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LAB 1: Mixed-Logic Design and Quartus

EEL 3701 
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 
Page 1/5 Revision 0
LAB 1: Mixed-Logic Design and Quartus
• To understand the operation of Altera’s Quartus as a
digital design and simulation tool.
• To learn how to realize (construct) mixed-logic circuit
designs using descrete components (IC’s, LED’s,
switches, and resistors).
• Printouts (required) of the below documents:
• Your Summary file
• Pinouts of our 74’xxx parts (keep in your toolbox)
• Your pre-lab designs and simulations
• Your Summary document and all designs and
simulations done in pre-lab must uploaded through
Canvas (for this lab and every lab) before the start
of your lab period. You may want to print some of
the design and simulation material (not required)
for your own use during your lab.
• Download onto your laptop (not just links):
• The lab assignment (this document)
• Quartus 18.1 Tutorial
• Quartus Display Issues (for high resolution laptop
• Instruction on using the Out of the Box PLD
• Bring your laptop with Quartus installed and the above
documents already downloaded.
• Bring your USB-Blaster [REQUIRED]
• Your toolbox. (In lab 0 you constructed your
OOTB 3701 CPLD Board. This must be complete
prior to your Lab 1.)
• Prototyping bread board, wires, IC’s, multi-meter,
DAD/NAD, and chip extractor
• IC components, resistors, LEDs, and switches
This section is for your eyes only, i.e., it will not be turned
in; it will help you understand the big picture, so I strongly
recommend that you do it!
With A, B, and C all active-high, make a truth table and a
voltage table for C = /A*B. Design the circuit in Quartus
and verify that the Quartus voltage simulation matches the
voltage table. Now change A to active-low in Quartus by
just changing the name of the signal from A to A_L. Do
not change the circuit design in Quartus. Does the voltage
simulation change? How about the truth table and voltage
table? What is the equation of this “new” circuit?
See also the hint that corresponds to the above at
As stated in the Lab Rules & Policies document that you
“signed” previously, submit through Canvas your Pre-Lab
Report (a pdf file which includes your Truth and Voltage
Tables, circuit designs, and annotated simulations, etc.),
and all pre-lab design and simulation files (using the
Quartus’ archive feature) BEFORE the start of your lab.
You must do the following before lab and submit your
design and simulation work through Canvas BEFORE
entering the lab. (A printed copy of each of your designs
is advised for your own use, but is not required.)
• Re-read the relevant part of lecture that shows switch
circuit and LED circuit designs and layouts.
• Read all the required documents before your lab.
• Read the below Review from Lab 0 section. Make
sure you understand all of its parts.
• Create your Pre-Lab Report document. Bring a print
out of the first page (as described in Lab Rules and
Policies) and the pinouts of our 74’xxx parts.
• Complete the Quartus Tutorial and Homework 2.
• Complete the designs and simulations in the below
sections and submit this through Canvas as a Quartus
archive files (called Lab1XXX.qar). Also, include
the designs and simulations in your lab document file.
(I will NOT continue to remind you of this in future
Review From Lab 0
Your lab PI demonstrated the functioning of some of the
components in your toolbox during your Lab 0, including
SPST (switches), LEDs, SIP resistor packs, DIP resistor
packs, and breadboards. Before Lab 1, verify that you can
repeat what your PI demonstrated in Lab 0 (and then do
this again before Lab 2). If you are uncomfortable with any
of these parts, reread the relevant class notes and
Hardware: Getting Started document. You can also go to
any office hour to get additional help. You are expected to
know how to do all of the following (from Lab 0).
1. Know how to use your multimeter to verify the voltage
suppied from your PLD board.
2. Know how to use your multimeter to verify electrical
node connectivity of your breadboards (also known as
prototyping boards). This includes the power/ground
buses and the general signals.
3. Know how to place an IC (integrated circuit) device
on the breadboard, where power/ground are located,
and how power/ground are connected . You should be
able to find pin 1 on all their 74’xxx ICs. You should
understand how to read your pin-outs.
4. Know how DIP and SIP resistors work and how to use
them. You should also be able to sketch the internal
resistor circuit for each.
University of Florida EEL 3701 — Fall 2019 Dr. Eric M. Schwartz
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 4-Sep-19
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LAB 1: Mixed-Logic Design and Quartus
5. Know how to construct switch circuits using a SIP
resistor. You should also be able to sketch a switch
circuit diagram. Only use the SIP as pull-up resistors
in your switch circuits. (Switch circuits can be made
with pull-down resistors, but these circuits should use
different value resistor values than circuits with pullup resistors. Since you only have single value SIP
resistor packs, do NOT use switch circuits with pulldown resistors in EEL 3701 during the entire
6. Know how to construct active-low and active-high
LED circuits using DIP resistors. The LED in each of
these circuits should be lit (on) when the relevant
signal is true, i.e., an active-low LED circuit should
light up when the signal is low (ground) and an activehigh LED circuit should light up when the signal is
high (Vcc). You should also be able to sketch an LED
circuit diagram.
7. Know how to construct a 2-input AND-gate circuit
(using a 74HC08) on your breadboard (implementing
the equation Y = A * B), with all signals active-high,
with two input switch circuits, and an output LED
1. Using only AND gates with NO bubbles, OR with NO
bubbles, and NOT gates, design and draw the circuit
for the following logic equation.
V = /[ (A * /B) + /(C + /D) ] (1)
Do NOT simplify the equation: (For this part only, do
not use the alternative way to draw the AND and OR
gates.) The output and all the inputs are active-high.
Do this by hand, i.e., without Quartus. Write the
equations for intermediate inputs next to the input pins
of each gate.
Since you will not build this circuit, you are not limited
(in this section) to parts in your lab kit.
2. Most of the world uses positive-logic only; and so will
you in this section (and in the previous section). Draw
the circuit for the equation below by hand and then
with Quartus using only the positive-logic logic gates
(i.e., AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and NOT gates) and
active-high inputs and output. Use a project and
filename of Lab1a. (Positive-logic gates do not have
bubbles at input pins.)
W = /[ (A * /B) + /(C + /D) ] (2)
Note that this equation has the same right-hand side as
the equation (1). Do not simplify or otherwise
manipulate the equation, i.e., do not use BAND2
instead of NOR2 even when you want an AND
function.. Always add your name on each
schematic using the Quartus package (as described
in the Lab Rules and Policies).
3. Generate a truth (logic) table (using 0’s and 1’s) for
equation (2) and then make a voltage table (using L’s
and H’s) for this logic diagram. Both tables MUST be
in counting order. Generate a complete simulation
(timing diagram) for this circuit (using Quartus) and
verify that it matches the voltage table.
Note: Voltage tables are helpful in verifying
simulation outputs (since Quartus simulations display
voltages, not logic values). Unfortunately, in Quartus
simulation a “0” represents a low voltage and a “1”
represents a high voltage.
Compare the voltage table to the Quartus simulation to
verify that the circuit does indeed implement the
equation given.
Take a screenshot of the simulated results. Annotate
the simulation copied to your Word file (or equivent),
i.e., add notes with arrows pointing to important
results. You can not annotate by hand. (If you would
rather, you can use tools such as Snip Tool or Paint to
create your annotations.) Every simulation that you
turn in this semester must be annotated. Annotations
are meant as a guide to help you and others reading
your Pre-Lab document (like your PI) understand the
simulation. It should help explain what is going on
and prove that your circuit works. Simple circuits may
need only a few (2 or 3 annoations) while more
complicated circuits (like those that you will design
later in the semester) may need many more.
4. Submit (through Canvas) the archive file (use
filename Lab1a.qar) with both the design and the
simulation (with annotation), and also submit the two
5. Again draw (by hand and then with Quartus, using
project and filename Lab1b) a circuit design for
equation (3). Note that this equation has the same
right-hand side as the equations (1) and (2). In this
design you are not limited in your gate selection
(except that the gates should be available in the chips
of your lab kit).
X = /[ (A * /B) + /(C + /D) ] (3)
Choose activation-levels for the inputs and outputs
that will allow you to minimize the number of gates
necessary. Do NOT simplify the equation: Draw the
gates in such a way that the logic of the equation is
apparent in the circuit, e.g., if you need a 2-input AND
gate with bubbles at the inputs (a BAND2 in Quartus),
draw the gate this way instead of as a NOR gate. Show
intermediate inputs as in part 1. Unless otherwise
stated, all hand-drawn and Quartus-generated circuits
this semester must be drawn as described above.
Note that Quartus includes only some of the mixedlogic circuit elements in its libraries. For instance, 
University of Florida EEL 3701 — Fall 2019 Dr. Eric M. Schwartz
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 4-Sep-19
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LAB 1: Mixed-Logic Design and Quartus
Quartus does not have a level-shifter with the bubble
on the input side.
Generate a voltage table for this design. (Hint: The
truth table should be the same as the one made in the
previous section. Truth tables depend only on the
logic equations, not on the logic design. Note that the
voltage table and the simulation for this design may
NOT match the voltage table and the simulation for
the design of parts 1-4.) Submit (through Canvas) the
archive file with your design and simulation, named
Lab1b.qar. Remember to put the design, annotated
simulation, and the truth and voltage tables in your
document file. For this entire semester, when using
Quartus to draw a circuit, label all active-low
inputs or outputs with _L at the end, since .L and
(L) will not work, e.g., R(L) will be written as R_L.
All active-high signals will end in _H or have no
special ending (your choice), e.g., S(H) will either
be written as S_H or S.
6. Make a new project and filename Lab1c. Copy the
logic diagrams in Quartus for equations (2) and (3) and
place them in a single new file, i.e., this file will have
circuits for both W and X. Generate a complete
Quartus simulation timing diagram for these two
circuits and verify that the voltage tables for the two
circuits match the simulation outputs. Since all of the
inputs for the positive-logic circuit are active-high and
some of the inputs for the mixed-logic solution are
probably active-low, if you just copy the two files you
will have eight inputs. In order to directly compare the
outputs, use the four inputs for either W or X and
create the other necessary inputs (with opposite
activation-levels) using level-shifters as shown in
Figure 1. For example, using the signals name in
Figure 1, you can not have a switch for G(H) and
another switch from G(L); you can have one switch
for either G(H) or G(L), and you will get the other
signal with a level shifter. Submit (through Canvas)
the archive file (including the design and simulation,
with filename Lab1c.qar).
7. Make a new project and filename Lab1d. Design
mixed-logic implementations of the equations for Y
and Z in equations (4) and (5) below. The goal in this
part is to choose input and output activation-levels to
minimize the total number gates and chips used in
the overall design of these two circuits. Choose only
one of the two possible activation-levels for each of
the inputs, i.e., A(H), B(L), etc. [but not A(H) for one
and A(L) for the other]. (If you need both A(H) and
A(L), that will cost one gate, a level-shifter or its
equivalent, as shown in Figure 1.) Create the design by
hand and then do it with Quartus in a single file. Do
not simplify. (Hint: No more than two chips are
needed.) Add pin number and chip labels to each
gate to change this schematic into a wiring diagram.
Y = /[ (A * /B) + /(C + /D) ] (4)
Z = [ (A + /B) * /(C * D) ] (5)
Submit (through Canvas) the archive file (with design
and simulation, named Lab1d.qar).
8. Create a truth table for equations (4) and (5). Note:
Activation-levels have no effect when constructing a
truth table from a logic equation.
9. Create a voltage table for equations (4) and (5).
10. Add pin numbers and chip labels to your design in part
7. While looking at your pinout sheet, label the inputs
and outpus of your gates using the text tool with the
pin numbers of the corresponding IC chips (For
example, if using an AND gate from a 74’08 chip, you
could use pins 1 and 2 for inputs and pin 3 for the
output. ) You should also use the text tool to add the
chip number, e.g., lable the gate 08 for the 7’C08 chip.
If there are multiples of the same part needed, i.e., if
you need five 2-input AND gates when the 74’08 only
has four gates per chip, then label the two 74’08’s
diffenently, e..g., 08A and 08B.
11. For this lab only, you will also draw a layout of your
circuit as it would appear on your breadboard. A
layout shows each of the parts (ICs, switches, LEDs,
SIP and DIP resistor packs) as they appear on the
breadtype board. Include the needed switches,
resistors (SIP and/or DIP), and LED’s. Generally, we
will not draw a layout in this course, but instead just
place pin numbers and labels on a schematic diagram.
(You should use one of the posted files:
protoboard_for_layout.ppt [a PowerPoint file] or
protoboard_for_layout.pdf [an Acrobat file] to
draw your layout.)
Draw a layout of the circuit you designed in parts 7
and 10 of the Pre-Lab (above). Include these layout
diagrams in your lab document.
In future labs you will ONLY draw logic circuit
diagrams (also known as schematic circuit diagrams)
with pin numbers added as you did in part 10 above,
but you will NOT draw layout diagrams.
Note: You are asked to construct these circuits below
in the next section.
12. Implement the pre-lab’s wiring diagrams for both
circuits in part 7 on your own breadboard. You must
Figure 1: Use only four inputs. Create alternate
activation-level inputs with level-shifters.
University of Florida EEL 3701 — Fall 2019 Dr. Eric M. Schwartz
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 4-Sep-19
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LAB 1: Mixed-Logic Design and Quartus
wire your breadboard with your own wires at home,
i.e., before your lab. All inputs must come from
switches and all outputs must go to LED’s (as
described in class notes and in the Hardware: Getting
Started document).
The activation-level of each input must be obvious for
each of the inputs, i.e., labeled as active-high or activelow. Make a legend on your logic circuit diagram
that indicates the switch position for each input signal
when it is true (as shown in Figures 2 and 3). For every
circuit diagram that you build in lab this semester you
are REQUIRED to draw a legend on your logic circuit
design, like the one shown in Figure 2. Be sure to
include the word ON. Figure 3 shows each of the
switches in their true position.
All output LED circuits should match the activationlevel of the corresponding output. An LED should be
on (lit) when the corresponding output is true. Make a
legend on your logic circuit diagram that indicates
the location of each LED on an LED dip chip (as
shown in Figure 5).
1. Complete the lab quiz.
2. Demonstrate the operation of the circuits you built in
the pre-lab, part 7, by switching through various inputs
and comparing the output LED results to those
obtained in the pre-lab simulation.
• Note: For the remainder of the semester, all circuits
should be simulated and the simulation output should
be compared to the voltage table to verify that the
circuit performs the required function(s). In every
lab, part of the pre-lab requirments is to submit
(through Canvas) your lab document that contains
truth tables, voltage tables, design files, simulation
files, etc. All Quartus archive files (containing the
designs and simulations) must also be submitted. Lab
submissions must be submitted as described in the
Lab Rules and Policies document, i.e., at least 15
minutes PRIOR to the start of your lab.
• If you need help with this lab, don’t hesitate to ask
questions in class, visit Dr. Schwartz, or visit a PI
during office hours.
• There will be a 30-minute to 1.25 hour quiz relating to
Lab 0 and Lab 1’s pre-lab at the beginning of this lab.
Quizzes will happen at the beginning of every lab. In
general, lab quizzes will relate to present or previous
labs, but may also cover homework and in-class
1) In this lab you will be given a new equation
(similar to the two given in the pre-lab section).
a) Draw the logic diagram by hand, using
appropriate mixed-logic notation.
b) Draw the circuit (in Quartus).
c) Draw a truth table for the equation.
d) Draw a voltage table for the equation.
e) Verify the correct operation of the circuit
using Quartus simulation and comparing this
to your voltage table.
f) Build the circuit and demonstrate its correct
Tips for building and debugging circuits
In your future breadboard designs, your circuit will
probably not work the very first time you build it.
Therefore, trouble-shooting is a basic skill that you will
have to learn. The followings are some helpful
suggestions. Please feel free to ask your PI any questions
Figure 2: Switch layout (legend) with true switch positions
labeled. A and D are active-low signals; B and C
are active-high signals.
A(L) D(L)
Figure 3: Switch layout (legend) with true switch positions
labeled. A and D are active-low signals; B and C
are active-high signals. All switches are shown
in their true positions.
A(L) D(L)
Figure 4: LED layout (legend). Note that each LED should
be on (lit) when the corresponding signal is true.
W(H) X(L) Y(H) Z(L)
University of Florida EEL 3701 — Fall 2019 Dr. Eric M. Schwartz
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 4-Sep-19
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LAB 1: Mixed-Logic Design and Quartus
you may have on this subject. Keep this handout available
for use in future labs.
• Come prepared with a large, neat Pre-Lab schematic
diagram. REQUIRED. (I suggest that you print this and
bring it to your lab, with room for notes and corrections.,
but this is not required.)
• When creating a large circuit, you should identify, build,
and debug small portions of the circuit, one at a time, to
isolate potential problems. In other words, decompose
your design and your construction. (Be the Tortoise and
not the Hare!) Several links to versions of the story are
available below.
 Video:
• Start trouble-shooting at the point at which the voltage
value is wrong; continue to check your circuit
backward, making sure that at each point the value
agrees with your prediction.
• Construct your circuit neatly. Use appropriate length
wires for connections; i.e., use short wires for short
distance connections. Your circuit should not look like
a bowl of spaghetti or a bird’s nest.
• Use your multi-meter or an LED circuit with a long
wire as a logic probe. Ask your PI to demonstrate this
if you do not understand.
• Check IC insertion to make sure all the pins are in the
correct holes and that the IC does not have any missing
or bent legs.
• Check power and ground connections (and other
connections) before applying power to the circuit.
• Make sure that the power and the ground are properly
connected to all IC’s before applying power to the
• DO NOT short (connect) the power supply outputs (Vcc
and GND) together, i.e., do not allow the exposed wires
to touch each other. This will cause permanent damage
to the power supply. If the green light on your PLD board
does not turn on when you connect your PLD board to
power, there is most likely a short.
• DO NOT connect the power supply to the breadboard
with reverse polarity. This could cause permanent chip
• DO NOT connect an output of any gate to the output of
another gate, to a switch circuit output, to Vcc, or to
GND. These situations will cause excessive currents and
result in permanent damage to the chip or chips involved.

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