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Lab 3: Colorizing the Prokudin-Gorskii photo collection

CSE 468/568: Robot Algorithms
Lab 3: Colorizing the Prokudin-Gorskii photo
In this assignment, you will be implementing some basic image processing algorithms to detect
features to frame alignment. To simplify this portion, we will implement these algorithms in
OCTAVE. Octave is an open-source version of Matlab, and can faithfully run most Matlab
Octave Installation and Tutorials
In your virtualbox image, run the following two commands
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install octave octave-image
This should install Octave on your machine.
MATLAB novices can get started using the tutorial from here.
Octave novices can get started using the tutorial from here.
I would recommend you learn and understand the following:
• Programming basics in Matlab and some examples
• Matrices and arrays in Matlab
• Basic image processing methods in Matlab
• Specific commands to look up in addition to the tutorials above include normxcorr2, cat,
im2double, circshift

1We adapted this problem from Radhakrishna Dasari with permission, though originally designed by Aloysha
Efros at CMU
CSE 468/568 Robotics Algorithms 1
Here’s another tutorial (deck of slides) that should get you started quickly with this assignment.
Assignment Overview
Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944) was a photographer who, between the years
1909-1915, traveled the Russian empire and took thousands of photos of everything he saw. He
used an early color technology that involved recording three exposures of every scene onto a
glass plate using a red, green, and blue filter. Back then, there was no way to print such photos,
and they had to be displayed using a special projector. Prokudin-Gorskii left Russia in 1918,
following the Russian revolution. His glass plate negatives survived and were purchased by the
Library of Congress in 1948. Today, a digitized version of the Prokudin-Gorskii collection is
available on- line at
The goal of this assignment is to learn to work with images in Matlab/Octave by taking the
digitized Prokudin-Gorskii glass plate images and automatically producing a color image with
as few visual artifacts as possible. In order to do this, you will need to extract the three color
channel images, place them on top of each other, and align them so that they form a single RGB
color image. The assignment file (lab3.tar.gz) contains six images (img*.jpg) that you should
run your algorithm on.
Your program should take a glass plate image as input and produce a single color image as
output. The program should divide the image into three equal parts and align the second and
the third parts (G and R) to the first (B). For each image, you will also need to print the (x,y)
displacement vector that was used to align the parts. Detailed description is below. Example
images are shown in Figure below.
Figure 1: Sample image given to you as three separate images, one each for each color channel
(left); Unaligned color image (center); Aligned color image (right)
Simple Color Images
There should be six images (image*.jpg) in lab3.tar.gz. Each image is a concatenation of three
separate glass plate images, one each for each color channel (R, G and B). Your first task is
to take each of the six images, align the three plate images as three color channel images and
save the resultant color image. These images will look blurred as they are not aligned correctly.
CSE 468/568 Robotics Algorithms 2
This is ok. Save all six images with the names image*-color.jpg i.e., save image1.jpg as
image1-color.jpg and so on.
Create a file main.m that iterates through each image, creates a color image and can write the
color image into a file.
Aligning Images
As described above, just overlaying the individual channel images creates blurred images. In
this step, we will find the correct alignment. The easiest way to align the parts is to exhaustively
search over a window of possible displacements (say [-15,15] pixels), score each one using some
image matching metric, and take the displacement with the best score. There is a number of
possible metrics that one could use to score how well the images match. The simplest one is
just the L2 norm also known as the Sum of Squared Differences (SSD) distance which is simply
)). Another is normalized cross-correlation (NCC), which is simply
a dot product between two normalized vectors: (image1./|image1| and image2./|image2|). See
the Matlab/Octave function normxcorr2.
Write two methods - im_align1.m and im_align2.m. im_align1.m should find the alignment
using SSD described above. im_align2.m should find the alignment using the normalized crosscorrelation. You should call both of them from the main file (main.m) and print out the calculated
alignments. Finally, you should create a color image for each of the alignments and write them
as files. Name the SSD aligned image as image*-ssd.jpg and name the NCC-aligned image as
Some tips:
• Note that the filter order from top to bottom is BGR, not RGB!
• Your task is to align the second and third channels (G and R) with the B channel
• Depending on how you shift the images, the border pixels will mess with the SSD calculation, giving false optima. Test different methods for shifting and/or drop the border pixels
in the SSD calculation.
Extra Credit
A third way to perform alignment is to perform feature detection and align the images based on
the best fit of features. For this task, you will use corners as the feature detector. Create a file
harris.m that takes an image, computes the cornerness function on an image, and chooses the
top 200 features in the given image.
Create another file called im_align3.m that runs the RANSAC algorithm. The algorithm randomly picks a feature in image 1 (lets say the B channel image) and assumes it aligns with a
random feature in image 2 (lets say, the G channel image). Calculate the pixel shift for this
alignment. Then apply the same pixel shift to every feature in image 1, and search for a corresponding feature in image 2 within a threshold (a small window). If you find a feature within
that window, you can count that as an inlier; else you it is not. Run this several times, and pick
the best alignment (highest number of outliers). Output this alignment, along with an aligned
color image. Label the color image image*-corner.jpg.
Performing alignment with features will be worth an additional 5% of the course grade i.e., you
could earn as much as 15% for lab3.
CSE 468/568 Robotics Algorithms 3
Finally, you’ll need to write up a report (as a word document). You should briefly describe your
method for alignment for the two (three with extra credit) parts. After this, please mention the
alignment shift that you calculated. This report should be labeled lab3.docx.
You will submit the following files
image1-color.jpg, image2-color.jpg, image3-color.jpg,
image4-color.jpg, image5-color.jpg, image6-color.jpg
image1-ssd.jpg, image2-ssd.jpg, image3-ssd.jpg,
image4-ssd.jpg, image5-ssd.jpg, image6-ssd.jpg
image1-ncc.jpg, image2-ncc.jpg, image3-ncc.jpg,
image4-ncc.jpg, image5-ncc.jpg, image6-ncc.jpg
lab3.docx .
Submit all the files as lab3.tar.gz using the submit scripts as before. We will likely test on
other images as well.

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