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Lab 11: Heap, Search, Hash

C S 272/463 Introduction to Data Structures
Lab 11: Heap, Search, Hash
I. Learning objectives
Objectives 4, 6, 7, 8, 9.
II. Requirements
Q1. (30 points) Implement the following methods for a min heap (i.e., the top element of the heap is the
smallest element) by using the ArrayList java class to store the heap elements. Put all your methods to
(1a) (10 points) Add a new element e into the heap.
public void add(int e)
(1b) (10 points) Get and remove the top element of the heap.
public int remove()
(1c) (5 points) Get the top element of the heap.
public int top()
(1d) (5 points) Put your test cases to the main method. You need to design test cases to test your program
thoroughly. If your test cases cannot cover some important conditions, points may be deducted.
Q2. (10 points) Please design the binary search function to search an element e in an array A. Assume that
all the elements in array A are useful elements, and the values in A are ordered in ascending order. Put your
test cases to the main method. You need to design test cases to test your program thoroughly. If your test
cases cannot cover some important conditions, points may be deducted. Put all your method and test code
public static int binarySearch (int[] A, int e)
Q3. (10 points) Write a method that finds the k nearest elements to a target in a sorted integer ArrayList. k
and target are given positive integers. The method needs to make use of the binary search technique. For
Input: [11, 13, 14, 17, 20, 23, 27], k = 4, target = 15
Output: [11, 13, 14, 17]
Input: [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], k = 3, target = 11
Output: [12, 13, 14]
Input: [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], k = 2, target = 18
Output: [16, 17]
public static ArrayList<Integer> findKNearest(ArrayList<Integer> A, int k, int
What is the time complexity of your method?
Q4. (30 points) Please design a hash table EmployeeTable to implement the open-address hashing data
structure that we discussed in class. EmployeeTable is used to store information of employees. The
employee structure is the data structure you implemented in lab 2. For this lab, each employee should also
have an int variable employee_no, which is a unique identifying value of an employee. Implement the
following methods for this class and put the code to
(4a) (5 points) Please include proper instance variables in EmployeeTable and include proper constructors.
(4b) (5 points) Please design the hash function to be the hash code of the employee no %
(4c) (5 points) Add a new employee e into the hash table.
public void put(Employee e)
(4d) (5 points) Remove a given employee with employee id emp_no from the hash table. Return false if an
employee with emp_no does not exist in the hash table; Otherwise, remove it and return true.
public boolean remove(int emp_no)
(4e) (5 points) Find the index of the given employee id emp_no. Return the index of the employee in the
array if the employee with the given employee no exists in the hash table; otherwise, return -1.
public int search(int emp_no)
(4f) (5 points) Put your test cases to the main method. You need to design test cases to test your program
thoroughly. If your test cases cannot cover some important conditions, points may be deducted.
Q5. (20 points) The HashMap java class implements a hash table. Please implement a dictionary program
using HashMap. The user inputs a word, and then the word’s definition is displayed. You’ll need to use
HashMap with a string as both the key and the element types. For your reference, an example to use
HashMap can be found from Please put
the words in example_words.txt to a HashMap structure for testing your program. In example_words.txt,
each line contains a word and its definition that are separated by a tab.
III. Note
• Specifications for all your classes and methods:
Please properly explain (1) the functionality of the methods, (2) the parameters, (3) the return
values, (4) the pre-conditions if there is any;
Please use inline comments, meaningful variable names, indentation, formatting, and whitespace
throughout your program to improve its readability.
• You can (but are not required to) design and implement other facilitating methods (E.g., other get
and set methods, toString method) to finish the implementation of the required methods.
IV. Submission
Submit through canvas a zipped file containing your (1) java file(s) (not .class files).
V. Grading Criteria
1. The score allocation is beside the questions.
2. Please make sure that you test your code thoroughly by considering all possible test cases. Your
code may be tested using more test cases.

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