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Lab 2: Informed Search Methods

Lab 2: Informed Search Methods
CS410: Artificial Intelligence

All problems in this lab are based on the maze environment introduced in Lab 1. Recall in
this environment, a maze consists of a character S, a character G, and characters %.
Exercise 1
In the maze environment, treat a connected area of characters % in the maze as a lake.
Two characters % are adjacent if one could be reached from another in any direction of
North, South, West, or East.
A. Number of 'Lakes'
The first question is to use depth-first graph search (DFGS) to find out the number of
'lakes'. The input is an instance of maze, and the output is an integer indicating the
number of lakes. It is required to finish Exercise2_1_1 in using the
Stack data structure implemented in Lab 1. For example, the following maze in
Maze_lab2_1_1.lay has 4 lakes.
B. DFGS with Iterative Deepening
Consider again the problem of searching the path from the start state S to the goal state G
(Lab 1, Exercise 2). If this problem is presented in a large maze, the DFGS would be
inefficient. Now improve the DFGS by the trick of iterative deepening (Lecture 2, Slide 39)
with TWO different increasing functions on depths. Implement DFGS with the iterative
deepening trick in Exercise2_1_2 in Plot the time and memory
consumption against the search depth for these two functions respectively. How are the
performances of these two functions? What is the advantage of each one? Then give your
discussions on how to define the increasing function on depths in real applications.
Exercise 2: Least-Cost Path (Uniform-Cost Graph Search)
It is required to use uniform-cost graph search (UCGS) to find the least-cost path from the
start state S to the goal state G in the maze. The input is an instance of maze and the
output is the least-cost path from S to G, together with the cost. Implement
Exercise2_2_1 in and run your implementations.
How about the performance of the greedy graph search (GGS) with the Euclidean distance
as the heuristic function on the maze Maze_lab2_2_1.lay ? Implement GGS in
Exercise2_2_2 of Can you design two environments such that each of
the UCGS and GGS has better performance? How general environments can you conclude
from the design of these two example environments? Based on this, discuss on the
drawback of UCGS.
The usage of the PriorityQueue data structure in the Python standard library is allowed.
Exercise 3: Least-Cost Path with Heuristics
It is required to use graph search ( GS) with the Euclidean distance as the heuristic
function to find the least-cost path from the start state S to the goal state G in the maze.
The input is an instance of maze and the output is the least-cost path from S to G,
together with the cost. Implement Exercise2_3_1 in and run your
implementations. Compare the experimental results of UCGS, GGS and GS on the
mazes Maze_lab2_2_1.lay and Maze_lab2_3_1.lay respectively. Are the solutions
found by these three methods optimal? How about the number of expanded nodes in the
search procedures of these three search methods? For GS, can you design a heuristic
function which is better than the Euclidean distance? Explain why the new heuristic
function is better both theoretically and experimentally.
Denote the coordinate of the goal state G as . Consider this heuristic function.
For each state P, define its distance to the goal state G as
, where is
the coordinate of the state P and is the indicator function. Does GS still work
under this heuristic function? Give your analysis if it works or design a maze to make it
fail otherwise.
The usage of the PriorityQueue data structure in the Python standard library is allowed.
There are only two files you need to submit: where your search algorithms are implemented;
report.pdf for your brief report in English.
Name your zip file containing the above as with your student ID, and
submit it on Canvas.

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