be assigned to groups of 3-4 students) and record your answers
in a text file named tpsAnswers.txt under a section labelled “TPS 1” (you will continue to use this
file to record your answers to all the TPS questions that follow in the lab handout):
1. Perform a search on the Internet on the difference(s) between the terms procedures, functions, and
2. As we have learned in lectures, our compiled program is stored in the static part of the memory when it
is being executed. When the CPU runs a program, it executes the statements according to the statement
order (line numbers). Unless there is a branch (beq/bne) or jump (j/jal) statement, it will just
execute the next statement.
3. Load proc1.s in MARS and study the MIPS program without assembling and running it. Write an
equivalent program in C and name it proc1.c. You can treat m and n as variables declared in main.
4. In proc1.s, we use j SUM to ask the CPU to jump to the line with the label SUM and continue
running the program from there. What line number is this (i.e., the line number pointed to by label
SUM)? What does this line do?
5. After function SUM is over, the program is supposed to return to the line after j SUM. In the code, jr
$ra is used. Can we use j instead (assuming we can create a label for that line)?
6. Since the return address keeps changing depending on where SUM is called, we need to save the return
address before SUM is called. At what line in proc1.s is the return address supposed to be saved? In
what register is the address saved to? What is the value of address being saved here? Does this address
value make sense?
7. Assemble the code and open the Execute tab. Here the program is listed in the Text Segment (as we have
seen this in last lab). What happens when you try to run the program? This error is due to the invalid
return address (program counter tells the CPU where to look for a statement).
8. Now, let us correct the return address value. From the Text Segment window, what is the address of the
statement that the program should return to from SUM?
9. Modify the code so the correct return address is saved. Assemble it and look at the Text Segment again.
(DO NOT execute it yet!) Double check the return address. Is it correct? What happened? You will
know more about what happened here in later lectures.
10. What is the new return address? Modify your code, assemble, and run the program. What is the output
of the program?
11. As you can see, saving the correct return address before each procedure call is tedious. It would be nice
if the assembler can do it for us! Instead of using j to call a procedure, what operator should we use?
Lab 07: Procedures in MIPS
CSE-031-01 Points: 20
12. Modify the code so you do not use j to call SUM. Make sure to comment out the line where the
return address is saved (with your modifications from earlier steps).
Your TA will “invite” one of you randomly after the activity to share what you have discussed.
Register Convention
Now that we have understood how procedures work in MIPS programs, let us dig deeper into how to
manage registers in procedures.
Even though there are 32 registers in a MIPS CPU, we technically can only use about 24 of them. As a
result, the same register (e.g. $s0) may be used in different procedures to store local variables. Following a
register convention when writing MIPS programs will save us a lot of time in managing the use of registers.
Refer to Lecture 10 for the activity below.
TPS activity 2: Discuss questions 1 – 6 (25 minutes) with your TPS partners in your assigned group and
record your answers in tpsAnswers.txt under a section labelled “TPS 2”:
1. Study proc2.c and trace the program. What will be the output if you run the program? Compile and
run proc2.c in a terminal (or any IDE) and verify your answer.
2. Load proc2.s in MARS. This is the MIPS version of proc2.c. Do not assemble and run this
program, as there are errors due to the misuse of registers. Study the MAIN function and discuss with
your partners about what it does (compare it with the C version).
3. When MAIN calls SUM, SUM knows where to return to. Why? After SUM called SUB, what happens to the
address returning to MAIN? Discuss with your partners about how you would resolve this problem. Do
not attempt to fix it yet, as we have more problems to come.
4. The input argument (n) in function SUM is used to call the next function, SUB, as well as being added to
the return value. According to the register convention, the first argument of all function calls must be
stored in $a0. From line 28 of proc2.s, the value in $a0 is no longer the same as the input argument
of SUM (it has been changed to store input argument of SUB). We can resolve this problem by saving the
original $a0 into a temporary register, but we may eventually run out of registers if our program is large.
Discuss with your partners about how you would resolve this problem. Do not attempt to fix it yet.
5. Have look at line 25. What happens to the original value in $s0 from MAIN after this statement is
executed? Is this a problem? Why? Discuss with your partners about how you would fix this problem.
Do not attempt to fix it yet.
6. Now we know that SUM needs to backup 3 values before calling SUB. Insert prologue and epilogue into
the code so the program will run correctly. (Hint: study function SUB, as it does not contain any errors)
Your TA will “invite” one of you randomly after the activity to share what you have discussed.
Individual Assignment 1: Create proc3.s
Study the proc3.c and re-write the same program in MIPS with the following requirements:
1. Local variables mapping:
a. main(): x → $s0, y → $s1, z → $s2
b. foo(): p → $s0, q → $s1
2. Input arguments mappings:
a. foo(): m → $a0, n → $a1, o → $a2
b. bar(): a → $a0, b → $a1, c → $a2
3. All return values from a function must be stored in V registers in ascending order (i.e. $v0, $v1).
4. Use of stack memory according to register convention.
Save your code as proc3.s. Note: You MUST follow the MIPS register and calling conventions
discussed during lectures and shared in CatCourses.
You must credit anyone you worked with in any of the following three different ways:
1. Given help to
2. Gotten help from
3. Collaborated with and worked together
What to hand in
When you are done with this lab assignment, submit all your work through CatCourses.
Before you submit, make sure you have done the following:
• Attached proc1.c, proc1.s, proc2.s, proc3.s and tpsAnswers.txt.
• Filled in your collaborator’s name (if any) in the “Comments…” textbox at the submission page.
Also, remember to demonstrate your code to the TA or instructor before the end of the grace period.

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