Starting from:


Lab 2: Persisting Data

SENG365 Lab 2
Lab 2: Persisting Data, Postman Testing, and
Structuring Applications in Node with TypeScript
1 Purpose of this lab
Last week we had an introductory look at using JavaScript, Node, and Express to create a
small chat app API. This week's lab expands on these concepts bringing in many new
features and technologies. Due to the scope of this lab it may take you more than one lab
session to complete, however once completed you should have the necessary skills and
knowledge to begin working on your first assignment.
This lab is broken up into several segments. Firstly we will look into data persistence using
MySQL. This is followed by the largest and most important section where we will re-create
the chat app API from lab 1, this time making use of proper application structure, TypeScript,
and a few other node best practices. This will be followed by a look at how to test the API
using Postman. Finishing with a small introduction to API specifications, and leaving you to
complete the rest of the application to the introduced specification.
2 Persisting Data with MYSQL
2.1 Conceptual Modelling
In the chat application, we will have multiple users that can talk to each other in conversations.
Each conversation can contain multiple messages. Each conversation must have at least two
users. There is no upper limit on the number of users that can participate in a conversation.
Here is an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the chat application:
(Students should be familiar with ERDs from previous courses; for a refresher, see Entity–relationship model)
2.2 Connecting to the MySQL server
Each student enrolled in SENG365 has a user account on the course's MySQL server. You
can access the database both on and off campus.
SENG365 Lab 2
The connection details are as follows:
Username: your student user code (e.g. abc123)
Password: your student ID (e.g. 12345678)
You can manage your database using phpMyAdmin. To access the control panel, go to:
Note: to access the phpMyAdmin you will need two authentications: use your normal UC login
and password for the first one, then, the above one.
Once you’ve logged into phpMyAdmin, you should be able to see the databases beginning
with your username, e.g. abc123_main. Create a database that you will use solely for this lab,
e.g. abc123_s365_lab2.
2.3 Creating Tables
Now that we have access to our database, we will create a database using the
‘lab2_init.sql’ script (available on Learn). This database will have the tables and fields
shown below*. Look through the SQL script for more detailed information on the foreign key
SENG365 Lab 2
*This database schema is derived from the ER diagram shown above
We can run the entire SQL script on our database by opening a terminal (on your local
machine) and running the following command:
mysql -h -u abc123 -D abc123_s365_lab2 -p <
Alternatively, in case you don’t have mysql installed in your home computer (all labs
computers have it installed), you can open a SQL terminal inside the phpMyAdmin (make
sure you’ve selected the database for this lab), past the given script content and run it from
SENG365 Lab 2
Press ‘ctrl + enter’ and confirm the operation.
2.4 Reading database params from environment variables
We do not want to be putting our confidential username and password into code (especially if
we put that code under version control!). Therefore, we need a way to inject the necessary
details into our application when it runs. This is where environment variables come to the
To do this we will make use of the dotenv ( module
later in the lab when we structure our application. This is done by creating a ‘.env’ file at the
root of our project with key=value pairs.
1. If you are working from home please follow the steps detailed in the document
“Connecting to the University Database from Home” under the labs section on
Learn, as you will have to modify the .env file and run an ssh command.
SENG365 Lab 2
2. This file should never be version-controlled, i.e. if you’re using Git then add it to
your .gitignore.
3 Setting up our Node application with TypeScript
3.1 Installing node packages with ‘package.json’
All Node.js projects contain a file, usually located at the root directory, named ‘package.json’
that holds various metadata relevant to the project. This file is used to give information to npm
that allows it to identify the project as well as handle the project's dependencies. It can also
contain other metadata such as a project description, the version of the project in a particular
distribution, license information, even configuration data - all of which can be vital to both npm
and to the end users of the package.
Let’s re-create the chat application from last week using the concepts that we learn in this
1. Create a new directory called ‘lab_2’ (or similar).
2. Inside this new directory, create a file called ‘package.json’ and insert the following
code into it.
 "name": "lab_2",
 "version": "1.0.0",
 "description": "Combined persistence, architecture, and
typescript labs for 2022",
 "main": "dist/app.js",
 "scripts": {
 "prebuild": "tslint -c tslint.json -p tsconfig.json --fix",
 "build": "tsc",
 "prestart": "npm run build",
 "start": "node .",
 "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
 "author": "Your Name",
 "license": "ISC",
 "dependencies": {
 "dotenv": "^10.0.0",
 "express": "^4.17.1",
 "mysql2": "^2.3.2",
 "winston": "^3.3.3"
 "devDependencies": {
 "@types/express": "^4.17.13",
 "@types/node": "^16.11.6",
 "tslint": "^6.1.3",
 "typescript": "^4.4.4"
SENG365 Lab 2
● If you copy the above code to paste in your project, make sure there are no
extra empty spaces between keywords and values as it would affect the parse
of the values. The best – and recommended – way is to type from scratch
rather than copy and paste.
● We have introduced a lot in this file.
○ “dependencies” tell npm which packages are required to build and run
your app, with
○ “devDependencies” being similar but with these packages only needed
for development purposes.
○ “scripts” are the commands that will run under the hood when we run
our app with the command “npm run <script_name>”, notice that we
have introduced some typescript and linting in the (pre)building stages.
The most important of these scripts is ‘npm run start’ that we will use to
run our application.
○ For further reading refer to
● The keyword ‘main’ refers to the file that will be included if someone does a
`require` of your package. In the dependencies you can set the necessary
version for each required package using semantic versioning.
3. Now in your terminal, navigate to your project directory and run ‘npm install’. Node.js
will create a new directory under your project folder named ‘node_modules’ and
install the dependencies listed in the ‘package.json’ file in this new directory.
As an alternative to the system terminal, you can use the Webstorm terminal, which
by default, will prompt you in the project’s root folder:
4. Now we need to set up our typescript config file so that our ‘.ts’ files accurately build
to JavaScript with the build scripts we defined earlier. If you want to find out more
about what is going on please refer to
Create a new file “tsconfig.json” in your root directory and add the code below.
"compilerOptions": {
 "module": "commonjs",
 "target": "es6",
 "rootDir": "./src/",
 "outDir": "dist",
 "esModuleInterop": true,
SENG365 Lab 2
 "noImplicitAny": true,
 "sourceMap": true
5. For this project we are also making use of tslint, a linter for TypeScript. A linter allows
for catching issues with coding practices before we run the application which helps to
catch errors and keep our code uniform. If you want to find out more about what is
going on please refer to
Create a new file “tslint.json” in your root directory and add the code below.
"defaultSeverity": "error",
"extends": [
"jsRules": {},
"rules": {
 "trailing-comma": [ false ]
"rulesDirectory": []
6. Create a folder called ‘src’ this is where we will be storing all of our code. Within this
file create a file ‘app.ts’.
Note: this should be the same name as the ‘main’ variable in package.json, however
when building with type script our ‘app.ts’ in the ‘src’ folder will be turned into a js file
‘app.js’ in the build folder ‘dist’ (thus app.ts becomes dist/app.js).
7. We are now ready to start coding our API.
3.2 Structuring large applications and MVC
Now that we have our modules installed, we can begin to develop our app. We want to break
up the structure of our application to make it easier to understand for developers and ensure
our application scales with minimal code refactoring required.
3.2.1 Model, View, Controller Architecture (MVC)
MVC is an architectural pattern used to break up the structure of an application into its
conceptual counterparts. Anything relating to domain elements or interactions with
databases comes under the ‘model’ section, anything that relates to presentation or the
interface comes under the ‘view’ section and all the application’s logic is stored under the
‘controller’ section.
In our application, we store each part of the MVC structure in its own directory. As our API has
no ‘view’ we use a ‘routes’ directory to provide the definition of the endpoints of our API.
1. Create two directories in your project called ‘config’ and ‘app.’
2. Inside the ‘app’ directory, add three more directories called ‘routes’, ‘models’, and
3. In your config directory, create a file called db.ts. This will hold all the details for
connecting and configuring the database. Here is how the directory structure should
SENG365 Lab 2
look in Webstorm:
4. Inside db.ts, we have two functions; ‘connect’ that connects to the database and
‘getPool’ which returns the connection pool. Copy/Type the below code into db.ts.
import mysql from 'mysql2/promise';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import Logger from './logger';
const state = {
 // @ts-ignore
 pool: null
const connect = async (): Promise<void> => {
 state.pool = await mysql.createPool( {
 host: process.env.SENG365_MYSQL_HOST,
 user: process.env.SENG365_MYSQL_USER,
 password: process.env.SENG365_MYSQL_PASSWORD,
 database: process.env.SENG365_MYSQL_DATABASE,
 } );
 await state.pool.getConnection(); // Check connection`Successfully connected to database`)
const getPool = () => {
 return state.pool;
export {connect, getPool}
5. Create another file in your config directory called ‘express.ts.’ This will hold all the
details for configuring express, as well as being the starting point for our express API.
6. Inside ‘express.ts’ we have one function. This function simply initiates express, sets
up body-parser and then returns the app.
SENG365 Lab 2
import express from "express";
import bodyParser from "body-parser"
export default () => {
 const app = express();
 app.use( bodyParser.json() );
 return app;
7. Now in our ‘app.ts’ file, import the two config files, initiate express using the express
function in the config file that we have just written and connect to the database using
the connect function in the imported database config file. If a connection to the
database is successfully created, then start the server.
import { connect } from './config/db';
import express from './config/express';
import Logger from './config/logger'
const app = express();
// Connect to MySQL on start
async function main() {
 try {
 await connect();
 app.listen(process.env.SENG365_PORT, () => {'Listening on port: ' +
 } catch (err) {
 Logger.error('Unable to connect to MySQL.')
main().catch(err => Logger.error(err));
8. In your config directory create a file ‘logger.ts’. This will hold the setup for logging
using the Winston node package Logging is
common in industry where littering your code with ‘console.log()’ calls is poor practice.
Note: This logger prints to the console (alongside a file) which can be considered bad
practice, but is done to make implementation easier, and to more verbosely show how
our application is working.
Copy the following code into your new ‘logger.ts’ file.
import winston from 'winston'
const levels = {
 error: 0,
 warn: 1,
 info: 2,
 http: 3,
 debug: 4,
SENG365 Lab 2
const colors = {
 error: 'red',
 warn: 'yellow',
 info: 'green',
 http: 'magenta',
 debug: 'white',
const format = winston.format.combine(
 winston.format.timestamp({ format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss:ms' }),
 winston.format.colorize({ all: true }),
 (info) => `${info.timestamp} ${info.level}:
const transports = [
 new winston.transports.Console(),
 new winston.transports.File({
 filename: 'logs/error.log',
 level: 'error',
 new winston.transports.File({ filename: 'logs/ts_labs.log' }),
const Logger = winston.createLogger({
 level: 'debug',
export default Logger
9. Finally create a ‘.env’ file in our root folder with the following environment variables,
ensuring that the values are updated with your own credentials for database
Note: Remember that if you are working from home you must set up ssh tunneling and
set SENG365_MYSQL_HOST=localhost. Also remember to set the database to the
correct name that you created it with earlier in the lab.
SENG365_MYSQL_USER={your user code}
SENG365_MYSQL_PASSWORD={your student id}
SENG365_MYSQL_DATABASE={your user code}_s365_lab2
10. Run your app.ts file using the command ‘npm run start’ in the terminal. The application
can’t do anything at the moment but we can test that the database successfully
SENG365 Lab 2
3.2.2 Debugging Typescript
An important part of efficient coding is being able to quickly trackdown errors in your code.
Generally as developers we all start with throwing print statements anywhere we can in our
code, trying to work out the flow of the error, or printing out different variables to see what is
happening to them. However as you have likely experienced, this technique is not very
efficient, and it can make tracking down bugs a nightmare.
Thus instead of this we should use proper tools designed to help developers find errors. In
this section we will look at how to use WebStorm’s built-in debugger (there is a little more
setup when using typescript compared to regular js).
Note: For further reading refer to:
To start we need to create a run configuration in WebStorm
1. Click on the “add Configuration…” button to open the Run/Debug configuration
window in WebStorm.
2. Use the ‘+’ button to create a new configuration and select Node.js
3. Set working directory to your lab_2 folder
4. Set javascript file to dist/app.js
SENG365 Lab 2
Note: In our tsconfig.json we included “sourceMap”: true, this tells our compiler we want a
sourceMap to be generated, which maps our ts code to the js code in our dist folder. This is
required for debugging.
Once we have created our configuration we can start debugging
1. We can add breakpoints in our TS code by clicking to the right of the line number.
For this example place a breakpoint in app.ts on the line “await connect()”
2. With our Run/Debug configuration created above selected, click on the small bug
icon to the right of the play button.
3. Now we should see a debug toolbar open in the bottom of our window
Note: Importantly here we can see the variables tab, this is likely where you will do
the most of your debugging
Important debugging actions:
- Resume program (green play/pause icon on left) (F9):
This allows us to continue from a breakpoint.
- Step over (right angled arrow with underline on top) (F8):
This allows us to move over the current line of execution. For example if it called a
method to set a variable, we would not go into that method.
- Step into (down arrow with underline on top) (F7):
This is similar to step over, but in this case specificies that we should go into
SENG365 Lab 2
whatever execution is next (this should be used sparingly as you can quite quickly
end up in code that isn’t yours)
Lets try some debugging,
1. Hopefully you are still stopped at the await connect() line, if not restart your
2. Click the ‘step into’ button (or hotkey) and you should be taken to the db.ts file, with
the connect function highlighted
3. If we step through this function we will eventually be taken back to app.ts and the rest
of the code
This was a very simple introduction to how we can step through code as we debug, in
general we would often be paying more attention to the variables in our local scope (as
these are generally the ones we have defined) to understand what is causing an error.
3.3 Adding the Users functionality to the API
Now that our boilerplate code for the application is working, we can add some functionality to
the API. Like in last week’s lab, this exercise will run through the Users functionality and then
you will create the rest of the API on your own. This is the API specification for the Users
functionality from lab 2 (we have changed the URL’s slightly).
Note: This API is properly defined in an API specification file discussed in Section 5, feel free
to look ahead now if you want a deeper understanding of the functionality we are about to
URI Method Action
/api/users GET List all users
/api/users/:id GET List a single user
/api/users POST Add a new user
/api/users/:id PUT Edit an existing user
/api/users/:id DELETE Delete a user
3.3.1 Boilerplate code and structure
1. In our ‘express.ts’ config file, before we return the app variable, add a line that
imports a file called ‘user.server.routes.js’ from the ‘/app/routes’ directory. This file
will take in the ‘app’ variable as shown in the code below.
import express from "express";
import bodyParser from "body-parser"
SENG365 Lab 2
export default () => {
 const app = express();
 app.use( bodyParser.json() );
 return app;
2. Create the ‘users.server.routes.ts’ file in the routes directory. This file will import a
‘users’ controller and then define each of the relevant routes as outlined in the
specification. Each route calls a function in our controller. Another controller function
is used for retrieving a user from the ID that is specified in the URL.
import {Express} from "express";
import * as users from '../controllers/user.server.controller';
module.exports = ( app: Express ) => {
 app.route( '/api/users' )
 .get( users.list )
 .post( users.create );
 app.route( '/api/users/:id' )
 .get( )
 .put( users.update )
 .delete( users.remove );
3. Next we need to create the users controller, create a file in the controllers directory
called ‘user.server.controller.ts’ This file will import the ‘users’ model and contain the
five functions that are called by the routes file. For now, add them as functions that just
return null.
import * as users from '../models/user.server.model';
import Logger from "../../config/logger";
import {Request, Response} from "express";
const list = async (req:any, res:any) : Promise<any> => {
 return null;
const create = async (req:any, res:any) : Promise<any> => {
 return null;
const read = async (req:any, res:any) : Promise<any> => {
 return null;
const update = async (req:any, res:any) : Promise<any> => {
 return null;
const remove = async (req:any, res:any) : Promise<any> => {
 return null;
export { list, create, read, update, remove }
SENG365 Lab 2
4. Finally, we need to add our model code. In the models directory, create a file called
‘user.server.model.ts’. This file should import the database config file and contain the
following functions.
import { getPool } from "../../config/db";
import Logger from "../../config/logger";
import {ResultSetHeader} from "mysql2";
const getAll = async () : Promise<any> => {
 return null;
const getOne = async (id: number) : Promise<any> => {
 return null;
const insert = async (username: string) : Promise<any> => {
 return null;
const alter = async (id: number, username: string) : Promise<any>
=> {
 return null;
const remove = async (id: number) : Promise<any> => {
 return null;
export { getAll, getOne, insert, alter, remove }
3.3.2 Listing all users
Now we have the boilerplate code set up, we just need to fill in the functions that we have
left blank. First we will look at listing all users.
1. Within the user.server.model.ts file, update the getAll() function to get a database
connection and run an asynchronous query to select all from the users table.
Note: We specify a return type of Promise<User[]>, importantly this is a promise that
resolves to a list of User objects (which are defined below).
const getAll = async () : Promise<User[]> => {`Getting all users from the database`);
 const conn = await getPool().getConnection();
 const query = 'select * from lab2_users';
 const [ rows ] = await conn.query( query );
 return rows;
2. Now in the user.server.controller.ts file, update the list function. The list() function
calls the models ‘getAll()’ async function. This function simply waits for and returns the
result from the model function and handles a basic error flow.
const list = async (req: Request, res: Response) : Promise<void> =>
SENG365 Lab 2
 Logger.http(`GET all users`)
 try {
 const result = await users.getAll();
 res.status( 200 ).send( result );
 } catch( err ) {
 res.status( 500 )
 .send( `ERROR getting users ${ err }` );
3. In our getAll function we introduced a new type “User”, this is a custom type meaning
that we have to provide a definition for it. Create a new ts file at the root of your app
directory called ‘user_types.d.ts’ (note the name doesn’t matter but the suffix ‘.d.ts’ is
required. Finally, add the following type definition:
type User = {
 * User id as defined by the database
 user_id: number,
 * Users username as entered when created
 username: string
4. Now run your app for testing. Sending a GET request to /api/users should result in all
the users being returned. You can do this quickly by simply typing
localhost:300/api/users into your browser.
Note: Make sure you have some users in your database for testing before running this.
These can be easily added through the phpMyAdmin web portal, under the insert tab.
3.3.3 Getting a single user
1. In the user.server.model file, edit the ‘getOne()’ function so that it takes in the userId
as a parameter. Like the previous functions, run the query and return the results.
const getOne = async (id: number) : Promise<User[]> => {`Getting user ${id} from the database`);
 const conn = await getPool().getConnection();
 const query = 'select * from lab2_users where user_id = ?';
 const [ rows ] = await conn.query( query, [ id ] );
 return rows;
2. In the controller, edit the read function to retrieve the id from the url and call the
‘getOne’ function and return the result to the client. Notably here, we return a 404
status code if we do not find a match from the database.
const read = async (req: Request, res: Response) : Promise<void> =>
 Logger.http(`GET single user id: ${}`)
 const id =;
 try {
SENG365 Lab 2
 const result = await users.getOne( parseInt(id, 10) );
 if( result.length === 0 ){
 res.status( 404 ).send('User not found');
 } else {
 res.status( 200 ).send( result[0] );
 } catch( err ) {
 res.status( 500 ).send( `ERROR reading user ${id}: ${ err }`
3. Now run your app for testing. Sending a GET request to /api/users/1 should result in
one user being returned (make sure that the returned user matches what is expected).
You can do this quickly by simply typing localhost:300/api/users/1 into your browser.
Note: Make sure you have some users in your table for testing before running this, you
may also find there is no user with user_id=1, in that case pick a user_id from the get
all users response.
3.3.4 Creating new users
1. In the model file, edit the insert function so that it takes in the username as a parameter.
Query the database so that it inserts a new record into the users table.
const insert = async (username: string) : Promise<ResultSetHeader>
=> {`Adding user ${username} to the database`);
 const conn = await getPool().getConnection();
 const query = 'insert into lab2_users (username) values ( ? )';
 const [ result ] = await conn.query( query, [ username ] );
 return result;
2. Now create the controller function. This function gets the username from the POST
data and then input it to the models insert function. This function simply returns the
result to the user. If there is no username field present in the request body we will
return a HTTP 400 status code (Bad Request).
const create = async (req: Request, res: Response) : Promise<void>
=> {
 Logger.http(`POST create a user with username:
 if (! req.body.hasOwnProperty("username")){
 res.status(400).send("Please provide username field");
 const username = req.body.username;
 try {
 const result = await users.insert( username );
 res.status( 201 ).send({"user_id": result.insertId} );
 } catch( err ) {
 res.status( 500 ).send( `ERROR creating user ${username}: ${
err }` );
SENG365 Lab 2
3. Now run your app.js file for testing. This time we are working with a POST request and
can not easily do this through our browser like we can for GET. Instead you may want
to check out Section 4 where we discuss proper API testing with Postman.
3.3.5 Altering a user
1. Create the model function, using the previous tasks as a template.
2. Create the controller function, using the previous tasks as a template.
Note: Think about what should happen if we don’t find the user to alter, or what should
happen if the request doesn’t provide a username to change to.
3. Test using Postman (again looking ahead to section 4).
3.3.6 Deleting a user
1. Create the model function, using the previous tasks as a template.
2. Create the controller function, using the previous tasks as a template.
Note: Think about what should happen if we don’t find the user to delete.
3. Test using Postman (again looking ahead to section 4).
4 Testing APIs with Postman
4.1 What is Postman
Postman ( is an API testing suite that gives developers the ability
to easily and automatically test their API’s. Postman is pre-installed on the lab machines, or
can be downloaded for free (with a registration) if you are working on your own machine.
A suite of postman tests has been provided alongside this lab on Learn so that you can
have a play around with the functionality and test your API. This is important as going into
the assignment we will provide a much more in depth test suite you can use to verify your
API is working as expected (you can even add your own tests to this if you want more
4.2 Getting started with requests
4.2.1 Importing Postman requests collection
To start with postman we will load in the collection discussed above. This will allow us to
have a look at some of the different request types, and to test our application so far.
1. To import a collection, navigate to the ‘My Workspace’>’Collections’ tab on the left
side of the window
2. Here there should be a button ‘Import’, we can click this to open a window which will
allow us to drag and drop, or select a file. Use either option to load in the postman
collection file.
SENG365 Lab 2
3. Now that we have imported the collection we should be able to see the requests
within it.
4. Let’s run the request for our post user endpoint we implemented earlier.
Importantly on this screen we have:
a. The HTTP method, in this case a POST request
b. The url ‘localhost:3000/api/users’
c. Our request body (of raw JSON type) that contains our new user object
SENG365 Lab 2
5. Once we click send, if all of our code is correct we should get a HTTP response with
status code 201 Created and a json object containing our new users’ id.
6. Finally, feel free to have a look through the rest of the collection, and try out the other
requests for functionality such as updating and deleting a user.
4.2.2 Creating a new request
Postman allows for the creation of simple requests using all of the HTTP methods, where
you can specify headers, a request body, url parameters, and more. We will not discuss all
of these in this lab so feel free to read for more detail.
In the collection given we only check for ‘blue sky’ or expected flows, where everything
functions as expected. However, any good testing regime requires the testing of alternate
and erroneous flows as well. The HTTP protocol provides many different status codes, for
each end point a good start for more verbose testing is to create a test for each different
status code an endpoint could return. Of course in larger applications we may need to test
several flows that lead to the same status code being returned.
The API spec we are using is not overly verbose, however we can see some endpoints have
several different return types excluding the expected flow. A common one is 404 ‘Not
Found’, this is a status you have likely seen when browsing the web and finding a page that
no longer exists. In the case of an API we can use this to signal that the data requested was
not found. For example the GET user/:id endpoint should return a 404 if there is no user with
the id we supply.
To get a 404 we need to provide an id that does not exist in the database, an easy way to do
this is specify a very large number such as 999,999,999. Whilst theoretically we could have
a user with this id, within the scope of this lab we do not expect to populate 1 billion users.
1. Create a new request within the collection
2. Make sure the request type is GET
3. Add the url “localhost:3000/api/users/999999999”
4. Run the request and check that you get a 404 response
Another example is the POST user endpoint, which should return a 400 if the data we are
providing in the body is incorrect.
To get a 400 we have to provide an incorrect body, notably this means we must not have the
username field.
1. Create a new request within the collection
SENG365 Lab 2
2. Make sure the request type is POST
3. Add the url “localhost:3000/api/users”
4. Add a body of raw JSON type with the following value
5. Run the request and check that you get a 400 response
You may have noticed that many of our endpoints have code to return status code 500
‘Internal Server Error’ which we have no tests for. This is often a blanket status code for
errors that are not expected, such as errors occurring within the database. Due to this it is
hard to create proper tests for them, as any clear erroneous flow should return a specific and
related status code (such as the 4XX codes we discussed above).
4.3 Getting started with Postman tests
Now that we have learnt how to create requests, we can create proper tests where we check
what is being returned from our server automatically instead of doing so manually.
4.3.1 Running all tests in a collection
In the collection provided each request tests the endpoint as well, while these tests run when
we send individual requests, it is much more useful running all the requests (and by
extension, the tests) together. For some tests this is required as they are dependent on
earlier requests (such as deleting a user we previously created).
To run a collection right click on the collection, and select the options button (horizontal triple
dots on right hand side) and select the ‘Run’ or ‘Run Collection’ option. This should open a
new page where all the requests in the collection are listed and we can (de)select them and
change the ordering. Deselect any tests that are not for the users endpoint, otherwise
the collection will break when reaching conversations and messages endpoints as that we
have not yet implemented. However, do not change the order of tests as there are some
tests that rely on others to run before them. This page should have a blue ‘Run
<collection_name>’ button, click on this and check that the tests run (and pass) as expected.
Note: There are some small differences in how to reach the Collection Runner screen
depending on the Postman version. If for some reason your version does not match one of
the ways we discussed above, ask a tutor for help or look online.
The results screen (after the tests have run) should look like the image below.
SENG365 Lab 2
Note: Unless you have completed the rest of the lab (conversations and messages) you
should have 11 passing tests (only the user related tests).
4.3.2 Adding tests to our requests
We are going to extend the requests we made in the section above so that they can
automatically test the API and inform us if it is acting as expected. The tests we create in this
section will not be as advanced as those already in the collection (though we will discuss
some more advanced concepts), thus it is recommended that you look at these tests and
online resources such as to
gain a deeper understanding of how these tests can be used.
1. Within the GET user 404 request you created, navigate to the ‘test’ tab
2. Add the following code to the text area
pm.test("Status test", function () {; // tests status is 404
SENG365 Lab 2
3. Run your request again, and now you should see the option ‘Test Results’ in the
bottom pane with the ‘Status test’ passing.
4. A similar test can be added to our POST user 400 request, by simply changing the
expected response status.
pm.test("Status test", function () {; // tests status is 400
The tests we created above are very basic, and only check the status code of the response,
however Postman allows for much more verbose testing functionality. To see this in action
refer to the POST user request (provided to you in the collection). This request has 3
separate tests, one like those above checks for a specific status (in this case 201), another
checks that a json body is returned. The final test checking the body contains a non-empty
object with a user_id field of type number and then sets the global variable ‘test_id’ to this
value. If you look ahead to the GET, PATCH, and DELETE requests for users/:id you should
see this value being referenced in the url (surrounded by double curly braces, e.g.
‘localhost:3000/api/users/{{test_id}}’), this allows for these tests to reference the user we just
Note: This is a perfect example of why post requests should return at least the id of any
object created. In a real world application once we create something, if we don’t have a
reference to it we have no way to easily retrieve it from the API. (Some approaches like to
return the whole object as it has been created, so that a client can confirm everything is
correct themselves, and have the required data to display it without needing to send a GET
5 Implementing the rest of the API - Recommended
Like the last lab, this exercise is optional but recommended due to the large number of
concepts covered. Once you feel comfortable with the concepts you are ready to start
working on the assignment.
5.1 Using an API spec
Commonly when creating an API a concrete specification is created beforehand so
developers know all the endpoints that need to be implemented and what they should do.
These specifications are also important after the API has been made, as the consumer of
the API needs to understand how they can use each individual endpoint to achieve their
SENG365 Lab 2
We have created an API spec for this lab on Learn that details the functionality for the
remaining endpoints relating to conversations and messages.
1. The first step is to copy the contents of this file into the left side of the Swagger online
editor (other editors exist such as plugins for WebStorm,
however this lab will assume the use of the Swagger editor).
2. Now you should see the right side populated with content title “SENG365 Lab 2”
3. Here we can see each of the different API sections (known as tags): ‘users’,
‘conversations’, and ‘messages’.
4. Under each of these tags are the related HTTP requests (shown below)
5. Within each of these requests we can see more detailed information about the
expected parameters, headers, request body, and more.
SENG365 Lab 2
Here we see the ‘Get all users’ endpoint has no parameters and either returns a 200
‘OK’ with a list of User objects, or 500 ‘Internal Server Error’ if something goes
Note: You may want to have a look at the possible HTTP status codes to understand
what they represent
6. Explore the rest of the API spec before moving on to give more understanding of
what is required to complete the rest of the Chat App API. This should also give you
more experience understanding these specifications before moving onto the
7. For further reading about OpenAPI 3.0.0, the specification used for this lab and the
assignment, refer to
5.2 Completing the API
You now have all the skills required to implement the rest of the API to the specification we
introduced in Section 5.1. Doing so will provide you with great experience for starting the first
assignment. Simple Postman tests have been included so you can check that you are
completing the endpoints as expected.
That concludes the server-side labs. You should now have the knowledge you need to
complete the first assignment. In the next lab (next term), we begin to look at client