Lab 2: A Peer Node
The majority of socket programs, including Netimg of Lab1, follows the clientserver paradigm, where a
server waits on a wellknown port for clients' connections. In this lab, we'll explore peertopeer
programming. A peer is basically both a server and a client. It accepts connections from other peers and
also connects to one or more peers.
You're provided with a skeleton code, a single file called peer.cpp as part of this lab. You can download
the support code from the Course Folder. The provided Makefile builds a program called peer. The
program takes a single, optional argument on the command line:
% peer [‐p <hostname:<port]
The ‐p option tells the peer program which peer to connect to initially. If this option is not provided, the
peer starts as a server listening on a random, ephemeral port.
To boot strap the peertopeer (p2p) network, we first start a peer by itself. Everytime a peer runs, it
prints to screen/console its fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and the port number it is listening on.
When a peer is run with the hostname:port of another peer as its command line argument, the new peer
tries to join the provided peer in the p2p network by creating a socket and connecting to the peer.
A peer that receives a join request will accept the peer if and only if its peer table is not full. Whether a
join request is accepted or not, the peer sends back to the requesting peer the hostname:port of a peer in
its peer table, if the table is not empty, to help the newly joined peer find more peers to join.
In completing this lab, you may consult the sample code server.c and client.c from Lab 0 and your
code for Lab 1. In terms of code you have to write, the majority of it is very similar to what you did in
Lab 1. Try to take a step back and look at the big picture, i.e., how the two pieces of code that were
implemented in two different processes now reside in the same process and how this process is serving
the role of both a client and a server. Pay particular attention to how this is accomplished by monitoring
multiple sockets on a single thread. Another goal of this lab is for you to gain an early experience with
protocol design. In this case, we're designing a simple peertopeer join protocol, with redirection.
Task 1: Server Side
Your first task is to implement the server side of a peer. You can search for the string "Task 1" in the
code to find places where "Task 1" related code must be filled in. You can search for the string "YOUR
CODE HERE" in the code to find places where your code must go.
If peer is run without any option on the command line, it calls peer_setup(port) with the argument port
= 0. Fill in the function peer_setup(port) by first creating a TCP socket. Since we will be reusing the
same port number with both a server listening socket and a client connect socket, set the socket option to
allow for address reuse. Then bind the socket to the port passed in as argument to peer_setup() and
listen for connection, with listen queue length set to the macro PR_QLEN. If port = 0, the OS will assign a
random, ephemeral port to the socket. Finally, return the socket descriptor to the caller. The peer_setup()
has been commented such that it should be clear where you need to make which socket API call.
Depending on the error checking you do, it takes only 5 to 9 lines of code to complete this function.
Back in main(), if peer was run without any command line option, peer_setup() would have obtained a
random, ephemeral port number on the returned socket. Find out the port number assigned to the socket
and store it in the self variable. Next find out the name of the host the peer is currently running on. Store
the name in the memory space pointed to by pname[1], which we're using as scratch space. The current
host name is used for printing userfriendly status messages to the console. This part of the task takes 3 to
5 lines of code.
Next call select() to wait for connection on the listened on socket (1 to 2 lines of code). When a
connection is made, main() checks if its peer table is full (for this lab, we restrict the peer table size to 2).
If the table is not full, main() calls peer_accept() to accept the connection and then calls peer_ack() to
send back a welcome (PM_WELCOME) message with a list of all the other peers it knows of, if any (well, in
this lab, "all" means the only other peer in its peer table). The new peer is then stored in the peer table.
On the other hand, if the peer table is full, main() calls peer_accept() and peer_ack() as before, but in
the call to peer_ack(), it sends back a redirect (PM_RDIRECT) message, along with the first peer it knows
of, if any, and closes the connection.
The function peer_accept(sd, pte) accepts the connection on the socket sd. Since we will be sending
back acknowledgement message when the peer table is full and we must close the connection, set the
socket option so that the socket will linger for PR_LINGER amount of time upon closing to give time for the
acknowledgement message to arrive at the redirected peer. This part takes 5 to 7 lines of code.
The function peer_ack(td, type, peer) marshalls together a message of type pmsg_t defined at the top
of peer.cpp. It fills in the fields of the message: pm_vers must be set to PM_VERS, pm_type set to the type
argument passed in to peer_ack(), if the peer pointer passed in is a NULL pointer, set pm_npeers to 0,
otherwise set it to 1 and copy the address and port of the peer pointed to by peer to pm_peer. Then
peer_ack() sends the marshalled message through the provided socket td. If there's any error in sending,
for example, if the other side of the connection has been closed by the peer, close the connection. This
part takes about 13 lines of code.
That's all for Task 1. It should take about 27 to 36 lines of code in total. After completing Task 1, you
should test your code before continuing to Task 2. See the Testing section below for some guidelines on
testing your code using the reference implementation of peer.
Task 2: Client Side
You can search for the string "Task 2" in the code to find places where "Task 2" related code must be
filled in.
If peer is run with the ‐p option, the user must provide a peer hostname and a port number of the peer to
connect to, with the port number separated from the peer hostname by a colon. The provided function
peer_args() handles parsing of the command line. Upon return from the call to peer_args(), the peer's
hostname will be stored in pname[0] and the port number will be stored, in network byte order, in pte[0].
Given the peer's hostname stored in pname[0], determine the peer's IPv4 address and store it in peer table
entry 0 (pte[0]). Then call the peer_connect() function, passing it a pointer to the first peer table entry.
When peer_connect() connects to the provided peer, it will be assigned a random, ephemeral port
number by the OS.
The function peer_connect(pte) connects to the provided peer. First create a new TCP socket, store the
new socket descriptor in pte‐pte_sd. Since we will be reusing the same port number with both a server
listening socket and a client connect socket, set the socket option to allow for address reuse. Next
initialize the socket with the destination peer's IPv4 address and port number with the peer table entry
pointed to by the pte argument. Finally connect to the destination peer and return to caller. When you
connect to the destination peer, the OS will assign a random, ephemeral port to the socket. If there were
any error during the connect process, terminate process.
Back in main(), find out the assigned ephemeral port number and store it in the self variable, along with
the IPv4 address of the current host. The function peer_connect() should take 5 to 10 lines of code. The
code in main() prior to and upon return from the call to peer_connect() together should take about 4 to 6
At this point in main(), we'll be calling the peer_setup() function you wrote earlier in Task 1. However,
instead of calling the function with port = 0, we'll be calling it with the random, ephemeral port number
assigned by the OS when you connected with the userprovided peer. In the call to select(), we will be
waiting for activities on the listened to socket and all connected socket(s), if any. When a message arrives
from a connected peer, we call peer_recv(td, msg).
The function peer_recv(td, msg) receives a message from the provided socket td into the buffer space
pointed to by the provided msg pointer, and returns the size of the received message, which in this lab
should always be sizeof(pmsg_t). If there is any error in receiving the message, close the socket td and
return to caller the error code returned by the socket receive API. This function should take about 11
lines of code. Back in main(), if the received packet contains another peer, print out the third peer's
address and port number. If the received packet is a PM_RDIRECT packet, inform the user that the join has
been declined (redirected). The user can manually try to connect to the third peer returned in the redirect
That's all for Task 2. The total number of lines for Task 2 should be about 20 to 27 lines of code. And the
total number of lines for both tasks together is about 47 to 62 lines.
Testing Your Code
We will use the same four hosts CAEN has set up for this course. Again, don't use CAEN's login server
(login.engin.umich.edu) which will redirect you to one of caen‐vnc* hosts as these hosts do not allow
for connection to random ports. You can also run multiple peers on a single host and form p2p
connections between them. When multiple peers are running on the same host, you can use localhost in
place of the peer's hostname in the command line to peer.
In addition to the skeletal code and Makefile, we've also provided an executable binary of peer, called
refpeer, that runs on CAEN eecs489 hosts. It is available on /afs/umich.edu/class/eecs489/w15/FILES/.
As in Lab 1, this is a GNU/Linux executable, not to be downloaded nor run on your Mac OS X, Ubuntu,
nor Windows machines. Remember that you can connect to the CAEN eecs489 hosts only through
UMVPN and MWireless or from CAEN Lab desktops. You should test your code as soon as you
completed Task 1. Use refpeer to connect to your peer. Similarly, after completing Task 2, connect your
peer to refpeer. To see the expected behavior of the code, run multiple refpeers and have them connect
to each other.
Here is an example test scenario, assuming that you have built the program peer and it is residing in your
working directory/folder for this lab. Create four windows on your local host.
1. On the first window, ssh to eecs489p1.engin.umich.edu, change to your working directory for this
lab, run peer without any command line argument:
p1% ./peer
It should print to screen (with a different port number, depicted in bold here):
This peer address is caen‐eecs489p01.engin.umich.edu:43945.
Note that eecs489p1.engin.umich.edu is an alias/CNAME for caen‐eecs489p01.engin.umich.edu.
On the four eecs489 machines, but not from your laptop, you can also refer to each of them as p1 to
2. On the second window, ssh to eecs489p2.umich.edu, change to your working directory for this lab,
run peer with the following command line argument (replacing the port number with the one that
got printed for you on the first item above):
p2% ./peer ‐p p1:43945
It should print to screen (with different port numbers):
Connected to peer p1:43945
This peer address is caen‐eecs489p02.engin.umich.edu:56535
Received ack from p1:43945
Meanwhile, on the first window, you should see the following additional line printed to screen:
Connected from peer p2:56535
3. On the third window, ssh to eecs489p3.engin.umich.edu, change to your working directory for this
lab, run peer with the following command line argument (replacing the port number with the one
from the first item above):
p3% ./peer ‐p p1:43945
It should print to screen (with different port numbers):
Connected to peer p1:43945
This peer address is caen‐eecs489p02.engin.umich.edu:48141
Received ack from p1:43435
which is peered with: p2:56535
Meanwhile, on the first window, you should see the following additional line printed to screen:
Connected from peer p3:48141
4. On the fourth window, ssh to eecs489p4.engin.umich.edu, change to your working directory for
this lab, run peer with the following command line argument (replacing the port number with the
one from the first item above):
p4% ./peer ‐p p1:43945
It should print to screen (with different port numbers):
Connected to peer p1:43945
This peer address is caen‐eecs489p04.engin.umich.edu:40231
Received ack from p1:43945
which is peered with: p2:56535
Join redirected, try to connect to the peer above.
Meanwhile, on the first window, you should see the following additional line printed to screen:
Peer table full: p4:40231 redirected
5. Staying on the fourth window, if the peer hasn't automatically exited, terminate it by entering 'q'
(and hit "enter"), and run peer again with the following command line argument (replacing the port
number with the one from the fourth item above):
p4% ./peer ‐p p2:56535
It should print to screen (with different port numbers):
Connected to peer p2:56535
This peer address is caen‐eecs489p04.engin.umich.edu:50095
Received ack from p2:56535
which is peered with: p1:43945
Meanwhile, on the second window, on p2, you should see the following additional line printed to
Connected from peer p4:50095
That ends our sample test scenario and you can quit all four peers.
Remember not to use any libraries or compiler options not already used in the Makefile to ensure that we
will be able to build your code for grading. If we can't compile your code, you will get 0 point.
Submission Instructions
Test your compilation! Your submission must compile without errors.
Your "Lab2 files" comprises your peer.cpp file only.
To turn in your Lab2:
1. Email your IA/GSI the SHA1's of your Lab2 file. Use "EECS489: Lab2 Submission" as your
email's "Subject:" line. Once you've sent in your SHA1's, don't make any more changes to the files,
or your SHA1's will become invalid.
2. Upload your Lab2 files by pointing your web browser to Course folder and navigate to your lab2
folder under your uniqname. Or you can scp the files to your lab1 folder on IFS:
This path is accessible from any machine you've logged into using your ITCS (umich.edu)
password. Please report any problems to ITCS.
3. Keep your own backup copy! Don't make any more changes to the files once you've submitted
your final SHA1's.
The timestamp on your SHA1 email will be your time of submission. If this is past the deadline, your
submission will be considered late. You are allowed multiple "submissions" without latepolicy
implications as long as you respect the deadline. Try not to email your SHA1 to your IA/GSI until you've
finalized your code. You don't want to annoy them.
Do NOT turn in an archival (.zip or .tgz) file, instead please turn in your solution files individually.
Turn in ONLY the files you have modified. Do not turn in support code we provided that you haven't
modified. Do not turn in any binary files (object files, executables, or images) with your assignment.
Do remove all printf()'s or cout's and cerr's and any other logging statements you've added for
debugging purposes. You should debug using a debugger, not with printf()'s. If we can't understand the
output of your code, you will get zero point. You can keep error reporting messaages that you print out
prior to terminating your code.