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Lab 2 - Malware

CECS 378 Lab 2 - Malware
60 points
Assignment Description. This assignment is designed to introduce to you how malware can
infect compiled programs, give you exposure to using a hex editor to understand computer code at
a machine level, and how security researchers inspect binary code to understand software at a low
level. I love playing video games. Some of my earliest memories of childhood was sitting in front of
a computer playing computer games. I’d love to revisit some of my old favorites, but as a professor,
I have very little time to actually sit down and play games these days.
So, I need your help. I want to play one of the all time great CRPGs, Ultima V, but I have no
time to go through the grind of leveling up and maxing out my stats.
Figure 1: Start of Ultima V
Running the Game. The game will probably not run directly on modern operating systems,
but it will run just fine under DOSBox (a DOS environment designed to play older games). Grab
DOSBox from here. DOSBox will require a bit of setup, but the game should run under DOSBox
without any additional tweaking of the game itself.
First, play the game enough to establish a character and get a feel for how the game is played.
If you have experience playing CRPGs, then this game will be at least somewhat familiar to you.
Then, you will save the game by pressing ’Q’ and then alter the game’s files to give your character
maximum stats and gold. You can check the character’s stats by pressing ’Z’ and then selecting
the highlighted character on the right. It will be up to you to locate which file(s) are necessary to
modify and what values to place into those file(s) at specific locations.
Completing this assignment will require you to use a binary hex editor. I have listed a few here
if you do not have one, but feel free to use whatever editor you choose:
OS Program
Windows Frhed
MacOS Hex Fiend
Linux hexedit
The final stats on your main character (the one with your name) should look something like
Attribute Value
Str 99
Int 99
Dex 99
HP 999
Max HP 999
Exp 9999
Gold 9999
Assignment. Probably the most difficult part of this assignment is locating where in the game
to make the modifications. I recommend spending a good amount of time figuring out how the
internal structure of the game (in binary, of course) is organized. If you can discern a pattern from
the binary placement, then this assignment will become much easier.
First, when you discover where something is located (the offset, in binary terms) write it down.
You will need to turn in the offsets of each location and the file in which they were contained in to
complete this assignment.
Next, once you’ve understood the structure of the program and how it is laid out, write a short
program (in whatever language you like) which modifies the original game’s binary files to replace
the values above in the appropriate location. It should not be necessary to decompile the original
code (and it would break the game anyways), but it will be necessary to do a little reading on how
to edit a binary file inside of code (hint: read it in like a regular file and save it in its original form
back to the file itself).
One last thought: remember in CECS 341 where you learned about big-endian and little-endian
encoding? This might be important to know for this lab...
Additional Requirements. For full credit on the assignment, I’m requiring some additional
things to be added to your final program. If you’ve understood the first part, these should not be
all that difficult to include:
Figure 2: See? It can be done.
• An interactive program which allows the user to change the values to whatever they want
(not just a pre-set value structure).
• Include the following values in your alterations/offset listing/source code program:
– All of the above stats on every companion character (not just the main PC). There
should be sixteen total characters.
– 100 keys
– 100 skull keys
– 100 gems
– 1 black badge
– 2 magic carpets
– 10 magic axes (the best weapon in the game!)
– And the ability to change all of these inside of your interactive program
Finally, give me a writeup on your experience doing this assignment, the offsets and file(s) for
all of the attributes that you changed, and some screenshots of your p@wn3d game (bragging rights
All of the offsets should be listed in hex format (ie. 0xDEADBEEF).
Deliverables. Submit the following through Beachboard Dropbox (please no compression):
1. Your modified game files (not the whole game).
2. Your source code that modifies the game, in its original format. You may add an extension
of .txt if Beachboard doesn’t play nicely with your code (eg. source.c.txt).
3. A screenshot of your modified stats in the game.
4. A short write-up of how you determined which files to alter, which location addresses (offsets)
were modified, what values they were changed to, and what the end result was.
Make sure that all code is commented with your own explanations or it will not be graded and
you will receive zero points for the lab.

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