Starting from:


LAB 4 Arithmetic Operators

Compter Architecture
CECS 440
In Part 1 and 2 we are going to review some aspect of Verilog language. In part 3 we will talk about
the ALU which we ask you to design.
1 Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are used to create arithmetic functions. Verilog provides the following arithmetic
The arithmetic operators in Verilog are defined for numeric types (integer and real).
Code 1: 32-bit Full Adder
1 ‘timescale 1ns / 1ps
2 // Module definition
3 module FA32 (Sum , Cout , A, B, Cin );
4 // Define I/O signals
5 output reg [ 31 : 0 ] Sum;
6 output reg Cout ;
7 input [ 31 : 0 ] A;
8 input [ 31 : 0 ] B;
9 input Cin;
10 // Describe FA behaviour
11 always @(A, B, Cin)
12 {Cout , Sum} = A + B + Cin;
13 endmodule // 32 - bit FA
2 Concurrent Vs Sequential
Contrary to regular computer programs which are sequential, Verilog statements are inherently concurrent (unless they are inside a sequential block as discussed later). Concurrent means that the operations
described in each line take place in parallel. The commonly used concurrent constructs are gate instantiation and the continuous assignment statement. Concurrent statements are evaluated independently
of the order in which they appear. Concurrent statements include the followings:
• Wire assignments
• Component instantiations
• Generate statements
• Always statements
• Procedure and function calls
Sequential statements differ from concurrent statements in that they are executed in the order they are
written. Sequential statements always appear within a always@ block statement or within a function or
procedure. The term Sequential in Verilog refers to the fact that the statements execute in order, rather
than to the type of logic generated.
• All sequential Verilog statements must be inside a procedural block.
• Sequential statements are placed inside a begin/end block and executed in sequential order within
the block. However, the blocks themselves are executed concurrently.
• Verilog statements outside any always@ block are interpreted as concurrent statements and different procedural blocks execute concurrently.
The commonly used sequential constructs are:
• Initial and always procedural blocks: initial blocks start execution at time zero and execute only
once. always@ blocks loop to execute over and over again, and as the name suggests, they execute
• if, case structures, for and while loops: they always appear inside an always@ block. Note that
multiple assignment of values is allowed inside a procedural block.
2.1 always@ Blocks
A always@ block is a sequential section of a Verilog code which is followed by a set of paranthesis, a
begin, some code, and an end. Its syntax is shown below.
The sensitivity list specifies which signals should trigger the elements inside the always@ block
to be updated. The elements describe elements that should be set when the sensitivity list is satisfied.
When the sensitivity list is satisfied, the elements inside the always@ block are set/updated. They are
not otherwise. In the multiplexer example, the always@ block will run whenever there is a change in
select or d.
Following is an example of a 4 to 1 Mux code which includes sequential statements (case) in an
always@ block statement:
Code 2: 4-to-1 Multiplexer with case statement
1 ‘timescale 1ns / 1ps
2 // Module definition
3 module mux41 ( S, D, Y );
4 // Define I/O signals
5 input [ 1 : 0 ] S;
6 input [ 3 : 0 ] D;
7 output Y;
9 reg Y;
10 wire [ 1 : 0 ] S;
11 wire [ 3 : 0 ] D;
12 // Describe 4to1 Mux behaviour
13 always @( S or D )
14 begin
15 case ( S )
16 0 : Y = D[ 0 ] ;
17 1 : Y = D[ 1 ] ;
18 2 : Y = D[ 2 ] ;
19 3 : Y = D[ 3 ] ;
20 endcase
21 end
22 endmodule // 4to1 MUx
2.2 Wires and Regs
wire elements are simple wires (or busses of arbitrary width) in Verilog designs. The following are
syntax rules when using wires: Wire elements:
• Are used to connect input and output ports of a module instantiation together with some other
element in your design.
• Are used as inputs and outputs within an actual module declaration.
• Must be driven by something, and cannot store a value without being driven.
• Cannot be used as the left-hand side of an = or <= sign in an always@ block.
• Are the only legal type on the left-hand side of an assign statement.
• Are a stateless way of connecting two pieces in a Verilog-based design.
• Can only be used to model combinational logic.
reg elements are similar to wires, but can be used to store information (‘state’) like registers. The
following are syntax rules when using reg elements. reg elements:
• Can be connected to the input port of a module instantiation.
• Cannot be connected to the output port of a module instantiation.
• Can be used as outputs within an actual module declaration.
• Cannot be used as inputs within an actual module declaration.
• Are the only legal type on the left-hand side of an always@ block = or <= sign.
• Are the only legal type on the left-hand side of an initial block = sign (used in Test Benches).
• Cannot be used on the left-hand side of an assign statement.
• Can be used to create registers when used in conjunction with always@(posedge Clock) blocks.
• Can, therefore, be used to create both combinational and sequential logic.
2.3 When wire and reg Elements are Interchangable
wire and reg elements can be used interchangably in certain situations:
• Both can appear on the right-hand side of assign statements and always@ block = or <= signs.
• Both can be connected to the input ports of module instantiations.
3 Design a 32-bit ALU
The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is the brain of the computer, the device that performs the arithmetic
operations like addition and subtraction or bitwise operations like AND and OR. In this section, we
want to design a 32-bit ALU. Below you see the block diagram.
The ALU receives two 32-bits inputs (a and b) and produces one 32-bits output (Result). The ALU
based on the 4-bits Control Code decides which operation should be executed. Below you can see the
value of the ALU control lines and the corresponding ALU operations.
ALU control lines Function
0000 AND
0001 OR
0010 add
0110 subtract
0111 Set less than
1100 NOR
1111 Equal comparison
The Set Less Than operation tests the two inputs (a and b). If a is less than b then the Result would
be 1, otherwise 0.
The Equal Comparison operation tests the two inputs (a and b). If a is equal to b then the Result
would be 1, otherwise 0.
The Zero output is 1 when all of the 32 bits of the results are 0.
The Overflow output is 1 when there is an overflow in Add or Subtract operations (for other operations
overflow is always 0).
The Carry Out output is set (Only in ADD operation) when you have carry out on Left-most bit
SLT, ADD, and SUB operations need to be implemented as signed operations.
Use this sample code for your Module (Entity) definition.
Code 3: ALU module definition
1 ‘timescale 1ns / 1ps
2 // Module definition
3 module alu_32 (A_in , B_in , ALU_Sel , ALU_Out , Carry_Out , Zero , Overflow );
4 // Define I/O ports
7 // Describe ALU behaviour
10 endmodule // 32 - bit ALU
Write a testbench for your design and run the tests below.
test1 (Run for 20ns):
tb din a= 32’h086a0c31 , tb din b= 32’hd785f148, tb alu sel = ”4’b0000”
test2 (Run for 20ns):
tb din a= 32’h086a0c31 , tb din b= 32’h10073fd4, tb alu sel = ”4’b0001”
test3 (Run for 20ns):
tb din a= 32’h086a0c31 , tb din b= 32’h90073fd4, tb alu sel = ”4’b0010”
test4 (Run for 20ns):
tb din a= 32’h086a0c31 , tb din b= 32’h90073fd4, tb alu sel = ”4’b0110”
test5 (Run for 20ns):
tb din a= 32’h086a0c31 , tb din b= 32’h90073fd4, tb alu sel = ”4’b0111”
test6 (Run for 20ns):
tb din a= 32’h086a0c31 , tb din b= 32’h90073fd4, tb alu sel = ”4’b1100”
test7 (Run for 20ns):
tb din a= 32’h086a0c31 , tb din b= 32’h086a0c31, tb alu sel = ”4’b1111”
test8 (Run for 20ns):
tb din a= 32’h086a0c31 , tb din b= 32’h10073fd4, tb alu sel = ”4’b1111”
Check the outputs (Result, Carry Out, Zero, Overflow) to see if they are correct. Put a screenshot of
the wave in your report.
4 Assignment Deliverables
Your submission should include the following:
• Block designs and testbenches. (ALU.v, tb ALU.v)
• A report in pdf format. Your report should have all details for your design + screenshot of the
wave. Each report should includes group members.
Note1: Your work will be evaluated based on your report and correct functionality of your code.
Allocate your time and your effort for both.
Note2: Compress all files (3 files : 2 .v files + report) into zip and upload to the Beachborad before
deadline. One submission per group.
Note3: Use the code samples that are given in the lab description. The Entity (module definition)
part of your code should exactly look like the code sample otherwise you lose points.

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