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Lab 3, CSC/CPE 203

Lab 3, CSC/CPE 203
interacting classes

(Group of 2)
For this lab you will implement a program that simulates a community of people playing the
lottery over a period of time. It plots out their (pocket) cash over 80 years of behavior given a
rough model of the lottery.
Some background: Lotteries were introduced by states as a way to raise money for education.
Although, they seem like a good idea, in many ways, they can be very unfair.1 We will explore
and demonstrate that the Georgia model for lottery winnings unfairly redistributes money from
lower income community member to wealthier community members. For the purpose of this
assignment, people are designated as WELL_PAID or POORLY_PAID, although income
inequities are a complex and important topic, we are using a simple labeling and focus on the
computation necessary to simulate lottery playing and show whether the lottery acts as a
regressive tax2.
• Understand the provided base code which represents a group of community members
who are in turn represented in the code as “players”, which come from one of two
• The code plots out data related to each player’s (pocket) money in Processing over a
period of 80 years. Each point in the plot is one year’s money starting at a baseline
around $100.
• Write code to simulate some members of the community playing the lottery, including
o implementing various classes that interact with one another.
• We will build on this in the future to introduce an important concept in OO, namely
interfaces, but for now, follow the instructions and code structure to practice writing code
related to interacting classes.
• Write code that operates on a collection of data in order to compute very simple statistics
about that data
Given Files
Retrieve and unzip the files provided for this lab on Canvas. For more information you
can check the following links:,
The given files include base code to help in plotting out the data for each member of the
community, specifically a model of their (pocket) money over time. You will add to this code to
simulate the impact of playing the lottery on this (pocket) money.
We will run this lab in IntelliJ because it uses Processing (this is the jar file we are using for the
project. It displays our visuals in another window which cannot be opened remotely on the
To set up the project, click on IntelliJ and select new project.
1. Navigate to the downloaded folder and click on the Lab3Files folder and click ‘open.’
Copy the given java files to src folder as sources root.
2. In the top bar, select File -> Project Structure -> Project Settings -> modules ->
a. Click on +
b. Select Jars or ….
c. Go to the directory that you have processing jar file
3. From Run -> Edit Configuration -> click + -> Application -> Main class
4. DrawLottery class will appear (because it has main method).
5. Now the green play button should appear and you should be ready to run the program.
You must add to the base code to simulate the playing of the lottery. To start, run the code to
make sure you can generate a plot similar to that shown below.
This plot is fairly boring as nothing happens each year. However, take the time to make sure you
understand what it is happening in the code so far. Note that the community is divided into two
kinds of players designated by PlayerKind, which are WELL_PAID and POORLY_PAID.
These two populations start with a small difference in pocket money, namely, well paid members
of the population start with 100.1 - 101, while those who are poorly paid start with 99.0- 99.9
dollars. The plot of these two populations’ funds is drawn either as more reddish for
WELL_PAID or more blue colored for those who are POORLY_PAID. Be sure to read to see where this difference in the kind of people/players in the
community are represented.
You will need to add several elements to simulate playing the lottery. I suggest you work
through the following steps.
1) Fill in the method in called addPocketChange. This
method is meant to be executed every year (and there is already code in the
simulateYears method which calls addPocketChange, so you just need to fill it
in first to see a difference). For each player, if the kind of player is WELL_PAID, add
0.1f each year and for POORLY_PAID add 0.03f.
Note: you will actually have to type the letter ‘f’ after the number as written above to
have the number be recognized as a float instead of a double.
Test to make sure you get something like this:
Go to next page for next step.
2) Next start by writing several methods to simulate the lottery.
a. First edit the Player class to add necessary data to represent the player’s choice
for 5 numbers that they will “play” the lottery with. Also write a method
playRandom()that generates and stores the 5 unique random numbers
between 1 and 42. This will be the players “lotto numbers”. Be sure each number
is unique (i.e. there are no repeats). You do get freedom to decide how to store
and represent those five numbers, but I recommend looking into HashSet in the
javadocs as an option. Also, look up Random in javadocs to see how to generate
random numbers in a range. There are some math tricks to manipulate the range
to be between the numbers you want using the functions available to you.
(Consider ways to test this method by calling it and printing out the results). Each
time the players plays the lottery they should regenerate 5 new, unique random
numbers as their lottery ticket numbers.
b. Next, create a class that will represent any data necessary to play
the lottery. This class should include data to represent the “winning lottery
numbers” and a method called winningLotNumber() that generates and
stores 5 unique random numbers between 1 and 42. This will be the lottery
game’s winning “lotto numbers”. Be sure each number is unique (i.e. there are no
repeats). (Consider ways to test this method by calling it and printing out the
results). Each time a player plays the lottery will pick new winning numbers.
c. Write a method in to compute how many numbers “match” (are the
same) between two lists of numbers (i.e. the players and the lottery game). This
method should return an integer value that represents how many numbers are the
same in two lists of numbers (regardless of order). Test this method with two
lists for which you know the number of matches and make sure it works as
d. Next write a method, in to compute the monetary result of playing.
Using the number of matches between a player’s selected numbers and the
winning lottery numbers, compute the value of that turn’s winnings (which could
be negative). It always costs one dollar to play the lottery, so start with the
“winnings” being -1, however if the player
i. matches 2 numbers (to the winning lottery number) the “winnings” is one
dollar, $1
ii. matches 3 numbers (to the winning lottery number) the “winnings” is
iii. matches 4 numbers (to the winning lottery number) the “winnings” is
iv. matches 5 numbers (to the winning lottery number) the “winnings” is
To prepare for writing the code to simulate a portion of the community playing
the lottery, fill in the helper method in called
reDoWhoPlays(), which also relies on another method you must write called
randomUniqIndx(). The purpose of these methods is to simulate who in the
community will play the lottery each year. The list of who will play the lottery
should be represented by a list of integers that are an index into the list of players.
Recall that the list of players is divided into two kinds of players, with those who
are POORLY_PAID (PP) in the first half of the list (i.e. indices 0-14 for a
community of 30) and those who are WELL_PAID (WP) in the second half of
the list (i.e. indices of 15-29 for a community of 30 people). For any population,
we will simulate that 60% of those who are POORLY_PAID will play the lottery,
while 40% of those who are WELL_PAID will play the lottery, (this is a very
rough model taken from information about gambling, see source - You should end up with
a list of unique indices (i.e, no one plays the lottery twice in one year) that is half
the size of the entire population (convince yourself of this and think carefully
about how to generate this list and test via printing it to make sure your indices
are from the correct segment of the list of players). For example, for a
community of 30 players, 15 are PP, thus there should be 9 indices in the
range 0-14, and 6 indices in the range 15-29.
e. Now, fill in the method simulateYears method in
to use the prior methods you have written to simulate a portion of the population
playing the lottery every year, given the following constraints. Note that you are
free to add data or getters or setters to the existing classes if you need to get
or set necessary data to make the simulation work.
-Every year a new random group of the community will play the lottery
(following the rules spelled out above).
-For every player who plays, add any cost or earnings from them playing the
lottery to their money.
-In addition, to simulate that lottery winnings are redistributed to the community,
we will model the re-distribution of the winnings as a merit-based scholarship (as
is done in Georgia), which unfairly distributes the money more often to those who
are WELL_PAID. Specifically, if the player lost the lottery, that ‘income' to the
lottery game, should be redistributed to someone in the community (as a
`scholarship’), with a 70% chance of that person being WELL_PAID and 30%
chance of that person being POORLY_PAID. (This is roughly based on the way
Georgia’s scholarships are distributed because they are merit based and those who
are WP are more likely to be able to attend schools that have more resources, etc.)
First determine from which population the recipient will be from (using the above
rule) and then randomly choose a recipient (with a random index value in the
correct range) to receive those funds (i.e. a positive $1).
-Make sure that every year after all simulations, you update each players’s
moneyOverTime by adding their end of year money to the array. Again, add any
data or helper methods you need to accomplish this simulation. When you run
your code it should look something like these examples (it will not be an exact
match due to our use of random numbers):
Finally, each year compute the amount of the wealthiest person (in pocket money)
and the amount of the least wealthy person (in pocket money) and print this out
each year, something like (values will vary due to using random numbers):

After year 0:
The person with the most money has: 102.940636
The person with the least money has: 98.03151
After year 1:
The person with the most money has: 104.584656
The person with the least money has: 97.03151
After year 79:
The person with the most money has: 290.44998
The person with the least money has: 71.38735
This lab is to be demoed in the lab and submitted in Canvas by 10:00PM of due date.
1) Add.1 and .03 5 Points
2) 5 unique random player 5
3) Class Game 5
4) Methods in class Game:
a. winningLotNumber 5
b. match the same 5
c. same number between 2 list 5
d. monetary results 10
5) Methods in class comunityLSim
a. randomUniqIndx 10
b. reDoWhoPlays 10
6) report Output 5
7) report Plot 10
8) Submission 30

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