EE2230 Logic Design Lab 1
Lab 2: FPGA Emulation
ü Introduce BASYS 3 demo board emulation flow.
ü Fundamentals of logic gates.
ü Verilog HDL representation of Logic components.
1 Emulate exp1 in lab1 (a full adder s+cout=x+y+cin) with the following parameters.
I/O x y cin s cout
LOC V17 V16 W16 U16 E19
2 Derive a BCD (i[3:0]) to 7-segment display decoder (D_ssd[7:0]), and also use four LEDs
(d[3:0]) to monitor the 4-bit BCD number. (Other values of i outside the range will show
3 (Bonus) Design a combinational circuit that compares two 4-bit unsigned numbers A and
B to see whether A is greater than B. The circuit has one output X such that X = 0 if A ≤ B
and X = 1 if A > B. (let A[3:0], B[3:0] be controlled by 8 DIP switches, the binary numbers
are displayed on 8 LEDs. The result X is on another LED.)