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Lab 2 Designing a 4-bit binary Adder-Subtractor

Lab 2-CECS 341 
Designing a 4-bit binary Adder-Subtractor using Xilinx Vivado IP Integrator
Part I. (Pre-Lab)
In this part, students will work on developing a digital circuit (Circuit 1) shown below using
behavioral VHDL. This circuit is also described in detail in course’s Intro to VHDL Lecture. For the
following design, students should develop a separate behavioral VHDL program and develop a
simple testbench to verify the functionality of design.
Part II. 4-bit Adder/Subtractor
In this part, based on the knowledge learned from Lab 1 and Intro to VHDL Lecture, you will be
using VHDL programming and Xilinx Vivado IP Integrator tool to design a simple 4-bit
As we discussed in previous Lab, first, you need to develop the required 1-bit logical components
using VHDL, and then use them to construct the larger design (4-bit adder-subtractor) using
Vivado IP Integrator. Lastly, you need to develop a testbench to verify your design using the
simulation results and generated waveforms.
Lab 2-CECS 341 Summer 2021
Lab Deliverables
Submit a zipped file with the following syntax Lab2_Group The zipped file should
include the following files:
- The pre-lab (part I) folder consisting of project folder and files for the tested Circuit (folder
containing all the files of your design including Xilinx generated files).
- The full Lab 2-part II project folder for the 4-bit adder-subtractor (folder containing all the files
of your design including Xilinx generated files).
- The lab results need to be presented in the lab during the demo session.
- A lab report describing your steps in developing your design. Also, include the snapshot of your
design and captured waveform.
- Students need to explain the performed steps in a complete lab report and submit the project
- One submission per group is enough. The lab report should include the group members names.
- The submission due date and demo in the lab is July 21
st (07/21/2021) at 11:59 PM. 

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