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Lab 10: Graphs

CS 305 Lab 10: Graphs

The purpose of this lab is to give you experience with implementing a graph data
structure and implementing graph functions. This lab has a total of 100 possible
points (30 points from pre-lab and 70 points from lab). You have 1.5 to 2 class
periods to work on this lab.
Sit with your assigned partner.
Upon completion of the laboratory exercise, you will be able to do the following:
 use the adjacency matrix representation of a graph
 calculate degrees for vertices
 determine neighbors of vertices
 implement depth-first search
 determine the path from node x to y using the results of depth-first- search
Part 1: Logging in (choose one person)
1. Follow the procedure from prior labs to log in and open Mobaxterm. Go into your
cs305 directory. Make a new lab10 directory:
cd /drives/p/cs305
mkdir lab10
2. Get the lab 10 files. Download graph.c from moodle to your lab10 folder.
Hopefully, you can see the file in the directory.
Part 2: Understand the existing code
Open graph.c. In this lab, the graph is an unweighted, directed graph that is
implemented using the adjacency matrix representation. The nodes are labeled 0 to
|V|-1 where V is the set of vertices in the graph. For example, if the graph has 4
nodes, then the node labels are {0, 1, 2, 3}.
1. What are the members of the Graph struct? __________________________________
2. What are the members of the DFS struct? ____________________________________
3. Look at the main function. How many vertices does g have after it is created?
4. You’ll see calls to addEdge. Some of these calls will not add an edge (if the src is
out of range, if the dest is out of range, if an edge already exists). Draw the edges
in the graph g below:
int V, int **M
COLOR color, int parent, int discover, int finish
5. Scroll down to the function createEmptyGraph. Read through this. This function
creates a graph with no edges of numVertices nodes. freeGraph frees all memory
associated with a graph.
Part 3: Implementing functions
As you work through the function definitions, you may want to compile often:
gcc –o g graph.c
1. Go to the addEdge function definition. Complete this function so that it does the
 if graph is null, prints an error message about not adding an edge and return
 if src or dest is out of range for the graph (< 0 or = g-V), print “src or dest
vertex invalid” and return 0
 if graph already has an edge from src to dest, print “edge already exists
between 0 and 3” if the src is 0 and dest is 3; return 0
 set g-M[src][dest] to 1 and return 1
After you get addEdge working, test it on the graph in main. Which of the okX
variables are set to 0?
2. Go to the outDegree function definition. Complete this function so that it does
the following:
 if graph is null, returns 0
 if v is out of range, returns 0
 count the number of edges from v to other nodes and return this count (think
about what row or column you need to look at in G-M)
3 2
9, 12, 14, 16
3. Go to the inDegree function definition. Complete this function so that it does the
 if graph is null, returns 0
 if v is out of range, returns 0
 count the number of edges from other nodes to v and return this count (think
about what row or column you need to look at in G-M)
4. Go to the isNeighbor function definition. Complete this function so that it does
the following:
 if g is NULL, return 0
 if x or y are out of range, return 0
 if has an edge from x to y, return 1; else, return 0
Checkpoint 1 [30 points]: Show your lab instructor/assistant the answers
to the questions above and results of your program running.
Part 4: Implementing Depth First Search and path finder
1. Read through the dfsInit function. This initializes the array of DFS objects prior
to calling dfs. Complete the dfs function so that it recursively performs depth-first
search. It should print “visited 0” when it visits node 0. Note that the time variable
is global, so the recursive function calls have access to a common time variable.
Use isNeighbor to determine the vertices adjacent to the node you are currently
2. Complete the printReversePath function so that it prints the path from dest to
source. Note that a more user-friendly version would reverse the path to print from
src to dest, which could easily be done with a stack. To implement this, you start
with current node as the dest node. You find its parent and set this to the current
node. Print the current node. Keep doing this while the current node is not -1 and
current node is not the src.
An example printout for a path from 0 to 1 would look like:
PATH: 1 <-3 <-0 <-
Checkpoint 2 [20 points]: Show your lab instructor/assistant the results of
your program running.
Part 5: Choose your own graph function
1. Choose something you want to implement for the graph. Here are some options:
a. breadth-first search (will also need a queue; can use queue code from
earlier lab)
b. distance-away from source to dest (# hops, based on breadth-first search),
for example if node 5 is 3 hops away from 0, then it should return 3. If there is no
path from the source to the dest, return -1.
c. print a topological sort of the graph (based on depth-first search)
d. re-do the graph representation as an adjacency list; update addEdge,
isNeighbor, printGraph, inDegree, outDegree
e. minimum spanning tree (Prim); note: graph needs to be undirected, so
update addEdge to add edges between (src, dest) and (dest, src)
f. minimum spanning tree (Kruskal); note: graph needs to be undirected, so
update addEdge to add edges between (src, dest) and (dest, src)
g. is-cyclic, check to see if there is a cycle from any node back to itself
h. is-connected, check to see if there is a path from every src node to all
other nodes
i. is-subgraph, create new graph and check it against another graph. A graph
G’ is a subgraph of G if V’ is a subset of V and E’ is a subset of E.
j. something of your own desire (ask me first if it is not on the above list);
note that you are implementing dijstra’s for homework, so do not do dijkstra for
the lab
2. What feature did you add to the code? _______________________________________
Checkpoint 3 [20 points]: Show your lab instructor/assistant the results of
your program running.
Part 6: Finish up
Close Mobaxterm and any other applications. Log off the computer.
If any checkpoints are not finished, they are due NLT midnight on Sunday. You may
submit screenshots, the code file, and answers to questions electronically on
Distance-Calculation function - getDistance()

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