CS310: Lab 3
The Graph
1 Overview
The Graph Abstract Data Type (ADT) introduces a method for modeling
the relationship between a set of vertices and the edges connecting them. It
builds upon the idea introduced with the liked list where we store dynamic
links to the the actual data in memory. No longer bound to simply one
connection, however, the dynamic nature of the connections introduces the
possibility of wildly diverse shapes. Any vertex in a graph may connect to
paths that circle back upon itself.
In this programming assignment, students shall build an application
which constructs a weighted, directed graph from a single CSV file. Students
must build both the driver application, responsible for loading the data and
displaying information about the graph, as well as the weighted-directed
graph itself.
CS 310: Lab 3 Fall 2019
2 Requirements
This assignment incorporates several abstractions, and it necessitates several
ADTs covered throughout the semester. Students must implement the graph
and application identified in this assignment directly from scratch. Students
need not implement underlying data structures, like the list, vector, map,
or queue, however, and they may instead use the versions provided in the
standard library 1
Using the path to the input file specified as the command line argument,
the application shall construct a weighted, directed graph. It shall extract
the vertex and edge information from the comma-delineated input file as
defined in section 2.2.1. With the graph constructed in the program’s memory, the program shall then print several characteristics about the graph as
defined below:
• The total number of vertices in the graph.
• List any vertices with exactly zero inbound edges.
• List any vertices with self edges.
• List any vertices with exactly zero outbound edges.
• List the edge with the heaviest weight.
2.1 Graph ADT
Students must design their individual weighted, directed graphs such that
they support each of the following functions/methods:
1Or the Java Collections Framework.
2 Version 1.1
CS 310: Lab 3 Fall 2019
Signature Description
boolean addEdge(String
source, String dest, int
Creates a one-way connection from the source vertex
to the destination vertex with
the parameter cost. Returns
false and does not change
the graph if either vertex specified does not yet exist in the
boolean removeEdges(String
source, String destination)
Deletes all edges from the
source node to the destination
node regardless of cost. Returns false if either vertex
name is invalid.
void addVertex(String name) Inserts a vertex in the graph.
If the vertex already exists in
the graph, this method does
boolean removeVertex(String
Deletes the vertex, and all references to it, from the graph.
It returns false if the vertex
name does not appear in the
boolean contains(String name) Returns true if the specified
vertex appears in the graph.
boolean contains(String
source, String dest)
Returns true if the specified
edge between the two vertex
names exists in the graph.
Furthermore, no details specific to this assignment shall appear in the
graph. That is, the graph should not process comma separated files or touch
the file system. The graph itself shall not write to the terminal screen or
System.out. The linked-lists and maps you use in the C++ standard library
or Java Collections Framework do not send output to the screen, and neither
should your data structure. All screen output shall appear in the driver.
Students may build their graphs using node objects, as discussed in lecture, or through a series of Maps/Dictionaries. The implementation specifics
remain up the the individual developer, but each solution must support the
required functionality.
3 Version 1.1
CS 310: Lab 3 Fall 2019
2.2 Coding Style
Software quality strengthens program security, reliability, and maintainability. In general, all submitted software must:
• Adhere to a consistent naming convention and follow best practices
for variable naming.
• Use private, or protected, internal methods to help clean the code.
• Remain free of commented out blocks of code.
• Use consistent formatting.
• The maximum column width is 80 characters.
The graders may elect to subtract points as they deem necessary for
coding style and naming convention violations.
2.2.1 Input File Format
Each line in the file serves as either a single vertex entry (introducing a
vertex) or a connection entry (identifying a link between two vertex points).
Vertex entries contain only one string value indicating the name to associate
with the vertex. The label is case-sensitive and may contain spaces and
special characters. The comma shall not appear in a label name. Connection
entries contain three values: The string name of the source vertex, the string
name of the destination vertex, and the integer movement cost to traverse
the edge. The program shall ignore lines failing to meet either of these
The newline character denotes the end of an entry, so only one vertex or
connection appears on any given line. This behavior differs from standard
CSV. Vertex names need not appear before being introduced in a connection.
Thus, a single entry may lead to the creation of two new vertices and one
edge between them.
3 Delivery
At the start of class on the due date, students shall submit a legible, physical
ASCII printout of their source code. Do not submit screen-shots of source
code or the development environment. Do not copy the source into a wordprocessor. Simply print the source file, which is ASCII, directly. The 80
4 Version 1.1
CS 310: Lab 3 Fall 2019
Basic,Tapu Koko,0
Stage 1
Basic,Stage 1,1
Stage 1,Muk,0
Stage 1,Charmeleon,0
Stage 2
Stage 1,Stage 2,1
Stage 2,Charizard,0
Figure 1: An example of an arbitrary input file meeting the format.
character line limit in defined in the coding standard ensures that the source
file prints as it appears on screen.
Additionally, students shall supply sample output after executing the
program using the instructor supplied file: Vietnam.csv. On a Unix-based
environment, one may redirect the program’s output to a file using the
output redirection operator. For example, one might save the output of
the ls command in a new file called curContents.txt with the following
healey@edoras:~$ ls curContents.txt
4 Grading
In general, all submissions must meet every requirement in this specification.
Requirement Points
Coding Style 5
Driver Application 10
Weighted Directed Graph 35
5 Version 1.1