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Lab 3: Counters

EE2230 Logic Design Lab 1

Lab 3: Counters
ü Review synchronous sequential circuits.
ü Review counter logics.
ü Fundamentals of logic gates.
ü Clocking concepts
ü Logic modeling in Verilog HDL.
1 Consider a 4-bit synchronous binary up counter.
1.1 Draw the logic diagram
1.2 Construct Verilog RTL representation for the logics with verification.
1 Frequency Divider: Construct a 27-bit synchronous binary counter. Use the MSB of the
counter, we can get a frequency divider which provides a 1/227 frequency output (fout) of the
original clock (fcrystal, 100MHz). Construct a frequency divider of this kind.
1.1 Write the specification of the frequency divider.
1.2 Draw the block diagram of the frequency divider.
1.3 Implement the frequency divider with the following parameters.
I/O fcrystal fout
Site W5 U16
2 Frequency Divider: Use a count-for-50M counter and some glue logics to construct a 1 Hz
clock frequency. Construct a frequency divider of this kind.
2.1 Write the specification of the frequency divider.
2.2 Draw the block diagram of the frequency divider.
2.3 Implement the frequency divider with the following parameters.
I/O fcrystal fout
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3 Construct a 4-bit synchronous binary up counter (b3b2b1b0) with the 1-Hz clock frequency
from exp2 and use 4 LEDs for display.
I/O fcrystal b3 b2 b1 b0
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4 Construct a single digit BCD up counter with the divided clock as the clock frequency and
display on the seven-segment display.

4.1 Construct a BCD up counter.
4.2 Construct a BCD-to-seven-segment display decoder.
4.3 Combine the above two together.
5 (Bonus) Construct a 30 seconds count down timer (stop at 00).

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