ECES 352
Lab #4: AM&FM Signals
Pre-Lab: You should read the Pre-Lab section of the lab and go over all exercises in this
section before going to your assigned lab session.
Verification: The Warm-up section of each lab must be completed during your assigned
Lab time, and the steps marked Instructor Verification must also be signed off during the
lab time. The laboratory instructor must verify the appropriate steps by signing on the
Instructor Verification line. When you have completed a step that requires verification,
simply raise your hand and demonstrate the step to the instructor. Turn in the completed
verification sheet to your instructor when you leave the lab.
Lab Report: It is only necessary to turn in Section 4 as this week’s lab report.. You are
asked to label the axes of your plots and include a title for every plot. In order to keep track
of plots, include your plot inlined within your report.
Forgeries and plagiarism are a violation of the honor code and will be referred to the Dean
of Students for disciplinary action. You are allowed to discuss lab exercises with other
students and you are allowed to consult old lab reports but the submitted work should be
original and it should be your own work. In particular, any MATLAB code that you submit
should be your own, the words in your report should be your own, and any plots that you
submit should be your own.
Due Date: The Verification part is due today, and the lab report is due on February 4th at
the start of your lab.
See FM-synthesis on the CD-ROM
The instructor verification sheet may be found at the end of this lab. The “Beat Control GUI” is part of
the DSP First toolbox (remind me to put it on BBVista if you still didn’t buy the book).