Electrical and Computer Engineering / Software Engineering
The main objective of this lab is to start your familiarizing with the MapReduce programming model
under Hadoop. As discussed in class, MapReduce is an abstraction for processing large data sets and has
been applied successfully to a number of tasks in the past, including web search. At the end of this lab,
you will be able to:
● Write and Execute a program using Hadoop MapReduce
● Write algorithms for data processing using MapReduce
● Apply these skills in analyzing basic statistics of a large text corpus
Create a zip (or tar) archive with the following and hand it in through Canvas.
● A write-up report includes
● Answering questions for each experiment in the lab, if there is any
● Output for each experiment (screenshots)
● Commented Code for your program.
● Include all source files needed for compilation
● Name each source file according to the experiment, as appropriate
Electrical and Computer Engineering / Software Engineering
MapReduce is a programming model for parallel programming on a cluster. We will be working with the
Hadoop implementation of the MapReduce paradigm.
A Program based on the MapReduce model can have several rounds. Each round must have a map and a
reduce method. The input to the program is processed by the map method and it emits a sequence of
key and value pairs <k, v>. The system groups all values corresponding to a given key and sorts them.
Thus for each key k, the system generates a list of values corresponding to k, and this is then passed on
to the reduce method. The output from the reduce methods can then be used as the input to the next
round, or can be output to the distributed file system.
A key point is that two (or more) mappers cannot communicate with each other, and neither can two (or
more) reducers communicate with each other. Although this restricts what a program can do, it allows
for the system to easily parallelize the actions of the mappers and the reducers. The only
communication occurs when the output of a mapper is sent to the reducers.
Take a look at the Example Hadoop Program found on Canvas – “WordCount.java”. A MapReduce
program typically has at least 3 classes as shown in the example code: A Driver Class (in our case,
WordCount), a Mapper Class and a Reducer Class.
The method of compiling java program is same as Lab 1. However, besides of the properties and
dependencies mentioned in Lab 1 instruction, there is one more dependency need to be added in
dependencies section in pom.xml, shown as below
Don’t forget to change java version to 1.8 and Don’t forget to start-all via terminal shell script
Electrical and Computer Engineering / Software Engineering
● The MapReduce programs read input from the HDFS and write their output to HDFS.
● Two Hadoop programs running simultaneously cannot have the same output path, although
they can share the same input path. Thus, make your output path unique, as otherwise your job
may have a conflict with the output of other jobs, and hence fail. Finally, make sure that the
output directory is empty by deleting its contents. You must do this check every time you re-run
the program or it will fail.
● Note that each MapReduce round can have multiple input paths, but only one output path
assigned to it. If given an input path that is a directory, MapReduce reads all files within the
input directory and processes them.
● You can explore the Hadoop MapReduce API in the link:
http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r3.1.0/api/, and find “org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce”
Electrical and Computer Engineering / Software Engineering
Experiments 1: (15 points)
The WordCount program counts the number of occurrences of every distinct word in a document.
1. Download the sample code, WordCount.java, from Canvas and compile the program (further
instruction can be found at Section 9 & 10 in Lab 1 instruction)
2. Download Shakespeare dataset from Cybox, and move it to HDFS
3. Run jar file by
hadoop jar <location_to_jar > <class_name> <HDFS_location_to_dataset> <Output_location>
For instance,
hadoop jar ~/Downloads/WordCount.jar WordCount /data/shakespeare /lab2/output
Note that there is a space between each parameter
Other information:
Make sure that the output location is empty before running a new job, otherwise job will fail. There is
one output file generated in the output location for every reducer. Screenshot the first 10 lines and
mention in the report.
Experiments 2: (50 points)
A bigram is a contiguous sequence of two words within the same sentence. For instance, the text “This is
a car. This car is fast.” Has the following bigrams: “this is”, “is a”, “a car”, “this car”, “car is”, “is fast”.
Note that the two words within a bigram must be a part of the same sentence. For example, “car this” is
not a bigram since these words are not a part of the same sentence. Also note that you need to convert
all upper case letters to lower case first.
Task: Write a Hadoop program to identify 10 most frequently occurring bigrams, along with their
frequencies of occurrence.
You can assume that each call to the Map method receives one line of the file as its input. Note that it is
possible for a bigram to span two lines of input but they are in two mapper input splits; you can ignore
such cases and you do not have to count such bigrams. Remove any punctuation marks such as “,”, “.”,
“?”, “!” etc from the input text. It can be done in the mapper, regex:
$ String.replaceAll("[^a-z0-9]", "")
Electrical and Computer Engineering / Software Engineering
Question: Think about how you might be able to get around the fact that bigrams might span lines of
input. Briefly describe how you might deal with that situation? (5 points)
Hint: In this task, you might need multiple rounds of MapReduce and there is a sample code,
TwoRoundWordCount.java, on Canvas.
Make sure that the output path of each MapReduce job is a unique directory that does not conflict with
the output path of another job.
Also make sure that your temp directory (of first round MR) and the final output location (of second
round MR) are empty before running a new job, otherwise job will fail.
Skeleton code (Driver.java) is provided to help you to start with the exercise. The code is well
commented so as to help you understand it. Read the comments in detail and try to understand the
code. Then you can build on this code to write your program.
You can use the Shakespeare corpus as the testing input to your program. Once your program runs
successfully on this input, you can try to run your program on larger input files – Gutenberg dataset.
Please submit the source code, in addition to the outputs for both the datasets: Shakespeare and
Gutenberg. Your output must include the top 10 most frequent bigrams and their frequencies of