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Lab 3: Designing Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)

Lab 3-CECS 341 
Lab 3: Designing Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)

The objective of this lab is to design an Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) using VHDL. In particular,
in this lab the ALU should be defined using the behavioral model. The ALU component is
illustrated in Figure 1, and the specification for the instructions to implement are included in
Table 1.
4 ALUCntl
B 32
Figure 1: ALU Unit to be developed in this Lab project
Table 1: ALU control Lines and corresponding ALU Operations
ALUCntl Function
0000 And
0001 Or
0011 Xor
0010 Add
0110 Subtract
1100 Nor
Lab 3-CECS 341 Summer 2021
Lab Design
Write a VHDL code to design the ALU component which performs the operations given in Table
1 for the given ALU control signals and two 32-bit inputs A and B. The result of the operation
appears on 32-bit output port ALUout. The ALU also computes three flag bits Zero, Carryout, and
Testing the Design
• Calculate the ALUout, Zero, Overflow, and Carryout values for the given inputs in Table 2.
• Write a test-bench to test your design for the given inputs of A, B, Carryin, and ALUCntl in
Table 2 and compare the results with your calculated values.
Lab Report
Your report should include the following sections:
• Lab objective and your approach in designing the ALU unit
• Calculations of Table 2
• Conclusion
Lab 3-CECS 341 Summer 2021
Table 2: Test Vectors for testing the design
# Ahex Bhex Carryin ALUCntl ALUouthex Zero Overflow Carryout
1 FFFFFFFF 00000000 - 0000
2 98989898 89898989 - 0001
3 01010101 10101010 - 0011
4 00000001 FFFFFFFF 0 0010
5 6389754F AD5624E6 0 0010
6 00000001 FFFFFFFF 1 0010
7 6389754F AD5624E6 1 0010
9 00000000 00000001 - 0110
10 F9684783 F998D562 - 0110
12 89BCDE34 C53BD687 1 0010
Lab Deliverables
Once completed, submit a ZIPPED file with the following syntax Lab3_ALU_Group
through BeachBoard. The submitted file should contain the following components:
a. The full project folder.
b. alu.vhd (behavioral VHDL model of ALU-unit).
c. Your testbench to simulate for the given values in Table 2.
d. Your simulation waveform.
e. Your lab report including your approach in developing the ALU and the completed
Table 2.
In addition, the lab results should be demonstrated in the class. The submission due date is on
August 3
rd (08/03/2021), 11:59 PM.

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