Starting from:


Lab 1—Package Management

ECE 459: Programming for Performance
Lab 1—Package Management1

In this lab, you will write a program that computes dependencies for software packages, and
also performs network requests using non-blocking I/O.
Learning Objectives:
• Become familiar with Rust and its idioms.
• Learn how to use non-blocking I/O to increase performance.
Random tips. My implementation is slow enough and the input is big enough that I have to
test with cargo run --release; the debug build is too slow. Also, be aware of the Rust version
on the server vs on your machine and be sure to make sure your code works on the version on
the server.
Package Management Background. I [PL] was recently trying to record a video for a class
and I was having a really bad IT day. The first solution to having a bad IT day is to reboot. That
didn’t help. So, instead, I reinstalled everything on one of my old laptops. (That did help). I
was inspired, in my dealings with the package manager, to have you familiarize yourself with
Rust by writing some parts of a package manager.
Package managers are everywhere: your phones and computers all have multiple package managers. A package manager tracks packages. A package is a bunch of files (the data) along with a
name, version number, and a set of dependencies (metadata). Rust itself has the cargo package
manager. For this assignment, we’ll be working with a Debian-style package manager.
When installing a package, a package manager needs to make sure that the package’s dependencies also get installed. For instance, Unix program xeyes2 belongs to package x11-apps,
which can’t be installed without package libxft2 (and many others) also being installed. In
fact, the package manager will construct a dependency graph.
There are two complications here. 1) The package manager may have a choice of packages
when satisfying a dependency. This is indicated by a vertical bar | between alternatives; for
instance, Debian package abcde depends on cdparanoia | icedax, along with other dependencies. Any of the choices is valid. 2) A dependency may be versioned; back to x11-apps, it
requires that libxft2 have version strictly greater3
than 2.1.1.
1v8, 26Jan22
2Try it!
I’ve implemented version comparison for you. You’re welcome!
Clarification: non-available packages. We will not have any test cases where you have to
(potentially transitively) install any package that has no available version.
Part 1: Manage That Package
Your task is to implement three groups of functions: parsing, direct queries, and transitive
Parsing: (15)
The first order of business is to parse package data.
$ load-packages data/mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca_debian_dists_sid_main_binary-amd64_Packages
$ load-installed data/installed-packages
You can also use abbreviations lp and li, or convenience command load-defaults (ld) to
load the supplied files listed above, once you have everything working.
This package data comes in text files. For our purposes, it’ll work if we consider each line
of a text file to be of colon-separated form Key: Value. I’ve provided a regular expression
KEYVAL_REGEX that you can use to parse the line, as follows.
let kv_regexp = Regex::new(KEYVAL_REGEX).unwrap();
match kv_regexp.captures(&line) {
None => (),
Some(caps) => {
let (key, value) = ("key").unwrap().as_str(),"value").unwrap().as_str());
// ...
There are two files to parse: the list of available packages, and the list of installed packages.
Installed packages (5) Installed packages is easier. Implement function parse_installed().
You need to recognize two keys: Package and Version. For a Package line, call the function
self.get_package_num_inserting(&value) and remember the returned value for later. For a
Version line, parse the version number with
let debver = value.trim().parse::<debversion::DebianVersionNum>().unwrap();
and call self.installed_debvers.insert() with the memorized package number and the
debver you just computed.
I should point out that method get_package_num converts a package name to an i32 while
get_package_name goes the other way.
Available packages (10) This is pretty similar to installed packages, but there are more
keys. The MD5sum and Version keys are nothing new, but insert into maps self.md5sums and
self.available_debvers instead.
However, you also have to parse the dependencies, which are at key Depends. Your goal is
to produce a Vec<Dependency>. Each Dependency is itself a Vec<RelVersionedPackageNum>.
The separator between Dependencys is a comma (,), while the separator between alternatives
within a Dependency is the vertical bar (|). I recommend the use of split to get individual
Example: parse the dependency A, B|C, D as the Vec<Dependency> containing [[A], [B, C], [D]].
At the top level, you have the list of dependencies, all of which must be satisfied. Each dependency in the list of dependencies consists of a list of alternatives.
Once you have an alternative (e.g. libxft ( 2.1.1)), I have provided you with the regex
PKGNAME_AND_VERSION_REGEX to parse it. You can request pkg, op, and ver from a match of the
regex, and you can futher parse op and ver with
(op.as_str().parse::<debversion::VersionRelation>().unwrap(), ver.as_str().to_string())
All you have to do is to put it in a RelVersionedPackageNum struct.
Simple dependency calculations: (25)
Now that you’ve implemented parsing for dependencies, you can use the info command to
print out all loaded information about a package.
Let’s now combine the available and installed data. You are going to implement deps_available,
which checks the declared dependencies of a package and prints out whether they are satisfied
or not. (Please stick to the provided output format for the TAs’ sake; I’ve provided the necessary
println! statements).
$ deps-available 4g8
Package 4g8:
- dependency "libc6 (>= 2.4)"
+ libc6 satisfied by installed version 2.33-1
- dependency "libnet1 (>="
-> not satisfied
- dependency "libpcap0.8 (>= 0.9.8)"
+ libpcap0.8 satisfied by installed version 1.10.1-4
I’d recommend iterating over the dependencies and using a helper function dep_is_satisfied
for each Dependency. A dependency is satisfied if the relevant package is installed (i.e. installedversion is set) and meets the stated version constraints.
I’ve provided helper functions: you can call
to convert string v into a DebianVersionNum, and
debversion::cmp_debversion_with_op(op, iv, &v)
to see whether iv and v satisfy relation op.
I also recommend that you implement method dep_satisfied_by_wrong_version for use below.
It returns the Vec of dependencies that would be satisfied, but have the wrong version installed.
Solvers: (40)
Finally, we’ll wrap up this part with two commands, transitive-dep-solution and how-to-install,
which do more sophisticated reasoning on collections of packages.
I recommend the use of worklist algorithms here, which you should have seen previously. The
idea is that the main loop of the algorithm picks an item from the worklist, does work on that
item, and puts new work that results from that item back onto the worklist. It iterates until
there is no more work to be done.
Transitive dep solution (10)
$ transitive-dep-solution libzydis-dev
"libzydis-dev" transitive dependency solution: "libzycore-dev, libzydis3.2,
libzycore1.1, libc6, libgcc-s1, gcc-11-base"
This command computes one transitive solution to a package’s dependencies, i.e. it includes all
dependencies of dependencies. It’s implemented by function
pub fn transitive_dep_solution(&self, package_name: &str) -> Vec<i32>
The key here is whenever this algorithm has a choice (alternatives), it chooses the first alternative. You may assume that this alternative is installable.
To implement this solver, use a dependency set Vec. Populate it with the first alternatives of
package_name. Iterate through the dependency set and add all new dependencies of packages
already in the dependency set (again, resolving alternatives by picking the first one). Stop if an
iteration didn’t add any new dependencies.
Computing how to install (30) The first part of the lab culminates in this method.
$ how-to-install 3depict
Package 3depict:
"3depict" to install: "libftgl2, libgsl27, libmgl7.6.0, libgslcblas0, libhdf4-0, libhpdf-2.3.0, libmgl-data"
This time, you implement method
pub fn compute_how_to_install(&self, package_name: &str) -> Vec<i32>
The differences here are:
• filter out dependencies that are already satisfied (you have dep_is_satisfied);
• when there is a choice (dependency A|B), and one of the choices is already installed, but
the wrong version, then install that choice;
• when choosing between options (either because none is installed, or because multiple
wrong versions are installed), go ahead and compare apples and oranges: install the
higher version number.
Again, you may assume that all packages that are mentioned are also installable (though it
doesn’t hurt to check).
Clarification: I meant that choices here would optimistically assume that the thing that you pick
will satisfy the dependency requirement, which is not necessarily true. You can either make
that assumption, or you can check that a choice satisfies the requirement before considering it,
and panic if there are no valid choices.
Also, during this computation, don’t make any changes to the set of installed packages. For instance, if you ask how-to-install libscim-dev, it has a dependency on libgtk2.0-dev and
another one on libgtk-3-dev | libgtk2.0-dev (<< 2.21). Consider the first one, then consider the second one based on the initial state—don’t assume that you’ve installed libgtk2.0-dev
before considering the second dependency.
Part 2: Nonblocking I/O
In this part, you will implement handling for the verify command in the program. Every
package that is published has an associated md5 hash. The hash is computed by looking at
the package itself. In principle, this hash can be used to check whether the package has been
tampered with, or if there was an error in transferring it somehow, or if the dodgy 10 year old
USB key you stored your package on isn’t to be trusted4
We have provided a little web server that can be used to retrieve the correct md5 hash, given a
package name and version. This web server will be running at on port
4590. If the server is down, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable, you can run the server yourself
for the purposes of your own development/testing:
You can use the set-server command on your local solution to set the provided server state
element in AsyncState; it points to by default, but you can point
it to localhost:4590 to run locally, for instance, which would work provided that you are
running your own copy of the package verifier.
The server has one REST endpoint:
GET /rest/v1/checksums/{package_name}/{version}
For clarity, this endpoint takes two path parameters: package_name and version; replace those
with the actual package name and its version that you would like to query.
The server will check its registry and if it finds a matching combination of name and version, it
returns HTTP 200 with the body of the response being the hash for that package. If the server
cannot find a corresponding combination of name and version, it will return a HTTP 404. Other
invalid requests may result in HTTP 400 or other error codes.
Usage example:
4For the purposes of this assignment, we aren’t actually going to compute the local md5 hash for packages, so
that you don’t have to have a bunch of packages around to test your assignment. Use your imagination.
(Not sure what status code you’re getting back? Try curl -v.) You then compare the md5 hash
received from the server against the md5 hash you have locally for the package. They should
all be a match; if not, something is wrong.
Implementing the Verifier
The verifier will use a library called “curl” . The curl library uses callbacks. If you are not familiar
with callbacks, the idea is pretty simple. You call curl’s perform() function to do some work
(i.e. interact with a web service), and it calls functions (which you provide) while carrying out
that work. When the work is complete, curl returns from your call to perform(). Basically you
are saying to curl “perform this task, and let me know when you need me to provide some data
to you or if you have some data to give to me” .
To get a recap on curl, check the lecture notes; for a deeper dive into the topic, consult the
ECE 252 material (even if it is in C).
Your job is to implement the verification logic so that it uses non-blocking I/O, that is, the curl
“multi” interface. Your solution should not use threading.
The way the program will work is as follows. At the user’s leisure, as they are using the package
manager, they can request a verification of a package. This causes the package manager to
enqueue a non-blocking curl request to the server, storing a handle for this request. Later, the
user can execute the queue. At that point, the package manager does a blocking wait until all
the answers come in, and prints out the requested verification results. When the user quits the
package manager, the package manager will also execute any remaining requests.
$ load-csv data/packages.csv
Packages available: 63846
$ enq-verify bash
queueing request
$ enq-verify 0ad
queueing request
$ enq-verify libc6 28
queueing request
$ quit
verifying bash, matches: true
verifying 0ad, matches: true
got error 404 on request for package libc6 version 28
For this part of the lab, you need to implement 2 functions in file src/packages/
enq_verify_with_version and execute. You can also add any necessary fields to the struct
AsyncState, and initialize them in new.
pub fn enq_verify_with_version(&mut self, pkg:&str, version:&str)
This function prepares a request for pkg’s md5sum (passing its name and version number) and
adds a corresponding handle to the queue (actually a Vec). It must return right away.
Hints. You can use the format! macro and urlencoding::encode to URL-encode the version
number. You probably want to do something like in with the packages, but this time
using your own EASYKEY_COUNTER and using your index to find the parts of the state you need
to keep (you can’t index on an Easy2Handle). Think about what data you’ll need to do the
pub fn execute(&mut self)
This function asks curl to perform work until there’s no more work to be done. You can ignore
any errors that curl may raise while it’s performing work. Once all the work is done, drain the
set of keys to handles. For each handle: if you got a response code of 200, then compare the
md5sums that came back with the md5sums that you have stored locally, and print the result
of the comparison. For response codes ≥ 400, print out an error message. Please match the
provided format to enable TAs to automate some of the grading.
Note. You can do this async I/O part independently from the first part, by using command
load-csv data/packages.csv. Once you’ve implemented the parsers, you can also use the
normal way of loading data to get the md5sums.
You can measure how long your program takes to execute by using the hyperfine command on
Linux. When you build your program, the executable is placed in target/release/rpkg, so here’s
a typical sequence:
> cargo build --release
> hyperfine -i "target/release/rpkg < [commands]"
The -i option to hyperfine tells it to ignore any error status returned from your program. The
starter code does not explicitly return an error status from main(), so without the -i option you
will find that hyperfine aborts without giving you useful output.
The < operator redirects input from file commands to rpkg. You can put your test scripts in files
and run rpkg with those files using redirection.
The general principle is that correct solutions earn full marks. However, it is your responsibility
to demonstrate to the TA that your solution is correct. Well-designed, clean solutions are more
likely to be recognized as correct. Solutions that do not compile will earn at most 39% of the
available marks for that part. Solutions that compile but crash earn at most 49%. Grading is
done by building your code, running it, checking the output, and inspecting the code. For this
lab, we are not grading performance.
Part 1: Managing the Packages (80 marks)
Your code needs to correctly implement the package management functionality as described
above. 15 marks for parsing, 25 for simple dependency calculations, 40 marks for solvers.
Part 2: Nonblocking I/O (20 marks)
Your code must properly use curl’s “multi” features.
• What about compilation warnings? We encourage your code to be free of warnings but
we won’t dock marks if there is no underlying issue. You can also fix linter errors in the
provided code.
• What about error handling? You can pretend that failures never happen (famous last
words), i.e. you need not implement code to retry after failures. If you do notice an error,
print a message and exit. You can also assume that the inputs are correctly-formatted and
• What can we change in the provided code? Go ahead and change it as you like. You can
add extra optional command-line arguments and commands if you’d like, but don’t make
them mandatory (i.e. the TA should be able to plug-and-play your code just like all the
other solutions.)
• Tell me more about the how-to-install algorithm.
Here’s an example (thanks to Alexander Kursell). A depends on [B, C]; B depends on
D | E; and C depends on E | F. Let’s say the rules resolve B’s dependency to D and C’s
dependency to E.
Proceed using an operational worklist-based definition.
1. Put A in the worklist.
2. Pull out A and get its dependency on [B, C]. Push B and C onto the worklist.
3. Pull out B and get D | E. Put D on the worklist.
4. Pull out C and get E | F. Put E on the worklist.
5. Pull D and E from the worklist.
You end up with install set [A, B, C, D, E].
version 3 update: fixed incorrect output for 3depict in v2 of this writeup, add note about
version 4 update: change font size for how-to-install output.
version 5 update: clarify in how-to-install about not having to check that alternatives
satisfy requirements (though it’s also allowed to do that check).
version 6 update: clarify that how-to-install doesn’t do incremental updates to state while
calculating; add small comment about curl -v.
version 7 update: actually cycles in the dependency graph are fine; clarify that transitive-dep-solutiononly adds new dependencies to the worklist.
version 8 update: We will not have any test cases where you have to (potentially transitively)
install any package that has no available version.

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